Decent rpg carried by great presentation

Great game but I wish the online part wouldn’t suck

It’s fun until it isn’t but for longer than pla

Great game but it’s sooooooo big

I could make the war crimes happen 😃

It definitely is the first of it’s genre

Solid fighting game I guess with mediocre story

Probably the best Ace Attorney game. It definitely shows that for both included games the entire plot was planned beforehand which leads to the overall story feeling as connected and well thought out like no other entries in the franchise. It also addresses a bunch of nitpicks and issues with previous titles, leading to also the smoothest gameplay loop in the series. Overall a fantastic Puzzle/Visual Novel game, even though the amount of dialogue can get a bit excessive at times.

Great story and decent enough gameplay, but I could do without playing the second half three times in a row for some minor crumbs of new story content.

Amazing gameplay loop with a sometimes even pretty good story but nothing too special in that regard.


Looks like a decent game but it’s awful at teaching you how to play and hard as fuck. I also currently don’t have the patience for that kind of game so I might come back to it later at some point

Due to being co produced by Ghibli this game starts off with a lot of charm and has a great soundtrack throughout, but turns out to be incredibly dull after the first few hours. The battle system is stupid and the plot feels way too stretched out to have an excuse for the player to do dumb chores to progress, which ends up killing any investment I could have had in this already mediocre story.