A super fun movie tie-in game! Lightsaber combos are stylishly animated and super fun to pull off although the enemy AI can get annoying/overwhelming at points. Tried multiplayer again as well; it’s a very simple hack and slash button masher at the end of the day and doesn’t have too many characters to pick from, but initiating saber locks and using OP force moves against friends is super fun. Definitely worth playing if you’re a fan of the film!

Unlimited quarters yaaay; too bad the AI is fucking shit. Best way to experience the original trilogy, however it has become very dated gameplay wise even tho the concept and characters are so cool.

Not as bad as some make it out to be! Great story and central performance from Sam Witwer as Deacon. Gameplay was super fun and the arcadey feeling weapon swapping and horde management is enthralling. Admittedly it does get a little samey towards the end of the game, but the story and location change in the third act gave me so much incentive to finish that it was still worth playing! Will play again on PC one day to try out some mods.

Fantastic! So glad to have finally experienced this classic! Much like the first 3 games, the controls are dated, but work so well given the design of the game world and mechanics! The level of insanity the story reaches increases every chapter and it’s hard to get bored as there’s always something new being thrown at you. More of an emphasis is placed on the shooting here than the survival aspect compared to the original trilogy, but there’s still plenty of horror (campy or otherwise) to go around. The game can get pretty tense during hectic combat encounters but there’s always enough ammo / merchant save points available so the pace doesn’t feel overwhelming. Highly recommended even if you loved the more traditional games in the franchise; so excited to play through the remake.

Very slow pace, but the relationship between the bothers is great and the ending I got was satisfying. Not as consistent in quality as the first game.

The PC version is like a beta version- VERY glitchy almost unbearably so and is missing many animations and cutscenes from the console ports. Played again on PS2 but the game levels are, while not lacking in variety, so bland and repetitive and the bubble trap mechanic gets old after the first world. Music is nostalgic for me and not the worst.

The world of the films is portrayed very accurately, but that’s pretty much all this game has going for it. Pretty dull characters and story tbh, the puzzles aren’t that interesting and while the voice acting is good it doesn’t really offer much excitement or motivation to finish. Typical TellTale Games’ technical issues hamper the frame rate and the game stutters at many points (probably not helped by the more realistic lighting and character designs).

Platinumd the PS3 version but then plat’d the anniversary version on PS4

This is a wonderful point and click adventure game that has a lot of respect for the BTTF license as the writer of the films, Bob Gale, had input on the story and most of the actors from the films reprise their roles! Michael J Fox is included as well tho not as Marty, but the VA for him does an impeccable impression that never once took me out of the experience. Puzzles are simple, but fun and fit the time periods they take place in. The story is faithful to the original spirit of the films, although the very ending of the game kinda muddled the whole thing and comes off as weird retread/parody of the first movie that doesn’t really land. The first episode has a very slow start that makes it tough to replay at times and there are some weird visual/audio glitches (as most TellTale games do). Overall tho if you’re a fan on the movies you should definitely play this as it’s practically Part IV (and the creators themselves agree)!
Play the 30th Anniversary rerelease; it’s the best way to play the game as the frame rate is smoother and Tom Wilson reprises his role as Biff from the films!

Hilarious in how repetitive and far off from the movie this game is, but the controls are terrible and the gameplay is shit. Just running down the fucking street over and over being interrupted only by three shitty mini-games and then the Delorean blows up and it ends.

One of the worst games I’ve ever played as it actually gave me a headache with how unpolished and broken looking it was. Interesting ideas in route planning, but in practice, it doesn’t have much depth as resource management is not really that important here and the levels and environments are so bland it doesn’t even make the game fun to travel through. Awful performance with ugly and stuttering graphics / character animations + environments so lifeless and barren that the game honestly looks unfinished. Poor level design leads to a lack of direction and motivation. Obviously no thought or effort was put into this game and is shows (you can still see a mouse cursor that the devs forgot to delete on the screen when The Walking Dead tv intro plays at the start of the game like they were screen recording a window😂)

The games are great, but this specific version removes some dialogue options and has some glitches that taint the experience.
Buy the complete seasons separately (preferably on PC) as opposed to this console collection.

Plat’d on PS3 & again on PS4 both times using the Season One standalone disc.

One of my favorite game stories of all time and the number of ways your decisions can potentially affect every different character and story beat is a sight to behold. They are nuanced and threaded so seamlessly here, and none of the future seasons are able to recapture the perfection this first game achieved. There is a ”best run” you can go for by keeping every character alive for as long as possible and in multiple places doing so will lead to more satisfying / conclusive character arcs. It’s more about the journey to the end rather than changing the ending itself, but seeing the stats at the end of every Episode showing different players’ decisions is a highlight of the series. A testament to the seemingly endless amount of small insignificant choices and optional dialogue trees that affect the micro as opposed to the marco leading to more personalized relationships with different characters depending on the player’s choices.

Plat’d on PS3 & again on PS4 both times using the Season One standalone disc.

One of my favorite game stories of all time and the number of ways your decisions can potentially affect every different character and story beat is a sight to behold. They are nuanced and threaded so seamlessly here, and none of the future seasons are able to recapture the perfection this first game achieved. There is a ”best run” you can go for by keeping every character alive for as long as possible and in multiple places doing so will lead to more satisfying / conclusive character arcs. It’s more about the journey to the end rather than changing the ending itself, but seeing the stats at the end of every Episode showing different players’ decisions is a highlight of the series. A testament to the seemingly endless amount of small insignificant choices and optional dialogue trees that affect the micro as opposed to the marco leading to more personalized relationships with different characters depending on the player’s choices.

Platinumd the PS3 version but then plat’d the anniversary version on PS4

This is a wonderful point and click adventure game that has a lot of respect for the BTTF license as the writer of the films, Bob Gale, had input on the story and most of the actors from the films reprise their roles Michael J Fox is included tho not as Marty, but the VA for him does an impeccable impression that never once took me out of the experience. Puzzles are simple, but fun and fit the time periods they take place in. The story is faithful to the original spirit of the films, although the very ending of the game kinda muddled the whole thing and comes off as weird retread/parody of the first movie that doesn’t really land. The first episode has a very slow start that makes it tough to replay at times and there are some weird visual/audio glitches (as most TellTale games do). Overall tho if you’re a fan on the movies you should definitely play this as it’s practically Part IV (and the creators themselves agree)!
Play the 30th Anniversary rerelease; it’s the best way to play the game as the frame rate is smoother and Tom Wilson reprises his role as Biff from the films!

Story is an afterthought and ends very abruptly, but Hyrule here is tied with Red Dead 2 as the greatest open world in gaming. Where as Red Dead strives for realism, BOTW strives for the other end of the spectrum becoming a fully realized fantasy world. The exploration is mainly left up to the player and objectives can be tackled in any order and at any skill level (even though it’ll be more challenging earlier on). Never have I had such a thorough look of nearly every location on a game map, but there is rarely a dull moment in this entire game. The combat is fun and challenging while the main missions and side objectives encourage creative thinking and player freedom. One minor complaint is that the major dungeons / shrines are aesthetically plain and I would’ve liked to have seen some visual variety, but the rest of the world and character design more then makes up for it.