This game is a genuine masterpiece that I feel everyone in their life has to play at least once. What a thrill ...

Words cannot fathom the peak that is this game.

This game is better than Automata in every way and I'm not even joking.

It's only slightly more fun than the base game but it's infinitely less fun than just playing as mainline Vergil.

This game plays pretty good but that story is so god awful that it sort of drags everything else down with it. Doesn't help that all the demons look less creepy gothic inspired and more like literal sacks of shit.

The weirdest Resident Evil game I've ever played but definitely not the worst.

I don't care if you dislike V's gameplay, this is is easily the best one in the series. Dante has never felt as fun as this before and Nero finally has enough to his skill set to actually be someone you'd want to play as more than Dante. The story in this game is a blast and those cutscenes are just beautiful to look at. Oh and the playable Vergil DLC makes this game twice as worth it, he's easily the most fun character to play as in the entire series and he's at his absolute peak here.

If you skipped this game you're a coward.


This game is really fun but you can tell they didn't finish it. Nero's puzzles were okay but I won't lie the final bosses suck.

This game has beat my ass since I was young and it will never not beat my ass. Fortunately, I'm a masochist.