this is just sonic 2 and 3 on portable before the PSP/DS

I mean it’s better than the actual sonic forces and sonic dash but

it’s a fucking mobile game what you want me to say

Wait why is this a little better than the actual game

it took a decade for super sonic to be in the game
what the fuck

It’s an alright beat ‘em up, I def want things to be improved in the sequel coming this year like perhaps more moves and more playable characters.

it’s super goddamn Mario!!!!!

It’s uh it’s Mario kart alright

1. It’s better than the original
2. how do you put an n64 game with wario, luigi, yoshi, new bosses, new levels and minigames into a DS

i mean I guess it fixed a few bugs

a flawless version one would say.

people say sonic had a rough transition but don’t mention sm64’s wonky ass camera, delayed controls and bugs
edit: ok I think my game a lil shat

for a first yoshi game, this is great

It’s fucking super Mario
It doesn't get better than this