Fun little puzzler, doesn't last too long and is never particularly hard, but is nicely chill and polished.

Art direction is fantastic, with detailed and stylized environments and featuring some deliciously unsettling imagery (you can really see the horror roots of red candle games). The 'taopunk' aesthetic feels both foreign and familiar in a way that keeps things pretty interesting. Also some very memorable music tracks in there.

Gameplay wise, I quite enjoyed the parry based take on a sidescroller metroidvania. The major bosses in particular are overall great, with generally pretty clear movesets that are fun to learn and cool to fight against. However, the exploration and platforming aren't as smooth. Movement feels pretty good, but basic mook enemies can be a bit annoying and not as consistent as the major bosses, which made for some occasional unfair moments. The world design in general was pretty normal fare.

I enjoyed the story more than I expected ! The world presented is interesting and I was curious to learn more about it as I went. The characters are pretty basic but not in a way that's a detriment to the game.

Overall, I really enjoyed this ! The game has it's slow moments, but at its peaks it's a fantastic action sidescroller.

It's a great story with a really interesting universe and a beautiful hand-drawn art style.
My only gripe is that some of the gameplay sections are a bit slow to interact with.

Pretty good visuals, with smooth pixel art, in both characters and environments. Gameplay is crunchy and decently satisfying. Story didn't grab me, but didn't hinder my enjoyment either.

I... don't know what to think of the timer mechanic. I think I didn't jibe with the game enough for it to matter, I kinda rushed through the game and finished it in about 4.5 hours in-game, which wasn't enough to make me interact with the npc saving except at a surface level.

There's a new game + mode and a lot of sequence breaking apparently, but the game is so easy I don't particularly want to play again and exploit those things.

It's a pretty fun game, but wasn't quite as interesting as I hoped.

Interesting little puzzle platformer, with a very nice looking painterly visual style. Gameplay is a bit basic, and the puzzles are never too complicated, but the twist at the end is fun. A fun, if short, experience.

Cool action roguelite, very much following the hades formula, but as a sidescroller with different playable characters.

The combat is fluid and reactive, but lacks impact, and enemies sometimes stack together and become unreadable jumbles. I did like the 4 spell system though, building your somewhat random personal combo each playthrough was fun.

The pixel art is good, but can feel a bit basic at times, and I didn't end up caring much for the story or characters. The intro cutscenes for the bosses are pretty well made though !

I enjoyed playing through this, but I don't feel like pushing this game much further than the 6 successful runs necessary to get the ending.

I liked:
- The 2 factions, and multiple different biomes allow for good variations between runs, so the game doesn't get too boring too quickly.
- It's really funny, both the satirical super earth democracy side and the pure slapstick of your character ragdolling round.
- It's a very good looking game, with cool procedural environments.

I disliked:
- A lot of gear feels redundant or straight up nonviable in higher difficulties
- Some enemies are really annoying to deal with
- It's buggy, and not in easy to ignore ways, though it's gotten better since I started playing.

Overall it's a very fun shooter, particularly when playing with friends, but I did enjoy some of it with randoms as well.

It's a pretty fun soulslike, the premise is well executed, the world is fun to explore and the combat is decently satisfying.

The game suffers a bit from being an indie, I wish it had that extra bit of polish and care that fromsoft is famous for, enemies just aren't as readable as they need to be sometimes. It also ended up being too easy for me, no encounter ever took me more than 3-4 tries, and more than a third of the bosses died on the first attempt.

Overall though, I quite enjoyed going through this game.

It's a fun take on a series of pokemon battle, but it gets very repetitive, very quickly.

It never actually pushes any fun pokemon tactics, it's more about resource and xp management, and it never feels like you reach a happy equilibrium, you're either struggling or walking through the game.

It's a cute puzzle platformer, which was fun to explore and play around with.
The world is fun to get around and you get interesting tools, especially during the first part.

Visually, it looks incredible, some of the best pixel art direction in the medium.

As you get to the postgame though, I found myself really annoyed by the lack of direction. Unless you were absolutely godlike at taking notes, the only ways to progress often became either 'check through the whole world again to see if you missed something' or 'check the internet' neither of which are particularly fun.

I've seen this recommended as something similar to outer wilds or tunic, but both of those game are much better at leading you towards what you need.

I'm still glad I bought it, but this is gonna be a game I'm gonna enjoy much more watching smarter players dig deep into its secrets.

Fun little metroidvania, it's overall well executed, but it steers a bit too close to Hollow Knight in many areas and feels a bit unoriginal as a result.

Gameplay is decently fluid, platforming was pretty good and snappy, but combat lacks a bit of juice to it. It felt pretty fair and balanced though.

The world is interesting enough to explore, with some nicely hidden collectibles. It's not too big or too small, which is nice.

Visually, it's pretty good pixel art. I liked the color coding of the different areas.

Overall, an enjoyable pickup, scratches the hollow knight well for a bit. I won't push for 100% though.

Gameplay is snappy and responsive, with combat that is balanced overall very well, if a bit easy towards the end as you start acquiring most upgrades.

The world is very well designed, with everything quickly accessible from the hub area even without fast travel. Exploring it was quite fun and you can get upgrades to see where you missed some stuff. I ended up being able to find everything without a guide, which was very nice.

Graphically, it's quite simple but very effective. Environments are clear and colorful, and I love the choice of making the characters cute spaceship things. It's a bit weird but it works !

Overall, it's a very polished little gem of a game, I very much enjoyed my time with it !

Visually, it's a great retro throwback to the n64 era. It's super bright and colorful, and just all around fun to look at.

The taxi feels smooth and fast to control, 'driving' style controls are a bit weird at first but you get used to them quickly.

The levels are pretty fun to explore, with some pretty interesting platforming challenges, it never got particularly hard, but maybe it gets harder in the endgame.

My one small gripe is that it's pretty annoying to find the one or two gears of 20 you missed in a level, I wish there was a radar of some sort.

Overall, it was a really fun time to go through this game. I've had my fill of it after reaching the credits though, won't push for 100% or the like.

Had a ton of fun with this game. The mech customization feels awesome with a ton of options, and they feel incredible to control. The game definitely has that fromsoft touch, great gameplay and controls and great bosses.

The story also hits suprisingly hard, with some great spectacle moments and some interesting characters.

The balancing can be a bit iffy at times, I never could figure out how to cleanly deal with the true final boss, and unlike souls it's not quite attainable to cleanly avoid all damage if you're good enough.

Still, this was definitely one my highlights of 2023, and maybe my favorite of that year.

I liked the striking art style, and I loved the story and characters, some very interesting twists and turns in there !

The gameplay was fun enough, with somewhat annoying moments where you start figuring things out by just repeated trial and error.

It still was really fun to go through though, I was hooked for the whole last third especially.