I played this without a walkthrough for a bet and honestly walked away loving it

Once the world opens up, you start to wish it hadn't

Fun traversal mechanics and cute story that honestly could've been shorter.

Bloated mess that a slog to complete. Everything you love is here but it's now to driving mission.

I love this game so much I remade the first level

I don't like it but Limmy does so that's good enough for me

Imagine if they pulled it off? That's all we can do unfortunately

Took me a while to come to terms with my disappointment. The original was such a formative game for me in my mid teens and this one just doesn't live up to it. It's not really much of a survival horror, it's actually quite easy in most cases.

It's story is quite grim in a way that I personally didn't care for, it's trying to be "The Return" to the original Twin Peaks but it's missing that introspection that made the return so powerful. It's there to an extent, just not nearly as much as I'd like.


The mixing of 3rd person iso and 1st person is wonderful.

Everything I wished the first one was. Exploration, fun side missions, customisation. It's story and villain doesn't live up to the firsts but we can forgive that for Lucrehulk exploration

Still the best swinging mechanics in any spidey game

I didn't finish it because I never seem to finish a Bethesda game (in this case adjacent) but I get why people like this so much even if it's not perfect.

Was disappointed to find out the physics were as limited as they were.