fuck yeah baby snake game yeah baby this shit saved me from so many boring classes

i got really upset when they shut this down

simple but really fun + i immediately bought the rin/len dlc because uhhhhm based

im glad my laptop and sorta kinda handle it without blowing up

Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

I was super hype for a splatoon roguelite, and in that regard this DLC is GOOD.... but i was also hype for some more lore, worldbuilding and character details. I know that deep cut character building was too much to ask for here, but a man can hope.

The story is interesting and i like how it ties back into the overall lore + Marina's past with the octarians and octo expansion, but with Order as the final boss and not an actual real life threat it feels a little disconnected. Maybe if order was planted or orchestrated by someone it would feel more organic.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty solid. It's FUN and in the end that's all that really matters. The weapons and kits are fun to pair with different builds, and unlocking the maps + discovering the chips fills my stupid collector brain with joy. I was disappointed with the enemy, challenge, and boss variety though. Compared to octo expansion, and even the splatoon 3 story mode, it feels a little stale after a while. I do appreciate getting to keep the weapons after a complete run though, pairs well with all of my emo ass fits and kensa rep fits.

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they need to release gallagher already so that i can get him pregnant

edit: they need to release boothill already so that i can get him pregnant

can't believe i didn't play this game until now because it's probably one of the best games on the 3ds as a whole
i love this series so much and can't wait for wilds

super silly :3
also as someone who was introduced to the series through acnh, i find that i enjoy this entry in the series more

remember this game very fondly because of my sister playing it, and then replaying it by myself several years later. i had it in the collection with flower and flow for the ps3 :3

Started up this game wondering how i get more digimon, as it seemed as though you would only have your partner. And it turns out i was right because my poor little greymon dropped dead :[ Still really enjoy this game, although the near constant grind due to the mons' short lifespans and need to shit does get in the way of progressing the story sometimes.

the urge tto put them in my mou th

i hate this fuckgig creature so much i clench my fist and cry when i see him

Feverdream johnny is my jesus