I watched some balding manchild on the internet say piss shit and fuck while looking angry at the camera on youtube and found the cutscenes funny so clearly this must be one of the worst games ever made because I can't think for myself.

Yes, my favorite Zelda Game is Breath Of The Wild, how did you know?

More like a game nobody likes

Once the honeymoon phase is over this game will fall off harder than Nick All Stars cause jesus these f2p mechanics are ass


Growing up, I really liked listening to Eminem, to the point where it pretty much was my defining personality trait. And while it is cringy to admit this looking back on it, there really was no better time capsule of the late 90s and early 2000s than his discography.

See, you really had to be there to get it: Family values and conservatives nuclear families were at a potent cultural war with media that made an active effort wanting to provoke them. Even if you were tactful in your criticism fo society and tried to cleverly layer your message and commentaries, people would still find a way to twist it into their narrative and censor it becuase it would be harmful to kids and their good morals.

Of course, that war would eventually come to all media outlets, including Rap and Hip Hop Music. Now some would argue that violence is inherently to this sort of genre, if not the vast majority of more narrative fictions. To never mention certain topics and ban their discussion (which happened even if you complied to their norms and were as tame as possible) would be to dumb down all products and consumers as a whole for being forbidden to consume and think for themselves.

Which traces back to Eminem. While a lot of it's contemporaries did have edgy humor to ragebait audiences into paying attention to their messages (that flew over their heads anyway), Eminem did it in a way that really, made it's entire personality to be offensive without barely having anything to say. It was edgy and in your face because that's all it really had to offer, not realizing that his music would have aged a lot more gracefully had he just taken more time out to see that there's more to adult topics than simply making an entire verse out of your songs about your ballsack being big.

I'd be lying if I said everything about Eminem's sense of humor is garbage, because some jokes do land, his lyrics are ridiculously quotable and the production does have it's charm. To this day, he's ridiculously popular and people from younger generations than mine can clearly appreciate something that I don't. Even if I find it hilarious that he's the favorite rapper among both experienced listeners who personally, I think should know better, and white conservatives who barely listen to hip-hop and delude themselves into believing that the character of shady is just like them when at the same time, complain when music artists get 'Too woke' with their artistry.

But there's a reason this type of offensive South Park-esque humor fell off in mainstream media. Young people bought offensive things out of the counter-culture principal that their dad didn't like it, so it must be good. But culture nowadays became so multifaceted that the need for a counter-culture barely exists anymore. Our knowledge of the word became a lot more vast, to the point where you think that if you had the popularity, time, money and range to spread a world-wide message that you believed in when making a product, you sure as fuck wouldn't use it to diss a minor celebrity like Gary Coleman, not only it would date your music horribly, but you would look incredibly goofy and shallow for it.

Maybe that's the point, maybe I'm just overanalysing an artist that was never meant to be taken seriously. But am I really supposed to be surprised when people say his others releases aren't nearly as well recieved? That everything that came after the fame of this release (Or the one before it that no one listened because it wasn't good either) failed to capture the same magic because it's just rehashing the same thing that made it popular ad nauseum when it wasn't even genius the first time?

I have a lot of soft spots for Eminem and I can appreciate him being self aware in it's sillyness, but I wouldn't blame anyone that said his discography was never good to begin with for the reasons mentioned previously.

Boy do I love me some semen

The fuck you crying for Zero just built Iris back up again lmao

What a fun game, I wonder when the next update is coming

- Sega can we have Sonic X-Treme?
- We already have Sonic X-Treme at home.
Sonic X-Treme at home:

Marginally better than the Musou kusoge we got on modern consoles. It's interesting how the story is canon to the manga because it really fits with the overall themes, Susumu Hirasawa composing for the game also made the atmosphere a lot better than it had any right to be.

It's weird how they made a devil trigger mechanic that makes the sword go through walls, which is the game's biggest impairment, it's like you're playing dark souls stuck with the heaviest load and constantly fighting on hallways. In a way it's realistic, fighting as a giant, heavy armoured guy with a large hunk of metal as a weapon would stop any combos as soon as he did a full swing against a wall, but realistic doesn't mean fun, and the fact that they build a mechanic that lets your sword be empowered and go through walls makes me think that they realised that this would be cumbersome, but didn't feel like redesigning the game around it. Would be good for you to press a button to release it since often times it activates against the last enemy and you're burning bar while just walking around.

At least it's 3 hours long so whatever inconveniences in the game won't bother you for long but whoever designed that level with the mandragora running sequences should get a carrot shoved so far up their ass that whoever takes it out and manages to listen to the painful screams of the game dev should consider him a real life mandragoran.

Get fucked Cookie9 now I get to play one of my favorite games from back in the day again! With a bucket!

Howard: "So, is this guy really a baron?"
Kreese: "No, as a matter of fact he's not even black."
Howard: "Really? I thought he was a black guy."
Kreese: "Why does it matter? Why do you have to bring race into it?"
Howard: "I didn't, I was just asking if he was a real baron."
Kreese: "Fucking racist."

Queria muito ter gostado mais do jogo, mas infelizmente ele envelheceu feito leite no sol quente.

A engine do quake simplesmente não foi feita pra fazer plataforma, mas te forçam a cada 20 minutos a fazer uma brincadeira de pula-pula onde você vai escorregar de plataforma, onde qualquer mínimo impulso pra frente durante o movimento vai travar Alice na direção pra cair bem mais longe de onde você achava que ela iria. A menina tem uns pés de manteiga que sempre parece que ela tá patinando quando aterrissa.

Além do combate, que vai de entediante a ruim, para uma dificuldade do Normal, é incrível o quanto demora pra matar um inimigo, todas as armas parece que você tá tentando matar eles com bola de papel. Eu sei que tem uma ordem certa para atacar e que cada inimigo tem uma arma que funciona melhor contra ele, mas sinceramente com a demora que é pra trocar de arma pra mirar neles é mais fácil você só spammar a arma da vez e pegar o hp (que demora mais do que devia pra dropar) do inimigo quando ele morre.

Dado o spam de inimigos, a forma como você não pode pular ao tomar dano senão você sai voando, e como qualquer inimigo que voe ou use projeteis sejam um porre absoluto de se lidar, você não vai ter saco nem pras partes de combate, nem pras plataformas, as únicas 2 coisas que tem pra se fazer.

O jogo tem uma ambientação daora, não diria que chega no nível de Silent Hill ou Resident Evil de jogo de terror (até porque depois da era creepypasta e Tim Burton da internet o conceito de uma Alice mais edgy não chega a ser nem original nem interessante) mas é de longe o que carregou a experiência até o final.

Só espero que a sequência seja melhor que o produto que a originou

Mother fans be like ugh I hate the quirky earthbound inspired RPGs about depression then go on to defend the most barebones uninspired JRPG in 1989 today because it being quirky and looking like peanuts somehow excuses the awful scaling late game enemies have

Just Skip this one and play mother 2 or 3