Breath of the wild nuts and bolts lol

I just realized as im logging all my games, I have NEVER beaten minecraft. I adore this game, I have been playing it since I was 6 and I somehow have never actually beaten the whole game. I have probably logged a good 800 hours and somehow have not killed the ender dragon without creative. Insanity

Really good 3d platformer, the level designs are creative, the soundtrack is phenomenal, and the story was basic, but It really doesn't need to be plot-heavy to be good.

Man I got this because it was 20$ and I had fond memories of 100%ing Celeste Classic in middle school on the chromebooks because it was one of the few unblocked games at my school. This consumed the weekend I bought it, because I opened it and got sucked in to the beautiful message of struggle, the gorgeous pixel art, and the highly likable characters (we STAN theo!). 4.5/10, More than worth 20$

I'm kicking myself for this being my first sonic game. This was boring AF, and it almost turned me off of this franchise. Thank the holy lord above I found out that this one was just terrible and I don't have bad taste.

Everything I had to say about this I already said in part 1. Though I like the expansion of the "evil kris" concept especially with the genocide ending.

I haven't played undertale, but I found it for free on the nintendo switch eshop not long after it launched. Overall 7/10, I enjoyed the story, the atmosphere and art was excellent but it also had engaging enough gameplay to make it feel like a game and not a movie that requires you to hit a button once in a while.

Love the fact I'm playing this WHILE THERE ARE STILL SPLATFESTS THANK YOU. Lol but jokes aside, I have had better things and games to focus on but so far this is a 5/5.

Really good, this game got me into comp for a while and now that I took these games seriously, I realize how fresh and different these games are to your run-of-the-mill fps.

Good memories of playing this when I was really young, I give it a 4/5 to come to terms with the fact its an ageing game and I have rose tinted nostalgia glasses.

This game was what actually got me into zelda. I disliked it beforehand because I felt obligated to do the same thing over and over but this game gave it an open world twist so there was an infinite amount of things to do. Random side quest? Sure! Actual story progression? Go ahead! Terrorizing villagers naked on the ganon horse with bomb arrows? Whatever floats your boat.