This game is a blast. I’ve played few other games where I’ve had this much fun and laughed as much as I have playing with friends. If I’m being honest thought, this game really shines when you have full mobiles. If you only play with one or two people (or, god forbid, play this game single player), it can be extremely punishing to die in game. That’s maybe the only thing holding this game back from being perfect (I.e. my own lack of friends lmao).

The aesthetic and soundtrack for this game are really nice. It’s very clear where the game gets its inspiration from, and it emulates the feel of those n64/ps1 era collectathons very well. Sadly, this game suffers from a lack of distinct direction. I never know where I’m supposed to be in any level or what I’m supposed to be aiming for. Whenever you play sm64 or banjo Kazooie, you always know what your goal is and what you can obtain at any given time. That’s not the case for Corn Kidz 64. Also, why is it called corn kids? There isn’t even any corn!

This is, without question, the best roguelike to have ever been conceived. There is no shortage of content in this game. Seriously, I’ve sunk 1200+ hours into it, and I still don’t have 100 percent of the achievements (although, in fairness, I did used to leave my computer running with this game still open lmao). It feels awesome completing runs of this game, or finding the most busted builds you can obtain. This game literally does everything right, and I am so grateful for the hours of joy it has brought me.

Easiest RetroAchievements points I’ve ever scored.

My opinions on this game are somewhat through nostalgic lenses. However, I feel I can still say with certainty that Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite Mario game of all time, and really just my favorite game of all time.

Sunshine is a game that feels great to play, whether that’s because of Mario’s movement, the game’s incredible soundtrack, its replayability, etc. it is impossible to not have a good time playing sunshine, and I’ve played through it 100% more than any other game I’ve played.

It’s been a while since I’ve had so much fun playing a game. Movement in this game feels so fluid and satisfying. Getting to pilot a Titan feels satisfying as well. The campaign was really good too. I only completed it on normal but it felt like a reasonable difficulty. BT also became my favorite character through the whole story. It makes me sad there won’t be a third game (to my knowledge) but I’d still be more than happy playing this one on repeat.

The departure from typical Pokémon gameplay in this game is refreshing. I really enjoyed being out in the field catching Pokémon and really feeling like I was helping with research. On the negative side of things though, I think the games battle system in much more unintuitive than a traditional Pokémon game. Also, no games should look graphically in 2023 like this one does. That said, the positives outweigh the negatives for me and I enjoyed the game overall.

Considering this game runs on the same engine as BFBB, and followed BFBB in release, you think it'd be of similar quality. Instead, you have a more mediocre version of BFBB that strangely runs at a lower FPS. This game is alright, but it is nowhere near as good as BFBB. If you ditch the weird driving and slide levels, and include more traditional and arena levels, then you'd have something good.

While I liked playing this game a lot when it came out during all the COVID lockdowns, I think playing it every day exposed the game’s biggest flaw. Outside of when you are just starting out or the occasional content update, New Horizons is a lot of the same thing day after day. I really love the game’s cute characters, but there’s just not enough content outside of fishing, catching bugs, and talking to your villagers to keep me coming back anymore.

I love this game so much oh goodie I love that it is not luck-based at all I love playing against the same 3 team comps every game oh jolly good I love this game so much with all my heart. /s

This review concerns the GCN version only.

Shrek Super Slam is a weird fighting game, but it’s a good game. There are weird design choices, like characters only have a few different combos, and each stage has a rotating selection of somgs rather than their own songs. However, the good parts of the game are really good. The mega challenge is very rewarding, and it feels satisfying to use your slam on the opponent. Fighting game fans will either love or hate this game I think.

I only finally beat this game about a year ago, and I’m glad I finally did. This whole game is a treat from start to finish. The story is great, the characters and locations are memorable, and the gameplay is super satisfying. I can’t wait for the remaster of this game, as it is one of the best titles in the entire GCN library.

I’d rather have someone sneeze directly in my mouth than try to play this game again. Cheating ass CPU…

SA2B is a game I really wanted to like when I picked it back up years later. Instead, I found out the reason I had so many fond memories of this game was solely because of the Chao Garden. The garden could’ve genuinely been its own game and it would’ve been awesome. The game outside the garden, however, is incredibly clunky to play. 3/5 for the Chao Garden and the music, but otherwise I think this title is a bit overrated.

Biggest sleeper pick in the entire GCN library. This game, even as a licensed game, is incredibly fun and replayable. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy are all fun to play as, and I like the game’s sense of humor is more aligned with early seasons of SpongeBob. While some levels are janky, this game is stupendously fun and I’d recommend everyone at least try it out