Replayed the game with the purpose of recording a play-through, opinion is exactly the same as before, although I recommend playing through a game first normally before doing a recorded playthrough, luckily I’ve done that with saints row 1 last year but still.

This games story is simple yet very good, the carnales story is decent and I still like it, the vice kings story is very good and the rollerz story is also good.

The characters are all good to very good with Ben king and Johnny gat being the two standouts. Dex, Troy, Julius, Tanya, Warren, Donnie, Alderman Hughes, Angelo Lopez, Luz, Dr Gonzales, Legal Lee, Tobias, Laura and even your Playable character are all good to very good characters and there are many more memorable characters thanks to the activities and the story.

The respect system is a tad more tedious in this game than the second game but I still find it fun due to the activities and the variety of them, my favourites being Insurance Fraud, Mayhem, Snatch and Drug Trafficking. I made sure just like last time to at least start every activity to experience all the different ones aswell as the characters you meet along the way.

The gameplay overall is very good. the driving especially and in my opinion a little better than the second game, gunplay is also very good in this game too despite no fine aim yet.

The customisation is as you’d expect very very good, the options are brilliant overall layered clothing, normal clothes mixed in with gangster clothes, wish we had more gangster hoodies but it’s still very good, giving you options to have your hood up or have your jeans baggy or tucked etc.

Graphics wise it’s great looking, the atmosphere of the early to mid 2000s is well and alive here, reminds me of the first fast and furious colour palette from 2001. It’s most likely this games events take place during the summer because it’s beautiful orange and red colour palette in terms of the skies. Even night time manages to look warm somehow.

The city is great and full of places to go, and unforgettable as a whole, and this is before saints row 2s improved redesign, stilwater has always been a great city.

Character models also look very good too, this game is easily the most gangster out of the whole franchise, starting with its heavy emphasis on the gangster culture in the extremely grounded story also the characters being very much written in reality as well as just when it came out, being influenced mainly by 1990s/ 2000s hip hop gangster rap.

Volition did there research on this, consulting people with experience in the gang world as to what slang they use when talking and how the whole lifestyle works as a whole, providing a pretty authentic gang experience from what I can tell as a nerdy outsider. Aswell as getting inspiration from movies and music videos at the time.

The writing in this games story is basic but very good overall, providing enough unique flavour to the story and gameplay to not be a rehash in the open world genre. Missions are fun being good to very good both in terms of story and player enjoyment despite the odd challenge in the games story missions which some players like and some won’t although checkpoints would have been nice but still.

Overall a very good game I like very much and always have fun playing, it sets up a great world and the greatest video game of all time and my favourite game, Saints Row 2, but my love for the second game wouldn’t be whole without its very good predecessor from 2006.

Good game, now I’ve beaten every gta game legit

Good game overall I liked it and a solid expansion on the Spider-Man game

This review contains spoilers

Pretty excellent game, never thought I’d say it’s better than the first game but it is, this is the best Spider-Man game ever made, fantastic story with great missions, good suit choices, great characters and an overall excellent game, I loved this game.

Also make sure you do the side missions for the flame and mysterio, they are so worth it. Kraven while not great is still pretty good, venom is very good in this, Mary Jane is way more tolerable in this, dare I say she’s good in this? Not top tier Mary Jane or nothing but yes she’s good in this game and it’s a good support for Peter. In the last game she was decent most of the time but at points was way too harsh on Peter and sometimes was a little bit unlikable, all of that in my opinion has been fixed she’s much more nicer to him in this and any conflict they have in this game In my opinion is justified. There’s room for a lot of improvement and I’ll fully admit, her physical appearance in this game looks AWFUL, less said about that whole mess the better, on the more positive side even her missions are better and less frequent granted I never minded them in the first game , I genuinely don’t think she’s OP like people said considering she can die in two hits.

Miles is great in this and works greatly along side Peter and I have no problem with how the game ends I still prefer Peter and when this game franchise stops being about Peter or at least him being the co lead (like this game) I’ll probably peace out but I have no problem with miles taking over at least partly from Peter because at the end of this game, he’s absolutely earned it. The stuff with Martin li is fantastic too.

Peter is great and his character in the Symbiote is just as great, the black suit gameplay wise is very good too. Harry in this game is great, maybe my favourite version of the character? Loved his relationship with Peter and MJ, Norman is once again amazing in this and the first post credit scene is excellent and one of my favourite scenes in the whole game.

Collectibles etc where better in the first game, along with suit choices and stealth combat. But everything else? This game vastly improved on everything, and that’s no slouch against the first game, story, characters, missions, web swinging and even the musical score are all upgrades from the 2018 game. I’m very happy with how peters story ended in this game too and it felt extremely appropriate and fitting. I know for a fact he’ll be back, but the game did a great job showing how Peter can be happy while still changing the world? It was done brilliantly and your happy for him at the end of the game (at least I was) and the relationship him and miles have is also great stuff.

This game weaves kravens story, the Symbiote ark, Harry’s downfall and Miles dealing with Martin Li along with coming into his own more than he has before in these games, it weaves them all together excellently in my opinion, first game had an excellent story too, but this tops it, the execution is brilliantly done when it really shouldn’t but everything works out in this story and I’m so glad of that.

The team at insomniac regardless of what you or I think of them as individuals (certainly questionable) clearly have a grasp on how to write Spider-Man (Peter parker) and his characters in a great and satisfying way that feels authentic to the character while also feeling new, can’t wait to see with what they do next, wish the live action movies had this kind of writing for Spider-Man and his universe, I really do.

First two packs are great, third one is very good, all three of these packs make for some great DLC of the game overall

Excellent game overall, was fun playing the remaster, peters new face I’m not keen on but I got used to it, I prefer his old face but I think most of us do, played through the remaster for two reasons first is continuity, when I play the sequels I’d like the Peter to match the one in this game and because this is now the canon version due to tie sequels using the new face model for Peter, a replay of this game was needed, and I had a blast, second is I plan to play miles morales after this and inevitably the sequel spider man 2 for ps5 at somepoint.

Played this game using the default white spider suit when it’s first introduced and didn’t change the suit once, I’m very vanilla with that stuff but did unlock pretty much every suit which was fun, this remaster also comes with the 3 DLC mission packs for free which is normal for remasters it seems. Played through the 3 of the dlc packs and are all very good to great, my original ratings for the dlcs back when I beat them on ps4 are still reflective of how I feel completing them again

So now I’ve beat this one legit, only one to beat legit without cheats is lcs and that’s it, I will have fully redeemed myself lol.

This is a good game soooo much better than vice city, forever underrated and vic Vance is one of the better GTA protagonists in my opinion

The gameplay, story, characters, map, graphics, weapons, driving and gunplay are all better than vice city and I’d even argue the music is just as good, story is actually good, characters are very good especially Vic, Louise, Lance, Diaz, Martinez, Phil Cassidy and Umberto some of them I hated in vice city, thought they where bland and pathetic, this game actually writes them well.

My fondness for the world of vice city doesn’t come from the 2002 game Vice City but instead from its much superior 2006 prequel Vice City Stories, this game can also be sad at points something ahead of its time when you consider what GTA IV did.

The empire building is way better than vice city, I didn’t do too much of it just the mandatory stuff but it’s miles better than the poor excuse vice city had for “assets”

Beat the game again as I figured I’ve done tie other two on pc might as well beat this again, also nice to check out one of the original ports as opposed to an updated version (Xbox 360) my opinion rarely changes and this is no exception, excellent game, best rockstar has ever done in my opinion, best gta game by a mile, don’t ever see this being topped, only complaint is I wish I could play it the first time all over again to experience this story full of twists and turns and being on the run, it’s a perfect blend of gangster activities and high stakes heists . Wasn’t using my mouse that much this time say for one or two times mostly just the controller for this.

The gameplay is fantastic, gunplay is great, driving is fantastic, story is fantastic with layers while also being simple enough, missions are constantly fun aswell as furthering the story, characters are all fantastic, meshing characters from gta 3 and vice city to make this feel more connected as a trilogy of games, antagonists of the game are great and mostly have a presence that’s felt entire the entire game, map is one of the best I’ve ever played with such variety, the comedy is great, overall a fantastic game one of my all time favourites and not only the best gta game of all time but the best rockstar game ever made.

For mods I’m always vanilla and never mod it to change gameplay or graphics etc only to fix bugs, glitches or to have the original pc version with all its original content as opposed to an updated version with things removed due to licensing etc so only things used where

silentpatch which gets rid of any bugs

Downgraded to version 1.01 so no cut content like songs etc

Widescreen fix so it isn’t Letterboxd

Controller support but also used the mouse for aiming when needed

Very good game overall, manages to expand the Star Wars lore in constantly interesting ways while also remaining true to its roots back in 1977. Story is really good and all the main characters are good to great, Bastila, Revan, Carth, HK-47 and Jolee are all stand outs in my opinion. The story can feel safe at points but I don’t consider that a negative at all, gameplay is also very good, once you get the hang of the combat it can be satisfying to do when you pull off an attack with your team, score is great, sounds legit like Star Wars while also being memorable, locations are all really good too. This all feels authentic to the star wars world George Lucas created while also trying to tell a new story and in my opinion succeeding. Very good game all round.

I’ll always think this game is overrated but at least this time I not only beat it legit with no cheats but it was less a frustrating experience overall, still don’t like this game but it’s ok overall, opinion hasn’t changed. The 80s setting is tacky, map feels smaller than before, characters and writing are pretty much cringe in my opinion, soundtrack is great i cant lie but other than that its just not that good, its ok though but i dont like it

For mods I’m always vanilla and never mod it to change gameplay or graphics etc only to fix bugs, glitches or to have the original pc version with all its original content as opposed to an updated version with things removed due to licensing etc so only things used where

silentpatch which gets rid of any bugs

Downgraded to version 1.01 so no cut content like songs etc

Widescreen fix so it isn’t Letterboxd

Controller support but also used the mouse for aiming when needed

Because I done Spider-Man 1 and 2 on the ps2 for the first time( In less than two days for each) I decided to go back and play through the only Spider-Man movie game I completed as a child for old times sake, and I did so in a day, it’s still decent, I like it, the combat is better than Spider-Man 2( which is impressive) but sadly the web swinging is a massive downgrade. The black suit is great and feels just like it should, awesome and overpowered, while the weakest of the movie game trilogy it still manages to be a decent game that I like, also the tradition of the final boss being the hardest in the game remains true here venom was a good challenge while not as hard as doc ock still managed to make me think on my toes and not result to button mashing (which I’m not always against)

Despite my fondest memories with this game, its decent overall, I do like it but oh my I can’t say it’s good

Just completed the ps3 version, OH MY GOD, this game is bad, worse than ultimate in my opinion, ultimate started out stronger and had it moments in the beginning despite arguably the difficulty and clunky gameplay being worse and more notio from a quarter a way through the game onwards, however this game still has a really bad difficulty which isn’t helped by the games frame rate running inconsistent, add on the annoying and repetitive boss fights, worse than ultimate Spider-Man and I don’t like that game either, but this? This isn’t even ok like ultimate Spider-Man was, this is baddd, bad combat, bad swinging, bad story, this game sucks