24 reviews liked by TF2GOOD4U

there is a dog and his name is Boney

okay ive never played this but how the fuck did they make seven of these

1 map game but that map is fire (mirage)

kanto isnt a very fun region when it isnt a backdrop or extra setpiece for johto

i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and i'm not kidding

genuinely a little befuddled how many people seem to get filtered by the gameplay in this one with how simple it is, especially when everything else is still so good

never trust an rgg fan who thinks 4 is one of the worst entries

i am not immune to akechi goro or kitagawa yusuke

can't tell if it's just the time between me playing p5 initially as a teenager and playing royal now or if there are that many changes to the experience (playing with the female protagonist mod probably helped a bit), but royal made me fall in love with persona 5 again.
the game still has its issues; ann and ryuji are treated terribly, morgana is still not nearly as compelling of a character as the game seems to think he is, the okumura arc is still not great, and haru/makoto are still without much substance, etc. etc. likewise however the game still hits a great stride with sae's palace onward, and the new third semester content makes that stride even better.
akechi was already the best character in base game and giving him more of a spotlight was one of the best choices atlus has ever made. maruki and the story and themes of the third semester in general are also some of the best work atlus has put out in a long time as pretty much anyone will tell you, but sadly yoshizawa does not hit that same mark at all. she's definitely at least somewhat compelling near the end of it all but i really don't think she was important enough to be like the biggest head on the boxart and i do think i would've preferred her as just a female protagonist option or something.
playing royal honestly made me stop feeling insane seeing people i know talk about how great persona 5 was after my impressions of vanilla made way for me not really caring all that much, and while it isn't the best persona game (it isn't even the best out of the modern trilogy lol) it's a really great time and i'm glad i wasted 100+ hours of my life again on this one. you really just have to take modern persona for what it is instead of what you want it to be and you'll end up enjoying yourself a lot, i think

I fucking love moving the ground up for little guys in blue hats