There is something about Bioshock that lead me to just not want to put it down. It was a game i owned in its original gereration but never finished. Overall really glad that i did. One i look to replay on switch sometime in the future

New Pokemon snap is a game that shows a 20 year old sequel can apease both old and new fans.

But after a while its repatitive nature sets in. Around the 20 hour mark i struggle to pick it back up to finish up its last remaining stages.

Over stays its welcome by around 3 hours. At first a cute and charming puzzler but slowly devolves into a game that they felt the need to pad with back tracking and an annoying cat. Wish i had skipped on this one.

However does look stunning on the switch with masterful lighining.

Another incredible game from this developer who understands what Co-Op really means, Each stage brings a new mechanic that had me and my friend laughing long after the credits rolled. The narative does drop in quality as you progress, with some actions of the main characters really needing to be examined and perhaps questioned.

One of the cheapest games i have ever played. A horrific smash clone in which nothing makes sense and the points dont matter.

Suprising game that earned my time. Very active combat system that kept me thinking. Legnth is perfect for something that is also on hand held.

A Game that knew exactly what it wanted to be and chomped down on it. A fun and enjoyable ride with small bumps in the road but overall good enough for a weekend thrill.

Great introduction to the new mechanics of the Duel Sense. Would love to see the ideas expanded into a longer more dense title.

I dont think i got the appeal of this game. Nothing kept me intrested and the grey art style didnt peak my interest. Maybe one for a replay in a couple of years when i can give it more time.

The game just kind of happened. I dont remember much of this game and nothing stayed with me after completion. Warrents another look as i love remedys work and the premise is intresing. Felt i rushed my playhtough which could have lead to my conclusions

Intresting premise bogged down by the fact the budget was just not there and it shows. Give it a look if you pick it up cheap.

A stunning example of David vs Bigger Davids. The gameplay and mechanics are unmatched to this day and work together in such harmony you will find yourself invested in every gust of wind. The game will leave you wanting more but doesnt hang around for you to get fatigue from the fights. A must play for everyone.

Fun - action packed romp through alien worlds with enough different guns to ensure you always find a playstyle that suits. Story leaves alot to be desired which lowers the want for more playthoughs once you set the controller down.

You know what you are getting with any GTA game. While this one took me around 8 years to beat i am glad i did. Despite all its bells and whistles there is still some bad design in here. Alot of halting progression of the story until you have wasted time doing side tasks. Which is a huge turn off in any game. You dont really need to see this one to the end, but if you do you will enjoy your 30+ hours.

The fact i remember nothing about this game should detail enough about why its not worth your time. Short and lacking in finese for a game that was meant to show the power of the PS4.