119 Reviews liked by Swampus

In retrospect, Gen V was like a huge party marking the end of era. The sprites in Pokemon games feel like such a defining feature, and the fully animated ones here go HARD. The game itself is also good as hell, but who would expect any less looking at all the ones that came before? Then only one generation later it all seems to be gone.

This one's got so much personality. The levels are designed so well for the game's unique format of semi-linear platforming and treasure-hunting, followed by the frantic rush to escape. And the juxtaposition of the lovely soundtrack and comic visual style works oddly well due to the quirky elements of each. The result is a wholly singular experience.

I, like many others, can't help but rave about the spot-on toy card physics of this game. It has to be played to be believed. RVGL and the huge modding community for the game are awesome. It's actually like racing toy RC cars with people around the world. An exciting assortment of feelings ensue!

Bold follow up to Ocarina of Time that's not only as fun but also perfectly ties its new mechanics with poignant storytelling.

Such a beautiful game. I would navigate through the Water Temple or traverse Hyrule Field any day of the week. I'm already there mentally.

It was such a gripping experience that it made me re-evaluate what's possible with a video game (even though I played it almost 20 years after it came out). My still-restrictive scope of modern video game experience is pretty obvious, so it goes without saying that to me, the thrills of this game are just about unmatched.

I'm pretty sure it's the best of the NES Mega Man games. Maybe even by a wide margin. I hate the charge shot, but the game is easily 100% beatable without it, so its inclusion is not even a fault in my book of arbitrary conditions.

It's quite actually the definitive Zelda game. I love it so much, and as far as I'm concerned, it holds up far better than people give it credit for. Call me crazy, but this game is the adventure of a lifetime.

I was only able to beat it back in the day using the C O D E. I don't know how many others see that as cheating, but I definitely do, at least in retrospect. I don't know if I'll ever attempt it again, as I now lack the vitality I had in middle school.

I loved playing though this game as a teenager.

I loved playing though this game as an adult.

I loved playing though this game as a child.

It's hilarious that my brother and I didn't realize you could load games onto that weird-looking Sonic & Knuckles cartridge until our aunt showed us. Obviously this game is the definitive way to experience S3 and S&K. It's the best.

As kids, my brother and I chanced upon this game at our uncle's house and it was one of the most exciting experiences ever. The game is barrels of fun and its design is absolutely adorable.