The original. The iconic. This game is peak and in order to begin to understand the inner machinations of my mind you must play it.

Absolute classic and absolute peak. Earthbound is just such an Experience and just like Mother 3, i'd really love to play this on original hardware.

You're a constipated girl who goes on a journey through a toilet wonderland to get unconstipated. Also mario is there. And so is micheal jackson. And your father.

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk.

5 stars baybe

Funny bug game :3
This game just feels so good to play. The controls and combat are both so tight, the world and characters are memorable and lovable. Plus, the bosses are satisfyingly difficult to beat. Still working on the pantheons though.

I like this peculiar little game and its peculiar little creatures... although only in short bursts because it does get a little boring and sometimes frustrating

Enjoyed this more in middle school

"Life is but a moment, a meaningless grain of sand..."

I adore this game and still wish to play it on official hardware...
Edit: I am now playing it on my GBA SP and having a jolly old time :3


I don't care for the debates surrounding this game and whether or not it says anything that matters. I liked it and the experience meant a lot, in itself, to me when i first played it. I would give it a shot, decent game.

Also i like 9s as a character lmao

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"I get it. This won't stop until I die. But when I die, I want it to hurt. When my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad. I want to lose. I want to get beaten up. I want to hold on until I'm thrown off and everything ends. And you know what? Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. It means I am something, at least... pretty amazing to be something, at least..."


Gotta be my favorite roguelite, feaking great gameplay and graphics and characters. Haven't beat it quite yet!

Lot's of good memories here. I like the funny pixel game.

To be honest this game brought a lot of quality of life changes to the monhun franchise that i appreciate and it's gotta be my favorite out of the series. My only criticism is of the fact that there's not much monster variety, with so many wyverns and dragons and not much else. Otherwise, i've sunk a fuck ton of hours into mhw and i love the hell out of this game and its community.

[[ Originally played Black 2 but now im a White 2 enjoyer because reshiram is my favite ]]

Pokemon white 2 is, in my opinion, the best official pokemon game. The amount of content it offers is unparalleled to any other in the series, and the way that these sequels build upon the originals has never been done in the same way in the franchise. Also, snivy is great.