While flawed, Tears of the Kingdom is an undeniable mechanical marvel that improves on it's predecessors gameplay in almost every way. While not a 5/5 for me personally, giving this game anything below a 4/5 is likely borne of ignorance and personal bias. Good Job Nintendo.

back when games were real.

There is nowhere to go from here.

the sample says "rappin' black" not "wrapped in black" Hideki.

Really good game.

mario game is fun because you can jump.

Shadow of the Colossus must speak for itself through its silence.

This review contains spoilers

Elden Ring is the most potent game I've ever played, it truly has it all, a sense of exploration to rival even the likes of Breath of the Wild, combat so diverse that it warrants at least 3 playthroughs to even scratch the surface of all the mechanics, unrivaled art direction and graphical fidelity, and my favorite fictional lore I have ever discovered. Every moment feels like an adventure, from emerging from the Chapel of Anticipation, to choking on the ash dispersed by the Erdtree set ablaze, I have never played a title that rivals how the Legend of Zelda's endings make me feel. The only gripe I could consider is the pure density and scope of the world, making re-playthroughs frankly intimidating, so while not suited for immediate replay value, Elden Ring's sheer level of content lends itself perfectly to being replayed annually, as everything will be fresh once again. I often find myself too eager to jump back into this world, and become disappointed when it feels tiresome to replay, so I ought to learn to pace myself, it will be worth it.

There is no perfect game, there never will be, it's an illogical concept, you can't truly define perfect art, but Elden Ring will stand as one of the most special games ever made, no game will make you feel exactly like Elden Ring will.


The Last of Us fixes the all-too-common ludo-narrative dissonance present in the majority of the industry, fusing gameplay and story perfectly, eliminating the need to suspend your disbelief when considering the ramifications of your actions, combat is not a mechanic, it's a real action taken by a real individual in a real world. Immersion is this titles' capstone attribute, I only wish that it had more inventive and engaging gameplay to further push itself into masterpiece territory, as it stands, The Last of Us is a triumph in gaming-specific storytelling that, while sorely lacking in mechanical innovation and ideas, cannot be considered anything lesser than a marvel if only for its story alone.

Also holy crap play it on the PS4 I beg of you, the PS3 version plays like a constipated rhino.

this game is only cool because my friend Braden liked it and he's sculpted of swag

God of War: Ragnarok is exactly what everyone wished, yet no one imagined a game could be.

To take God of War 2018, the culmnation of modern and retro game design across genres, and say "You know what? Let's make it again, but this time, with 3x the ambition." is mindblowing. What was once a simple yet powerful narrative evolves into a realm-spanning, eon-long saga contained in one title, I would liken experiencing Ragnarok's story to watching Avengers: Infinity War AND Endgame back-to-back, or watching 2/3rds of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, by the end of the narrative, the beginning of the game felt like it was from a different title entirely, the writing is beyond impressive and it kept me hooked every step of the way, never, in any other game, has the story been so relatable and powerful that I genuinely felt myself wholly immersed and invested during boss fights, it wasn't just me watching Kratos stand up to those who wish to hurt his son, I, more than when playing any other game, felt truly emotionally heated during these exchanges, to me, fighting a boss wasn't just about completing a challenge, it was about proving that no one had the power to take Atreus away from his father. The writers awaken a part of you that you may not even know you had in you.

Unsurprisingly, Ragnarok is a blast to play, building upon the previous game's foundation perfectly and then adding even more mechanics that enhance and freshen the experience, never will I stop mentioning how utterly awesome it is to use the Blades of Chaos as a traversal tool, or how grotesquely masculine splitting men in half for your son is. Sidequests have been greatly improved from the original, which is incredible considering the original already excelled in this area, there are full character arcs and lore uncoveries in these optional adventures, and they are all a joy, it is unfathomable the amount of granular detail put into every inch of this experience.

Of course, once again, Santa Monica knocks it out of the park with their stellar graphical design and art direction, realms like Vanaheim and Ironwood truly inspire a sense of awe and immersion, they are dreams brought to life in explicit and intricate detail.

The scope of this game is undeniable, and with scope comes risk, Ragnarok accomplishes far more than its predecessor, but due to the increased scope, not absolutely everything this game attempts is accomplished perfectly, but any errors are so miniscule that I cannot even think of any in specific, it is the nature of such a complicated and diverse experience to fall every here and there, but ultimately, what it accomplishes compared to its predecessor is undeniably more impressive.

A review as long as this barely begins to scratch the surface of this magnificent experience, I truly mean magnificent, much like 2018, God Of War: Ragnarok is a stellar example of the potential video games have. This is not just a game, it is a living, breathing masterpiece.


big lore, big combat, big world, big graphics, big mechanics, big art, big game.

big game is best game.

Sonic Frontiers is a grand display of wasted potential and false redemption.

Good game that peaks at the first level.