60 Reviews liked by Softpidgeon

Qué agonía reiniciar esos bucles donde el ensayo y el error son la única forma de avanzar. El juego tiene solo un poquito de lógica interna de aventura gráfica dentro de si, pero el resto es una secuencia de triggers específicos que solo ellos saben y que te llevan en una sola dirección. Hay poca cabida a la experimentación, hay casi ninguna ramificación significativa, y repetir una y otra vez las mismas acciones es un verdadero lastre, entre esas animaciones lentas y ese guion lleno de chorradas (y que además es BASTANTE mezquino) que tienes que aguantar una y otra vez.

Porque sí, si el guion al menos fuese potente pasaríamos todo lo demás con mejor cara. Pero el melodramón dominguero que esconde esta imposibilidad cósmica no es como para verlo en bucle tantas veces seguidas. Qué tortura.

I'm not the first, nor the last person to complain about the difficulty of this expansion. As someone who's finished the vanilla experience, I felt that the difficulty was right where it should be, yet The Crimson Court makes that already high bar of difficulty even higher.

There's a lot to say about the significant changes made to Darkest Dungeon as a whole when The Crimson Court in enabled, but many have already gone on about it and have definitely done so better than I ever could. That all being said, I would still greatly advise steering away from this expansion if you are intending on having it on for your first playthrough, and for people like me who have already completed the vanilla experience... I wish you luck.

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Vaya pepino. A mí no me interesaba Resident Evil hasta que vi el fantástico reveal de esto en el E3. La tragedia aún cercana de lo de PT era dolorosa, y en Capcom estuvieron espabilados al coger el testigo del terror Triple A en primera persona. Claramente había un mercado.

He empezado este juego cuarenta veces hasta que esta última he decidido seguir hasta el final, seguramente animado por el Village que sale dentro de nada y quería estar más o menos al día con el lore.
Si he tardado tanto en ponerme en serio con él es porque las primeras 2 horas o así de este juego son magistrales y acojonantes. De verdad que me intimidaba mucho la idea de seguir con un juego con ese nivel de asfixia. Eso realmente nunca se va pero el juego va dando pequeños respiros y va acostumbrándote a su modo de asustarte. Como le pasa también al único otro juego de RE que he jugado (que es el remake de RE2), la primera localización es tan memorable que cuesta querer entrar en otro sitio más adelante.
Aun así creo que lo que se hace aquí con Mia y el barco es bastante interesante, vuelves a una posición de indefensión total y en una clásica jugadita de survival horror vas desentrañando qué hace ese barco ahí encallado en los pantanos de Luisiana y qué significa para el lore de la saga y de esta historia en particular, eso mientras haces puzles y te vuelves a armar poquito a poco.

En general estoy muy sorprendido con cómo el juego maneja ambas propuestas y las mezcla, porque el redneck horror más grounded en principio no pega en absoluto con la mamarrachada y la escala de terror biológico internacional que propone siempre la saga, pero RE7 las casa bastante bien. Hay momentos más de tirito, hay monstruos gigantes deformes y tal, pero creo que cuando el juego los saca los merece. Y a decir verdad, tras tantas horas acojonado por abrir cada puerta, sienta bien poder disparar a lo loco.

They really went back to the original RE formula with this one. Feels like RE is back on track. I just wish there was more enemy variety.

A solid return to form to one of Gaming's most Iconic Horror Franchise.

Gotta finish with abbo once my disk drive works

the first half of this game is amazing, but then it decides to spend the rest of its time doing a whole lot of nothing on a lame boat. if this game kept up that momentum this would be a masterpiece. hope village is good

its like a fairytale but everything's fucked and you need to hunker down from the big bad wolf, except the big bad wolf is one of the friendliest npc's and he's an asshole with a kalashnikov

ending is fucking crazy man.



When I decided to buy Hades I was initially worried the game wouldn't live up to the insane hype around it. Fast forward a week of binge-playing and 52 hours of play time later (To get the credits, add another 15 to get the epilogue) and I can 100% without a doubt confirm this game deserves absolutely every bit of praise it gets. I have enjoyed multiple games in the roguelite genre prior to Hades, but nothing ever truly blew me away the way this game did.

Gameplay: I would describe Hades as the kind of game that is 'Easy to pick up and play, but difficult to master'. You might think at first that on the surface the game mechanics are simple, you have your typical hack n slash 'light attack', 'heavy attack', 'dodge/dash' etc, but you'd be very wrong because the sheer amount of depth in the gameplay is just mind-blowing and really makes the game insanely addictive. Even 50+ hours into the game you'll still be learning new strategies and combinations for the myriad god boons and various weapons you have at your disposal, this level of depth truly keeps every single run fresh and enjoyable. That's to say nothing of the other activities you can do like various side-quests and sub-plots for other characters, collecting materials to cosmetically enhance your hub-base and unlock permanent upgrades for Zagreus to make your subsequent runs a little less difficult, hell you can even fish! The fact you have to beat the game 10 times to get the credits and ending might have bothered me more if not for the fact that there's so much to do in Hades that I was fully kept enthralled for all 50+ hours I've put into the game at the time of this review.

Story and characters: Someone might describe the story of Hades as an angsty teenager rebelling against his father and while that isn't entirely wrong, it can also be viewed as the sheer determination and stubbornness of one man, journeying to hell and back (multiple times) to repair his dysfunctional and fractured family. It's honestly not a super 'deep' story, but the way it is executed and the characters being so vibrant and unique really brought it to life. Speaking of the characters, I truly adored them all. Zagreus is a fantastic protagonist full of so much wit and charm, every single one of the Olympian gods have their own distinct personalities that are true to their myths, from the flirty and seductive Aphrodite to the awkward and shy Artemis or the boastful, arrogant Zeus etc they all were portrayed fantastically. I also have to mention how much I loved the incorporation of various Greek myths like Orpheus and Eurydice or Achilles or Theseus and the bull of Minos, it was a nice touch to the mythological theme.

Voice acting: I was absolutely blown away by the voice acting in this game for a small team of voice actors I'd never heard of prior to this game they did a stellar job that sounded just as professional as any triple A game, they really captured the essence of that style of speech you'd read in a classic Greek epic such as The Odyssey. I also want to make note of the sheer amount of voice lines in this game. In my entire 50+ hour play time I didn't run across a single repeated line of dialogue and that really impressed the hell out of me.

Artwork: Supergiant games have always had fantastic artwork in their games, but Hades seriously has some of the best, most detailed and beautifully stylized art I've seen in a long time, all the character designs are so colorful and vibrant. There's not a single character I didn't think looked amazingly designed.

Music: Hades has just as much to offer musically as it does in every other aspect. Every single track of the OST perfectly captures the mood of the game. An excellent blend of modern music like heavy and intense electric guitars and classical music like flutes, harps and all the other stuff you'd expect to hear in a game about Greek mythology.

Whether it's the sheer amount of depth in the gameplay, the well crafted narrative, the amazing characters and voice acting, the masterfully composed OST or the beautiful and detailed art, Hades honestly has everything you could ever want in a game and I don't have a single complaint. This game truly is a masterpiece deserving of universal acclaim and I can't recommend it enough to literally anyone because this is the kind of game that proves gaming is just as much of an art-form as any other style of media.



Fantastic Game in every aspect. Definitely a masterpiece.



This is what the evolution of the roguelike genre looks like. The characters are interesting, the gameplay is mechanically deep and frantic, and the story tugs on a few heartstrings at certain moments



It happened what I was afraid of to happen - Hades is overrated. And with that I don't want to say it's bad game, rather the opposite.

But for me the game can't live up to the hype it recieved, but maybe my opinion on this will change once I pick it up again.

Pocas expansiones son mejores que el juego base y esta lo consigue. Un must si te quedas con ganas de mas.

Modern retelling of Faust, starring Mephistopheles and David Beckham... a melancholic majesty.



Una de las historias mas emocionantes y desoladoramente profundas que tuve el gusto de jugar; el horror existencialista y el depresivo panorama futurista son acompañados por un excelente worldbuilding.
Por otro lado, los elementos survival horror están poco pulidos/profundizados, por lo que pueden llegar a entorpecer la experiencia general.