17 Reviews liked by SuperScabs

Link tearing through the lands of Hyrule on the shit that killed Shinzo Abe

Hey, you, who hasn't played the game, reading this. Play it on a DS. please. thanks!

john steinbeck's "depression quest"

CW: Incest, assault, sexual violence

Spoilers for Chapter One.

Completed the first “door” and decided I wouldn’t finish the game; everything I say in this review is limited to that opening vignette. What’s set up here is certainly well-intentioned: three central characters, each on the verge of adulthood and trapped by the rigidly defined gender roles and class structures of their 1600s environment and bearing the weight of several conflicting needs. However, in the two hours I spent with Fata Morgana, the game world’s overarching patriarchal capitalist system isn’t seriously interrogated or explored. There are a number of supporting adult characters subtly maintaining the oppressive framework: the priest insisting Mell marry within his class, Nellie’s chosen fiancée Arthur, solely interested in keeping up appearances, Nellie and Mell’s parents, the owners of the house exerting their influence from afar; a larger societal order and hierarchy are clearly hinted at, offering a possible canvas for the game to seize upon the concrete mechanics undergirding this type of systematic oppression, perhaps even explore potential solutions. This isn’t something Fata Morgana seems to be interested in, however: the characters perpetuating the system either have no lines at all (the mother and father) or only speak from off-screen! We only receive surface-level insight into this world’s politics and social dynamics, which is enough to rationalize the chain of events presented in the plot, but bereft of any deeper knowledge or meaning for the reader to extract.

We’re therefore presented with a relatively narrow character drama. This isn’t a flaw with the story necessarily — whatever you end up focusing on, it just needs to be compelling somehow. Unfortunately, what we do get is incredibly banal squabbles and eyeroll-inducing escalations that feel designed for shock value rather than to provide deeper insight. “Why won’t you spend more time with me dearest brother, you’re the only one for me,” “Okay number one that’s weird (you’re my sister,) number two I just fell in love with this white-haired chick at first sight,” “Didn’t you tell me you haven’t even met her yet? 🤨” “Uhm uhm.” In a word, the level of emotional strife and disagreeing motivations here comes across as juvenile; you might say this is because these characters are literally kids and that that’s kind of the point, but that’s not actually what I mean. It feels quaint to be reading this unremarkable back-and-forth dialogue about who spends too much time with whom, who has feelings for whom and who is instantly bewitched by whose beauty in a game about conventionally attractive people regularly described as such; specifically when you have books and films like A Girl on the Shore or How to Have Sex that navigate what I find to be much more challenging and actually-applicable-to-real-life topics like the intersection of romance, the craving for bodily intimacy and self-worth in subtle, artful and original ways. I’m throwing around a lot of adjectives here so I hope you’ll just see where I’m coming from and not ask for more specific scene-analyses LOL but I suppose this point in particular I’d be curious to hear more thoughts on.

To get at least a little more specific, Nellie’s character is a painful example of the jealous-friendzoned-girl doing a textbook version of the “I’m gonna pull some strings to make my object of desire think he has no chance with the bitch I’m competing with” trope. The misunderstandings pile up in the exact way you’d expect, until Nellie, devastated by the arranged marriage looming over her head and Mell’s apathy toward the situation, suffers a psychotic episode in which she physically assaults the white-haired girl and makes an explicitly sexual, non-consensual advance toward her brother. Since I’m critiquing the effectiveness and value of this type of writing, I feel the need to point out that any given player’s reaction to this arc will be incredibly subjective. If Metacritic and backloggd are any indication, you’ll likely have left off with a much different impression than I did, and it may be hard to see where I’m coming from (maybe you can tell that this is very different from my usual mechanics-focused analyses and that I have to reason from a mostly emotional angle LOL.) The argument I will make is that Nellie is an undeniable victim of an oppressive system, and yet she’s the only character in this self-contained story to carry out serious physical violence against another victim; and to me this does not function as effective critique of the system! (Quick aside, I had a very similar issue with Last Night in Soho’s final third and that shit seems way less bad in comparison now LOL) Instead, it comes across as unsympathetic and callous. Nellie is not just trapped by the patriarchy, but her incestual feelings toward Mell, and rather than seriously explore the internal whirlwind and self-analysis you’d expect to be part of that experience in any kind of depth, it genuinely feels more-so used as a way to gross out the player and lean into incredibly distasteful “freaky” Yandere iconography.

I can lay out all the plot beats and see the themes that are being touched on and understand the rationalizations being presented, but it doesn’t change the fact that presentation is narrative just as much as that Wikipedia summary. And in presentation, moment-to-moment, what I played of Fata Morgana rarely reaches past shallow, puerile and cowardly. I say “rarely” because as eyeroll-worthy as the aforementioned love-at-first-sight dynamic between Mell and the white-haired girl is, once they did confess their feelings to each other I couldn’t help but be surprisingly endeared by the hopelessly romantic prose and sensitive staging employed by the scene. The strength, or lack thereof, of the white-haired girl’s grip over Mell’s neck is something visual novels are uniquely poised to convey, in this case by suddenly flipping between slight alterations in otherwise static illustrations and buoy them with careful descriptions of subtle movements and bodily expressions.

But I also said the game was cowardly, because I can’t help but question its worldview when it chooses to have the white-haired girl “disfigured” by Nellie and then completely refuses to show her on-screen again from that point forward. I already noted earlier that Fata Morgana places repeated emphasis on conventional beauty, and flirting with this topic so much while blatantly skirting around any kind of alternative portrayal seems damning in my eyes. Mell’s assurances that he’ll love her regardless of her appearance can only read as hollow when the game doesn’t even seem to love its own characters enough to give them that kind of respect.

Fata Morgana consisting of, to my knowledge, at least a few largely self-contained stories has me relatively confident in the validity of this review; the main game does not revisit this particular scenario past what I played from what I understand. You might still think that this is shaky ground for me to stand on, but the entire point I hope I made here is that as a storyteller, you’re communicating things to your audience from minute one. If this opening isn’t an accurate representation of the game as a whole, then what was the point of it? If I’m to expect crucial subversions deeper into the story, how am I supposed to believe that they are any more tasteful or substantive than the dramatic turns utilized here? If the game spends two hours on this completely unoriginal love triangle, how will it tackle more difficult subjects? I’ve experienced complete, rich stories in that time-span, stories that consider their themes just as much as their form. I can certainly have Fata Morgana’s themes explained to me by its fans and acknowledge the sincerity ultimately laying beneath, but what I really needed in those two hours is for Novectacle to convince me they’re equipped to tell this kind of story; and I can’t say that I am.

I have played a few visual novels in the past year or so that really captured my attention and told fantastic stories - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim being one of the absolute best. I remember hearing, however, that The House in Fata Morgana was one of the greatest stories in gaming, one of the best visual novels to ever be released, and a must play for any fan of the genre. So, once I was able to pick up a Playstation Vita, I decided to give this purported masterpiece a try. After several hours with the game, however, I cannot recommend it to anyone.

Every visual novel I have played started out strong and is typically interesting or at least entertaining from start to finish. There are of course dips in every story and the focus of the narrative is not always on the main plot, but The House in Fata Morgana takes this to a new level. Not only is it barely interesting to begin with, and I'm not sure it was ever entertaining in the several hours I played, the story went nowhere and just meandered along in no particular direction. There was never any true purpose to the story being told and no end goal ever became obviously apparent. Maybe I was unable to read through the lines or missed some crucial backstory, but I seriously doubt it. I likely would have suffered through more of the game if there was at least something engaging to keep me interested, but after several hours there was nothing compelling me to finish the story. It is unfortunate considering the hype this game had, that I simply cannot recommend it unless you seriously enjoy the artstyle and reading hours upon hours of text that likely has nothing to do with an overarching plot that I’m not sure even exists.

Peak fiction? More like mid fiction

This review contains spoilers

This game will preach empathy and love to victims of all kinds of bigotry EXCEPT racism and then woobify the weird pedophilic relationship. Abhorrently inconsistent and just miserable to think about, worsened by how average and unremarkable so much of the game's strengths feel beyond the 2 obvious highlight characters. Just read Umineko instead if you want to see this sort of story done with any tact and more interesting writing to boot. One of the most disappointing experiences I've ever had with a game.

It’s a bit hard to fully divulge my feelings about AI: Nirvana Initiative at the moment, even after a few days of having beaten it (Only just platted it earlier today). What I can say is that this is without a doubt a worthy sequel to the first game, illuminating issues I didn’t think about in the first game and just expanding upon the already intriguing concept.

It’s a hard one to talk about especially as, admittedly, I wasn’t too sure how to feel during the game’s first half. It certainly feels slower and it becomes noticeable how much more linear the story goes this time, as you don’t have a major split down the path like in the first game. Thankfully, much of the set up in this first half isn’t the pseudo-science that had to be explained. Rather much of the early game diatribes actually hone in on the games’ philosophical or thematic beats (i.e. Uchikoshi’s wikipedia spiel on what he learned about buddhism and simulation theory). Unfortunately, going through the first half begins to feel much more like learning certain half-information about the games’ “HB case”. Not to say these bits of info are entirely useless. Upon finishing the game in its entirety does it become apparent how meaningful some of the hints dropped throughout the first half are, it's just a matter of dealing with some of the vague details of the case.

To make up for this slower pace, we start the game with Ryuki, an entirely new character to the series, and a pretty interesting protagonist overall and the result of Yusuke Kozaki’s horny imagination gone rampant, Tama. Shelve the horny though, Tama’s actually pretty fun and her relationship with Ryuki throughout the first half is great. For the second half, playing as Mizuki is also quite the joy even if she isn’t too different from how she was in the first game. Similar to Ryuki, her banter with Aiba is also a joy and it's fun to see the similarities and differences to when Aiba was in Date’s skull.

Much of the first game’s cast returns and some of them kinda just run their same schtick or run a new bit this time around, but to make up for this we have tons of new characters and much of them are enjoyable or (intentionally) despicable. Some of them kinda run the same bit over time but where I think they shine compared to other characters in the first game is that most of them actually have an arc. AI 1’s cast is great but the game itself plays out more like a standard mystery but with branching paths that drop major clues by the end of most of them. Most of the cast throughout doesn’t have much room to develop outside of a handful, the rest kind of just serve their role. AI:NI rather has much of its new additions be the subject to character flaws, traumas, conflicts and relations to explore via the psyncs. Speaking of, I think the psyncs throughout are a massive jump in quality compared to the first. The first’s are pretty fine but much of the second game’s have new gimmicks or neater setups to differentiate them, and they usually have a much better time developing and reaching conclusions for these characters. The first had a couple of stinkers and a few that are just okay, but it was hard to think of my least favorite in this game. Even the more time/action intensive somniums have neater gimmicks to differentiate between them (I keep forgetting how many somniums in the first game are set in the same abandoned factory).

Also I do have to give props to both the cutscene and music direction, I feel like the atmosphere is much stronger for whatever ‘beat’ the game is going for at the time than in the first game. It still has its cheap quality (the ending video played at an extremely lower quality than the rest of the game for me) but this still remains a really great looking game and much of the game’s higher quality cutscenes and somniums are filled with memorable moments. Although admittedly, as much as I like the game’s music it does tend to lull me into a trance during certain investigation segments.

Lastly, I’ll say that the game’s final chunk up and throughout the last bit and into some of the post-game ‘secret hunting’ did a lot in kinda wrapping my opinions as I was going down the game’s trophies. It was already a good expansion on the first game but the last chunk really sealed my liking for this game a good bit more. It might take a bit for me to decide whether this is an all time favorite or not but I'm glad that despite the initial slog I thought the game was going through, it actually ties up pretty well. It’s still Uchikoshi at his hackiest, and there’s a lot of eye-rolling at where the plot gets taken. There’s still way too much horniness and terrible, terrible jokes (even more courtesy of there being a terrible comedian character, Komeji). But this definitely stands as a worthy successor to what I previously called Uchikoshi and his team’s best work.


I was told over and over again that Cyberpunk didn't have anything to say, but after finally playing the game I have to respectfully disagree with that take.

Cyberpunk is one of the most politically heavy-handed and thematically cohesive games I've ever played! Night City depicts the logical endpoint of hypercapitalism, a world where businesses and corporations have successfully subsumed every aspect of American culture, creating a country where the bottom line supersedes any consideration for human life.

This game is CONSTANTLY touching on hot button issues like universal healthcare, police brutality, worker's rights, the dehumanization of sex workers, immigrant labor, political corruption, gun violence, poverty, and social inequality - constantly exploring how these issues would look if they were to go unfixed 50 years in the future.

Could you imagine a world where corporations are legally allowed to discriminate towards employees and even force them to undergo cosmetic surgery? Or where snuff films are a popular form of entertainment for a population that's become emotionally numb to constant gun violence? Maybe a world where a privatized police force drops any facade of protecting the peace and opts to brutalize anyone who gets in their way? Where sex workers frequently wipe their memories to avoid the psychological fallout of dealing with abusive clients?

This isn't the 'apolitical politics' of Far Cry where the game dunks its head in the sand and pretends its narrative has no ties to the real world.

This isn't the milquetoast commentary of Bioshock where the game vaguely gestures towards complex ideas while saying nothing of value.

And this sure as hell isn't the misanthropic satire of GTA, aimlessly shitting on anything and everything without a hint of humanity.

Instead, Cyberpunk is making pointed criticism towards Capitalists, abusive power structures, and the hollow promise of the American dream while still managing to show empathy to those suffering from this broken system.

This game sounds like it’s all doom and gloom, but it still finds time to tell deeply personal and intimate stories about the people of this world. Nearly every quest is about trying to find peace and comfort in the apocalypse, trying your hardest to do right by others when the system has beat any sense of happiness and love out of them.

One mission has you checking on a neighbor who has shut himself off from the world and refuses to talk to friends or family after witnessing the widespread corruption of the NCPD

Another mission has you comforting a death row inmate who wants nothing more than redemption and forgiveness for his actions and struggles to give back to a world that only wants him dead

Sometimes you're snuggling up to your best friend on a couch, babysitting a single mom's kids as she cooks dinner, helping an old friend come to terms with their fading legacy, convincing a soon-to-be father to stop his risky money making schemes or - my personal favorite - leaving messages on a friend's voicemail as you come to terms with their passing.

It's rare to see a game depicting such a dark and cynical world while maintaining a deeply emotional core. And it does it all with a concise script that drip feeds character development, world building, and plot without relying on fat exposition dumps - the writing in cyberpunk is snappy and lean, fitting an expansive rpg adventure in a 30 hour runtime without feeling rushed or underwritten. There’s a large cast of characters that get little screentime but immediately leave a lasting impression through their back stories, personal beliefs, and excellent performances. To top it all off, Night City is a beautifully realized world with an incredible attention to detail - everything you see has a history that steadily unfolds the more you slow down and pay attention to the environmental design, codex entries, and optional dialogue. Where are all the animals in the city? Why are buildings on the edge of town obscenely tall? What the hell is a braindance? Slowly piecing together answers to these questions was extremely satisfying and gave me the same feelings I had when discovering the RPG worlds from games like Mass Effect, SMT IV, and Fallout.

While I have a 1,000 great things to say about the narrative, the gameplay systems are consistently mid

Combat is a simple run 'n gun shooting gallery that's largely devoid of strategy - just walk into a room full of baddies and click their heads til they die. You can approach levels from multiple directions and use stealth/hacking abilities to spice things up, but each of the routes are functionally samey (and typically converge into 1 path anyways), stealth is incredibly slow, and hacking is nowhere as fun or efficient as just shooting people.

That being said, even though the combat is shallow and lacks the systemic depth of something like Deus ex or Prey, its fast pace and solid kinesthetics make it enjoyable in a ‘dumb fun’ kind of way. Personally, I would take cyberpunk's mindless run n gun nonsense over the flacid gunplay or janky melee of similar rpgs like Fallout or Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. It also helps that combat is rather infrequent! If you stick to the questlines and ignore the dozens of random filler mercenary gigs (jesus there’s SOOO much filler), you'll find that combat is rarely the focal point. Most quests actively discourage conflict or have zero combat altogether, opting to focus on the narrative and world building instead.

There are other flaws like the game's insistence on hand-holdy setpieces that disregard player input, or a dull skill tree centered on tiny statistical buffs (+2% dps! Wow!), or the game’s need to signpost everything with gaudy quest markers - but they're easily forgivable compared to the game's AWFUL LOOT SYSTEM. This system is a poor man’s Diablo, centered on number bloat and raw vertical progression rather than meaningful trade offs or interesting synergies.

You find level 3 booty shorts only to replace them with level 4 booty shorts and then level 5 booty shorts - so on and so forth.

You find a level 6 handgun and feed it crafting materials until it's level 7, then 8, then 9, all the way up to the cap of 50.

Finding loot doesn’t open up new abilities or strategies or playstyles, you’re just inflating defense and attack stats in a linear fashion, making combat at level 50 nearly identical to combat at level 1. To make things worse, you’re absolutely DROWNING in loot with no way to filter rarity or instantly sell all.

This system is bad and does nothing but introduce tedious menuing and arbitrary difficulty spikes. Dying to an enemy who's 10 levels higher than me and kills me in 2 hits isn't fun or interesting or give me anything to learn from. Opening my inventory to sift through 100 similar pistols is boring, boring, boring. This might seem pretty tame to some people, especially since most AAA games have similar systems, but I think a system that actively detracts from a game without adding anything of value shouldn’t exist in the first place. This is cdprojektRED's 4th rpg and they STILL struggle to provide interesting itemization despite decades of crpgs providing examples of how to do it right.

I have problems with Cyberpunk and I wouldn’t blame anyone for hating the game (especially if you got scammed with the ps4/xbox one versions), but it has some of the best writing and world design I’ve ever seen in a videogame and stands with Yakuza, Disco Elysium, and Mother 3 as one of the few narrative games that left an emotional impact on me. Hopefully the game gets more attention once it’s fully patched cause I would hate for it to get forgotten.

It's a great game for people think turn based combat is boring and didn't know killing was bad

This review contains spoilers

Spoilers will follow

A majority of RPGs today have their roots in Dungeons and Dragons. Even though these roots have often been obfuscated by some 40 years of iteration, they still provide an invaluable lens for observing RPGs. D&D is unique from most video games in that to play it you must actually roleplay, that is to say, you must be willing to partake in the fantasy of the game. The compellingness of this fantasy is, of course, the primary factor in your willingness to partake, and, as such, is critical to the integrity of the work as a whole. While traditional narrative driven video games are inherently quite different from Dungeons and Dragons, the player’s agency over a character who is part of a fictional world offers a similar kind of fantasy which is equally important. Satoshi Tajiri, the man behind Pokemon’s original concept, shared this sentiment in an interview, stating that, “Even though the presentation was limited by the console (referring to the original gameboy) the idea of exploring the natural world and forming bonds with the creatures around you is something most people can relate to passionately. The dream of an ideal world for exploration is the core of Pokemon.” A universal, engaging fantasy like the one found in Pokemon is an essential component to the success of any given JRPG.

And it’s for this exact reason that Shin Megami Tensei V is so foundationally rotten. I’m a huge fan of the Megami Tensei franchise and most of Atlus’ broader catalog, but despite my love — and despite beating the game four whole times — I still came away from this most recent entry extremely disappointed. So, what is Shin Megami Tensei V’s fantasy? What core of the human psyche is it trying to evoke? Luckily for me, Atlus was pretty transparent about what they were aiming for. It's very clear that they were trying to recapture the ideas that made Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne such a fan-favorite. In both games, the player is dropped in a desertified, hellscape version of Tokyo, and must use the power they gain while fighting their way through this world to shape its rebirth into one they consider to be more righteous. There’s a lot to love about this premise; The fear of isolation, the tension of struggle, the agency of being able to change the world. It’s a setup with the potential for deep catharsis. While Nocturne does fall short of its lofty ideas in some ways, that just means Shin Megami Tensei V had the potential to actualize them similarly to how Shin Megami Tensei IV did for the first game in the series. But knowing a developer’s intent can be a poisonous thing when it comes to observing a work as it actually exists instead of how it was intended to be. It's possible that I somehow simply overlooked the fantasy Shin Megami Tensei V was trying to evoke due to my familiarity with its predecessors. However, assuming that Atlus was trying to invoke similar ideas here, this game shows a jarring lack of commitment and focus to them in comparison to earlier entries in the series. This lack of commitment, more than any individual failing of the design, is ultimately what damns the game to mediocrity for me. Let’s start by looking at how the mechanics fail this game, as this series has quite the reputation for an intense gameplay focus atypical for JRPGs.

When discussing the mechanics, and more specifically, the combat mechanics of Shin Megami Tensei V, one thing sticks out to me as particularly garish in how it undercuts the player’s agency. This is the fact that the level difference between the attacker and defender in any given combat scenario applies a modifier to damage outside of stat differences. Put more plainly, if the attacker is lower level than the defender, then the attack will do less damage regardless of stat differences. This may seem like a sensible choice at first. “If the player notices this, then they can use the enemy’s levels to gauge what their own level should be, and stay on the difficulty curve.” I question the necessity of this, as levels serve this function in most RPGs even when they lack a damage modifier mechanic. Players will naturally appraise themselves against their enemies based on their level and will decide for themselves the range where they feel comfortable fighting enemies. More skilled players don’t look at an enemy that is five levels above them the same way as new players. While it’s true that if your level is on par with the enemies in Shin Megami Tensei V they will be more tightly balanced around your capabilities, it’s also true that this makes any encounter where your levels are mismatched extremely lopsided. You either outlevel the enemy and they can barely touch you, or they outlevel you and every encounter feels like a boss fight. This effectively narrows the range of engaging, fun experiences the player can have.​​ Thankfully, completing challenge runs or playing below the level curve is still possible in Shin Megami Tensei V, however, this mechanic pushes them out of reach for a large portion of the player base and often forces players who aren’t actively doing the game’s many below average side quests into grinding. This is further compounded by the baffling ways Atlus has chosen to diversify the pool of demons.

A commonly cited issue with Shin Megami Tensei IV was that demons felt too similar. The freedom of being able to select any skill from the demons being fused to give to the resulting demon allowed players to optimize most of their party members into one or two generic builds based on whether they were physical or magical attackers. While it could be argued that this level of freedom is a point in the game's favor, a more diversified demonic lineup would only be a good thing. Shin Megami Tensei V (and Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse) both agreed, and attempted to solve this problem in two major ways. The first was by expanding the number of skills that are exclusive to specific demons. Only seven demons had unique skills in Shin Megami Tensei IV, five of which are DLC bosses. Meanwhile Shin Megami Tensei V has almost seventy unique skills split across its roster despite having half as many demons to spread them to when compared with Shin Megami Tensei IV. Their other method for introducing variety was the affinity system. Starting in Apocalypse, demons have values intrinsic to them that dictate what types of spells they’re good at using. Both of these ideas sound good on paper but are once again, critically flawed. The demon affinity system only gives the most surface level difference to demons’ optimal builds while directly harming the player’s ability to come up with interesting viable skill sets for their favorites. An optimized electric demon still looks the same as an optimized ice demon in terms of their abilities. The only difference is which flavor of damage they do which also becomes a more meaningless distinction in the late game when bosses have fewer weaknesses and you’re adding a pierce effect to your attacks anyways. Unique skills are a much more appealing system on the face of it and that’s probably why they’ve been around in all parts of Megami Tensei since the first mainline game. The major issue being that it once again limits any player trying to optimize their party into a select few demons of any given type. Give up on making your favorite demon your healer if they aren’t Demeter or Idun because they will never be able to cast Eleusinian Harvest or Golden Apple.

JRPG players often seem to forget that combat is only one part of the gameplay experience. For the mainline series' big return to home consoles for the first time in around two decades Atlus decided to supplement the combat sections with the largest freely explorable areas in the series so far. By my estimation this just above mediocre exploration gameplay makes up the largest share of the game’s runtime and is where I was most personally disappointed with the game mechanically. This is because, beyond the fact that the set dressing is apocalyptic and demons are present, nothing is done to sell you on the experience of being a human (or technically a Nahobino I guess) exploring this foreign dangerous world. Enemies move much too slowly and simplistically to ever be considered threatening, outside of the very few instances where the level design funnels you into them. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the overworld enemies were not all functionally identical to the glitchy blobs present in Shin Megami Tensei IV. Enemies can fly, fire projectiles, vary in size and movement speed, and a few late game demons even have some unique tricks. That being said, all this effort is effectively wasted when you can easily outrun enemies in almost any situation, and even when they maybe catch you off guard, you can still instantly warp yourself back to the last save point with no down side thanks to how frequently they’re placed. Even if the save points were incredibly sparse it wouldn’t make these journeys more intense because movement, and by extension, navigating around enemies is always incredibly simple. Your jump doesn’t even carry dash momentum so your journey back to where you warped from is always as simple as just walking there. There is pretty much never any tension in the exploration segments of Shin Megami Tensei V. You never have to consider the journey you’re about to make mechanically beyond remembering to hit the heal button before you leave the save point. There is also pretty much nothing to actually “discover” in these segments. All possible rewards for exploration are clearly shown within the first couple hours of gameplay and the surprisingly good level design can only do so much to make you feel like you’re actually exploring when the only thing waiting for you at the end is a Miman. The decision to hide portions of the map behind the abscess fights is shockingly clever as it forces the player to really observe the surroundings to find a way to these blights. This is undermined by the fact that 80% of them by my estimation are just placed out in the open to be combat tests. I would have loved to have seen Atlus solve two problems at once by allowing the demons in your possession to interact with the environment in some way unique to them. This would at once introduce a new way to vary demons and also maybe require the player to be a little more thoughtful during their preparations for a trip into the Da’at. With combat, demon fusion, and exploration the game sees fit to limit both the players and its own expressive ability in some vague pursuit of balance. Instant kill spells and the tension they provided have been drastically toned down assumedly because they don’t provide a “fair combat scenario.” Enemy ambushes are infrequent because they could be considered “classic smt bullshit” if the player died to one. If there was anything I expected from a mainline Shin Megami Tensei post Dark Souls’ blowing up, it would be that the game would revel in its edgy, punishing reputation and push its classic RPG gameplay to new expressive heights much like Nocturne and Strange Journey did before it. Instead the edges have been sanded down and any punishment amounts to a slap on the wrist. The game instead is too concerned with presenting a pretty, polished version of a battle system we’ve been using for two decades now, for whatever that’s worth. If this vapid gameplay was constructed in service of some narrative component of the setting I could understand it, but sadly the setting falls flat there as well.

The setting is the aspect where this game is most directly comparable to Nocturne and anywhere it differs, it does so in a way that detracts from the game. Shin Megami Tensei IV saw no shortage of deserved praise for how it used its dozens of characters to really bring the worlds of Mikado and Tokyo to life. Nocturne similarly saw praise for the way its sparse storytelling and barren wasteland of a world imparted a sense of awe and isolation. Shin Megami Tensei V manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and draw on the worst aspects of both of these approaches while reaping none of the benefits. It is both too lacking in compelling dialogue or developed characters to flesh out its world, while also being too populated for the player to feel any kind of isolation. The non plot critical humans all exist mostly unaware of the Da’at and as such have very little to say beyond “Oh man the world sure is scary huh.” Meanwhile the non plot critical demons are mostly delegated to very mediocre sidequests. There are some standouts in this group. Khonsu, Fionn, and Shiva are all tangentially related to the narrative in a way that makes their quests feel more impactful. A few others like the succubus quest stick out for how you engage with them but the vast majority are MMO level fetch quests or the most reductive law/chaos choices in the franchise, which the discussion around this game seems to hype up for some reason. I think this largely stems from the fact that the demons haven’t really formed communities or social hierarchies with the humans the way they have in Shin Megami Tensei IV. There’s nothing really unique to observe here in the characters or the way they interact beyond the group of Egyptian Deities that forms right at the end of the game. Even the fairy forest, which may at first seem to be exactly what I’m looking for, is incredibly minor and entirely derivative of prior mainline games. Every single mainline game barring If… to my memory has the fairies establish a community that serves as a uniquely peaceful place amidst the apocalypse. None of this is helped by the games lackluster aesthetic design.

Much has already been said about the games liberal palette swapping of the four major areas even by avid fans of the game, so I trust I don’t need to reiterate that here, but even beyond that this game desperately needs some visual variety. When speaking about Shin Megami Tensei IV, art director Eiji Ishida said “If we’d applied the ‘infernal’ design to the whole game, though, it would start to resemble one of those trite Western games with their overused post-apocalyptic motifs.” Sadly, it seems Ishida was not involved with Shin Megami Tensei V and as a result, the entirety of the Da’at is the trite apocalypse he was referring to. No room for interesting communities and cultures to form in this world. All we have is blasted out buildings and Miman. Not to mention the almost complete lack of any iconic Tokyo architecture which makes this apocalypse seem even more generic. Unfortunately the lackluster visual design extends beyond the environments themselves.

I consider myself quite the fan of both Masayuki Doi and Kazuma Kaneko. I have a few of their works framed on my walls and think that their work, more than any other individuals’, is what shapes mainline Shin Megami Tensei into something I love. That isn’t to discount creatives like Okada, Ishida, Yamai, or Kozuka of course. I just find an incredible amount of meaning in the art of this series. That being said, I don’t feel like either artist's work is used to its full potential here. It is cool to see a lot of Kaneko’s iconic demon designs rendered in 3D but with the man himself long since gone from Atlus, there is a notable lack of cohesion amongst his demons in V. One of the greatest strengths of Nocturne is the way the entire world felt blended together in the style of his art. His and Shiraishi’s oversight in the modeling process no doubt contributed to this. In IV, Kaneko had already passed on the mantle of the demon painter and as such cohesion is lacking there as well. That being said, IV used this to its advantage with a roster of over 400 demons and a plethora of designs from guest artists as well. While it is true that not all of these were hits, it led to some absolute standouts such as the four archangels and chemtrail. You could say that the absolute chaos of IV’s bestiary is what made it stand out in a good way. V once again threads the needle into an unsatisfying middle ground. The pool of demons is understandably smaller given the game's scope, but the game splits this small pool between old Kaneko designs, more modern ones, and Doi’s designs. Doi’s demon designs this time around also vary wildly in quality. He was given more demons to design than ever and was even allowed to handle the ones found in random encounters, which he had historically stayed away from. Two things stick out as in this set: . Legs, and tokusatsu. As if mandated by some marketing executives, most of Shin Megami Tensei V’s new female demon designs are constantly showing off their legs and seem designed primarily as cute anime girls with light mythological theming as opposed to actually being those myths. I’m not a prude or anything; I’m even a fan of Kaneko’s famous bondage angel design and his many literal gential demons. The problem here is they feel pandering. Abdiel for example is not served as a character or mythological figure in any way by her skimpy outfit. The trend of demons being characterized by their place in the story as opposed to their mythology actually began in Shin Megami Tensei IV and I would highly recommend @eirikrjs writings on the subject if you want a more thorough exploration of that in particular. That being said, Shin Megami Tensei V takes this further by seemingly having a large amount of its characters be designed in contrast to BOTH their mythology and their character. Beyond this issue (which could totally be a symptom of marketing focused direction or something) one of Doi’s eccentricities as an artist works its way into this game in a way that clashes horribly. This being the aforementioned tokusatsu influence. Aogami, the Nahobino, Tsukuyomi, Odin and even Lucifer stick out like they’re entirely different categories of creatures from the rest of the demons. Honestly it isn’t even an aesthetic I’m entirely negative on but I question its haphazard implementation here as it only serves to undermine any sort of focus the art direction may have had. For a future mainline game I would prefer to see Doi keep his stuff more in line with the Kaneko designs they seem intent on using for the rest of eternity, or for Doi to be fully unchained and Atlus allow the game to take shape around his unique aesthetic identity. Ultimately, the visuals fracture the setting in a way that makes it impossible for you to ground yourself in it while never quite reaching the surreal heights of other games in the franchise.

Visuals are only one portion of the iconic Shin Megami Tensei aesthetic and thankfully the music fared much better in this outing. Kozuka returns as lead composer for this entry and after his beyond stellar work for IV and IV: Apocalypse I wouldn’t have anyone else. His crunchy, distorted synths and pained, furious guitars capture similar emotions to tracks in IV but in the decade since that game they’ve only grown more intense. Tracks like ‘Humans, Demons, and…’ are absolutely electrifying and haunting at the same time. Compensating for this more blown-out depiction of Tokyo, a lot of the funkier tracks have been sidelined in favor of a huge amount of sparse, industrial influenced, sandblasted ones. The theme of the Tokyo Diet Building shows off this new sound incredibly well alongside the instrument at the core of a huge portion of this game's soundtrack, a feminine voice that is absolutely haunting in an almost spiritual way. A perfect fit for the franchise if you ask me. Of course Kozuka’s famous bells make a return in the level up theme and even the game's credits, sounding even better than before. But apparently Kozuka didn’t do all the tracks on the OST (and I have my suspicions about which tracks may have been done by Atlus Sound Team) but ultimately the music is one aspect where Shin Megami Tensei V does not disappoint. It feels like this is the score to the ideal game SMTV fell short of. (Just as an aside about the sound design though: Can we stop with the atrocious voice filters that all the demons use? They rob their lines of any sort of weight every single time. Oh, and play the game with Japanese audio.)

Earlier I mentioned how non plot critical characters harm the setting, but unfortunately the plot critical ones, along with the plot itself, hamstring not just the setting but player agency as a concept. The player spends the bulk of the game pushed around by forces greater than themselves that they may not even agree with. I cannot stress enough how just the concept of Bethel is entirely antithetical to anything this game had going for it. Working for an organization whose goals you only partially understand removes your agency. Working with other people ensures you never feel properly isolated and accountable for your decisions. Exploring the Da’at isn’t your adventure, it's your 9-5 job. You spend so much time doing meaningless work for Bethel that the game retreading Nocturne’s climax of the opposing parties fighting for the right to literally recreate the world came as a surprise to me just by sheer virtue of how poorly it was built up. Of course most Megami Tensei games end like that in some way or another but this game's pacing seriously just does not build to that at all. The first quarter of the game is spent confused as to the nature of the world. The second is a monster of the week story. The third is suddenly an assault on the final bastion of the forces of chaos which is pretty confusing in and of itself because last I checked we were getting smoked. Then, all of a sudden, in one of the games like hour long exposition dumps, the final act is set up to essentially be Nocturne’s Tower of Kagutsuchi. It might sound like I’m paraphrasing but I promise you it feels exactly like that as you play it. An entire half of the game is dedicated to telling you what a Nahobino is and then like 3 finales are crammed into the back half. You have no ability to decide what you do, you have no real stake in the story other than the fact that you want to live, why should you care about anything happening in the narrative? Oh and of course the one area Atlus decides to give the player total control of the story they do so in the worst way possible. In an utterly baffling move for the series, the player's ending is no longer determined by the summation of their decisions throughout their journey but a literal ending select screen. This is some of the worst streamlining I’ve ever seen in a video game. It cheapens every single decision the player makes throughout the game retroactively. You no longer have to roleplay in Shin Megami Tensei V because that’s not what this series is about anymore apparently. The cultural zeitgeist has turned this series into every vapid, reductive, twitter generalization you have ever heard about it. Shin Megami Tensei is a series with cRaZy hard gameplay and penis demons where you kill your friends now. Nothing more.

There are few games as utterly captivating as Elden Ring. Throughout it's runtime, I found the game's world and it's dungeons just absolutely sucking up my play sessions and spitting me out on the other side, way past 11pm and wishing i didnt have work the next day. It's a hard game to drag oneself away from, with an open world that constantly rewards curiosity, enormous main dungeons which you can now have a degree of vertical exploration and platforming, and constant beauty to be found in it's locales and vistas.

The world design and the main levels of Elden Ring are just astounding. If you exclude the copypasta mines and catacombs, which fortunately arent too common, nearly everything else is high tier Fromsoftware stuff, and the world design itself is fantastic. It's kind of like New Vegas in that whilst it's very open, there's a clear route the game is always nudging you in, and the world design being much longer than it is wide ties into that. Towards the end of the game it also gladly funnels a bit more, so just as the open world fatigue feels like it might set in and the world looks like it might be overstepping, it pulls it back just enough.

The gameplay itself is basically dark souls 4, which is pretty much what everyone wanted, so cool. If there is a significant difference between them, it is that Elden Ring is a game that encourges far more resourcefulness and usage of tactics and items that were pretty useless in previous games. The item crafting allows lot more liberal use of things like firebombs and knives, crossbows and bows are massively more viable, and multiclassing a melee build with some magic is a natural path to take as scaling seems way less important than stat requirements for wepons and abilities. With spirit ashes as well there seems a fairly large emphasis on using a wider variety of resources available to you, which is a good change, and discourages the R1-roll-r1 that souls can sadly boil down to.

On a core gameplay side, the only real issue i have is the scaling of enemy health and damage. It's just a bit overtuned. Unlike other Souls games, Vitality basically has to be your primary stat here - having about 40-50(!!!) seems appropriate for the endgame, in a game where other stat demands remain basically the same compared to previous games. Enemies also get vastly inflated health pools in harder areas than where you should be, and whilst i get the purpose to sort of corral the player in the right areas, it's a bit much. It leads to coming back to early areas being a cakewalk whilst lacking a few upgrades in a lategame area to be a nightmare - something that can easily happen becasue the drops required to upgrade weapons are kind of a mess to get and you may well end up in a situation where missing one low level stone prevents a massive jump in power. Reducing this quite massive range would have helped a lot, and I don't really get why the decision was made to be like this when none of the other souls are, excluding the chalice dungeons and the New game plus cycles - which is kind of what going to a new area feels like in gameplay terms.

The bosses are also a very mixed bag. Many are great, of course, but there's some serious dark souls 2 energy to quite a couple of them - bosses with really weird wind ups that track your position to an insane degree with only tiny windows to fight back with. And worst off, very occasionally you'll get to fight two of those fuckers at once.

There's also just too many bosses in general. I know they're often the best part of these games and that since you can run past so much of everything else in this game, it might be neccessary, but there's a large amount of copypasta of the minor bosses in particular, a lot of similar dragons - and the game basically ends with 5 bosses directly after each other, which is a bit much. They could have toned it down a bit.

Other than that, perhaps the biggest dissapointment for me is the narrative and world "lore". Especially in the early hours the world of elden ring feels a bit like bootleg dark souls, to the point i dont know why they didn't just make this a direct spinoff. There's so much stuff which is just "dark souls stuff but named different" that it feels a bit fake, and wheras something like bloodborne could get away with it due to a vastly different setting, Elden Ring's really is quite similar. The conflict of the game is also quite poorly defined unless you're really paying attention to stuff. Fortunately some very good NPCs (ranni my beloved) and the world design itself rises to the occasion, but yeah, I really think they should have made this just a dark souls spinoff, it just means it feels awkward at times, especially in the early hours which are just straight, boring high fantasy.

To be honest, there's an overwhelming amount of nits to pick with Elden Ring. I could write a review much longer than this one alone about individual locations in the game that feel like they were given to the team who made shrine of amana, or the weird quest design, or wonky performances issues or whatever. But, y'know, that's From. Every last one of the souls games - and all the earlier games of theirs i've played - have problems that I would dumpster other games for. I will forever make fun of the Cathedral level from Code Vein, but you'll probably catch me defending lost izalith if you got me drunk enough. Because just the general play experience of Elden Ring is so damn strong.

It's not the best soulsbornekirofieldtowerring - the honour still goes to bloodborne by a long shot as far as i'm concerned. Ultimately i do think enough of the issues i've mentioned, particularly the wonky balance, large amounts of reused stuff and some bad bosses definetly knock the game down a peg. But it's still clearly the best open world game since Gravity Rush 2, and FROM's first crack at this really doesn't feel like the sellout my cynical self thought it would be. It's like they've been doing this all along.

This feels like a waste of potential. For context, I lean much more towards remakes being something that stands on it's own from the original. This is the exact same experience from Demon's Souls on PS3 with a worse coat of paint and faster load times.

I don't want to discredit Bluepoint like they did a terrible job though, there was clearly a lot of effort put into the visuals and making it run smoothly on PS5. But I honestly feel like that's kinda it. Like they were tasked to just make a pretty looking remake with not much else going into it. If that was the goal, they succeeded. But I don't think it's worth replacing the original over.

The new music also sucks.

Edit: Went back and beat it. Yeah I still feel about the same. The OG filter cuts out a bit of my complaints about the worse coat of paint and some of the GRAPHICS are actually pretty impressive. But it's still original Demon's Souls underneath all that with some QOL mixed in. Not the worst but still kind of a waste of potential that a remake for DeS could've been.

Music still sucks, too.

Replaying it for nostalgia and it really is an absolute banger of a season. It adds such a complexity to this solid but uncomplicated series. It ditches what didn't work about previous seasons and highlights what does.

What really works is just the thesis of the very story. The series has always been good at sticking with gags that you'd think would be one-offs. Season 3 escalates by just keeping the camera on these two goofballs as the jokes melt away and the real consequences they promised you start to set in. And when the jokes vanish you're just left with the real heart of it all: the two best friends who want to go adventuring together and how that bond refuses to break in spite of all the ways its bent. A perfect ending without an equal.