60 Reviews liked by Softpidgeon

I will never "get" the "shoot to the tact" gameplay. It's incredibly hard to pull off for me and it feels like it adds nothing to the gun- or gameplay.
Good thing this game gives you various difficulty settings and assists to enjoy it simply for the music and carnage. The music is great and the game is fun for a short while. It feels like a very light version of Doom Eternal with similar movement options.

But damn, this game is repetitive. While the levels all come with their own visual style, they still feel very samey. There are basically just arenas where you fight against several hordes of enemies before a door opens and you can advance through a corridor to the next arena. Sometimes there are enemies scattered around these corridors.

The enemy variety is also not great. You fight the same demons over and over again and even the boss fights - except the last one - are just variations of the same monster with different attack patterns. The boss fights are tedious with tons of health for the bosses and more waves of enemies between phases. The final boss fight is a huge clusterfuck of different phases and attacks that can kill you way too fast. And then you can't even retry the boss after a Game Over but you have to replay the whole damn stage.

All in all this worked for me quite well as a "playable Metal album". But the game itself leaves much to be desired.

ROCK PORRA, melhor soundtrack do ano, jogo divertido demais uma pena eu ser ruim em jogo de ritmo mas mesmo assim gostei demais.

Aprimorou absolutamente tudo que o anterior fez de bom e trouxe coisas melhores. Mais personagens, mais profundidade, um desenvolvimento inacreditavel pro Kratos e uma jornada impecável e marcante. Fazia tempo que nao sentia algo tao profundo com um jogo, um misto de varios sentimentos. Melhor jogo da minha vida.

Masterpiece of a game from beginning to end. Improves on GOW2018 in every possible way. GOTY2022

Não tem muito mais o que falar além do que já foi dito pelos milhares de reviews a fora, mas vou ponderar o que achei mais importante:
Eu não sou fã do God Of War de 2018, acho a história simples demais e o combate cru, pontos que sem sombra de dúvidas foram melhorados nessa sequência. O combate possui muito mais variedade, nos apresentando surpresas ao longo da jogatina e com um sistema de progressão bem decente. Já a história, embora ainda não seja a coisa mais brilhante e coesa do mundo (contando com algumas conveniências de roteiro) é bem mais dinâmica e grandiosa; porém, sobre a narrativa, que é tão elogiada, eu devo deixar a crítica que o vai e vem de "reuniões" na casa do Sindri me incomoda, acaba soando falta de criatividade dos roteiristas na hora de conectar momentos importantes do plot.
Além disso, algumas missões principais são bem mais divertidas do que outras, e aqui eu já deixo minha maior crítica a GoW Ragnarok: a falta de liberdade geral do jogo. Parece uma tendência dessa nova leva de jogos narrativos da Sony, mas a falta de liberdade na história e especialmente na gameplay é extremamente irritante. Você não pode subir e descer como quer de um local, tem que ser no ponto específico que o jogo pré definiu. Assim como tu não pode descer onde quer do barco, escalar como quiser entre outras coisas. Veja bem, não estou pedindo liberdade total pois sei que se trata de um jogo linear com setores amplos, mas considero um retrocesso gastar energia em momentos "cinematográficos" em detrimento da liberdade de jogabilidade de cada jogador.
Enfim, o jogo é excelente, os pontos positivos todo mundo já sabe, só quis destacar o que achei de negativo para justificar a nota.

One of the best games of all time, honestly - A beautiful story, enthralling world, and most of all a fantastic protagonist. Geralt makes the game what it is just as much as the world itself does. Anxiously awaiting the PS5 version that'll probably be delayed into nonexistence.

For the majority of my playthrough of Signalis I was feverishly scrawling notes trying to piece together what exactly was going on. Flashes of information in documents and cutscenes promised answers to mysteries I created as I went along. Eventually I learned to just take in everything and allowed the game to consume me. My memories clashed with one another just as Elsters did. All of the confusion and questions I had combined with my drive to just get further in the facility resulted in an incredible experience that will linger in my mind for a long while.

On top of all of the narrative stuff going on here, Signalis is a rock solid survival horror game with a truly hypnotic atmosphere. It captures what is so good about the early resident evil games and combines it with the esoteric multimedia visuals of Evangelion. The influences are blatant but do not take a way from the games own identity. A remarkable achievement! I love dis one!

This game rules! More PS1 survival horrors please! I don’t need them to be original! Just make them good! Thank you!

Got my dick knocked off by Gascoigne 48 times before I learned to play offense as opposed to defense like the prior from games.

Super creative way to flip the combat system on its head while maintaining the fine tuned mechanics of prior titles. I still prefer the Souls theme and combat style, but this is still incredible and worth coming back to in the future. Miyazaki really knows how to send you off with an amazing final boss so you want to come back for more.

I'll get those glittermoths one day...

I play this game once a year (7 times as of now) and I have to say, to this day this is one of the best videogames I'll ever have the pleasure to beat.

This is one of those games I wish I couldn't remember to play it for the first time once again. If you're ever able to play it I wholeheartedly suggest you do so,

Ok, este juego es mi placer culposo.

Es un interesante juego sobre cultos y la psique humana, mostrando tres puntos de vista que se relacionan casi en el Climax de la obra, aunque sin carecer de fallos, ya que la trama tiene mas agujeros que un queso suizo y existen un par de situaciones en las que no puedes evitar reír por lo watafac que son. Uno de los personajes que manejamos tiene una conclusión muy ¨XD¨. Y en términos de gameplay las mecánicas de ¨Simón Dice¨ esta mal implementadas, poniéndolas en medio de la pantalla muy grande, tapando las secuencias de acción para que no entendamos un carajo de lo que esta sucediendo y estemos mas concentrado en acertar los botoncitos de colores que prestando atención a lo que pasa. Y los niveles de sigilo de Lucas-chikito son de lo peor.

And I remember the day when you left for Santa Monica.
You left me to remain with all your excuses for everything.
And I remember the time when you left for Santa Monica.
And I remember the day you told me it's over.

I’m a lot like Willem Dafoe

Without a guide it is not very fun. It is for a short time, but gets old fast. Repetitive as fuck.