This seems like a 12 year old came up with the idea. "A fighting game! But with GUNS! And biiig stages! And also a countdown and the stages gets destroyed more and more as the fight goes on! You can also pick up different weapons! And there is stage hazards like a shark tank or elephants! And most stages have to take place on moving vehicles like a train, plane or boat that rocks up and down!"

And the other ppl go "That sounds impossible! Should we maybe make the stages smaller like a normal fighting game? Or is it supposed to be more of a shooting game? Also how should the stage be destroyed? And YOU WANT US TO ADD SWIMMING TOO? You're clearly 12 and it shows! You have no idea how games are made! This isn't as easy as you think!!"

The kid goes "Just make the damn game!! Also add a gorrilla"

They did make the game and it turned out great imo

When people talk about the best PS2 games and not mention this I vomit on the inside

This is how a 2.5D game should be. You are on a path but the path isn't a straight line. It is curvy, goes around corners and around a tower, sometimes there are crossroads.

Also I own a local art gallery and every single background art of this game is in it. I wish I wasn't joking

5/5 if you had siblings
2/5 if you didn't

I would really prefer if more people realized that this is a perfect game.

I love the gameplay loop of constantly finding and completing quests. While trying to complete one quest you will find 3 new quests.

Also something that I wish more games did: Most quests are already "active" before you even talk to the questgiver. Early on you find a weird fish with legs. Then 3 Areas later you will encounter the NPC that is looking for that fish. I love that. In other games that fish wouldn't even have spawned until you talked to the Quest giver resulting in needless backtracking. Tombi feels like you can always do everything at once. Genius!

The game is sooo wholesome also. The German dub makes my heart melt. Weird translations but the voice actors are doing their very best. Super cute!

When I was a kid my Brother used to play this on PC and cheat his way through the game.
Then I got it on my PSP one day and was excited to play it before bed. It was then I realized that this game is one of the most difficult and frustrating games ever created. I smashed my PSP against the wall and wrecked my entire room which was the absolute low point of my entire life up until that point!!

Many years later after I have really gotten into retro games and beating stuff like Ninja Gaiden, I Wanna Be The Guy, NES Gradius, I Wanna Be The Boshy, Ghosts n' Goblins or Contra I thought to myself surely Rayman can't be that difficult now compared to those games. So I tried it again.

This time I didn't just wreck my room. I burned my entire house down and punched the asphalt driveway to my porch so hard that my wrist shattered into a thousand pieces. Out of anger I refused to call an ambulance or the fire department. Instead I called Ubisoft and told them that if they ever do another rayman game I would helicopter hair to their office and draw frowny faces into raymans belly circle as a means to demonstrate.

Heckin good game

An Easy Shmup with enough variety to keept it interessting. Also includes some minigames made by the intern probably

The Castle in the background of Stage 3 gives you the finger but cool game otherwise. Not as difficult as people say, especially compared to other CV games like CV3 or Dracula X. Stage 5 is a good challenge tho

I want to live in Tower of the Goddess and want to listen to the cool part of Temple of the Moonlight in an infinite loop.
This is a perfect game.

One of the most cryptic Actions Adventure games I've ever played. Go into this game with the mindset of "How far can I get before I have to look up a Guide" It is one of the few games that really make you take alot of notes thinking about the puzzles even when you are away from the game. Most of the progress I made was when I was at work, taking a walk or showering far away from the game. Can't think of many other games that gave me this experience.

Also the MSX Style Graphics and Music are amazing. You can find like 100 MSX Games as collectibles which is cool.

This game also has a profound feeling to it since its about the creation of human life on earth.

The Remake is good and adds some QOL Stuff but the Original feels more pure (and is free) I just wish it already had Mulbruk because she was definitely the best addition the remake did.

My only complaint is that it is just a little too difficult to get started. There is lots of essential items you need to buy at the beginning of the game that are just a bit too expensive. Also the part where you have to get the scalesphere and birth sigil are kinda tricky for being fairly early in the game (going through the pool that drains alot of your energy followed by the infamous elevator section and a mini boss)

Overall I have huge respect for the developers, they just created this crazy good game with a rich and deep lore memorable locations and set pieces, an insane amount of puzzles, secrets and easter eggs. Even after you play through this game you will still feel like there are more secrets and myseries to this game that you haven't even seen. The developer said in one interview that they created so many puzzles he doesn't even remember all of them himself. Its really like they created a monster with this game. And it's all packaged in this neat but super inaccessible game. It feels truly like a hidden treasure that not everybody can uncover and thats sooo la mulana!! yeaaahhh

The combat and enemy design is actually really good in this game. Each enemy has a pattern that is fun to learn and fight. The Blue Knights seem very strong when you first encounter them but when you figure them out fighting them is super fun!

This is a very solid game and the only zelda I have ever put much time into.

Unlocking the IWBTG Kid was probably harder than anything in IWBTG but he was an amazing Character. Also I appriciate the other Guest Charas from other Indie Games.

Overall this is a good rage game but feels a bit samey after a few worlds. In IWBTG you had an unique an creative trap in almost every room which is something I feel doesn't get enough appriciation in gamedesign. Here it is just like 3 Gimmicks per World stretched out to 20 Levels and people are fine with it... but well so am I because this game is still alot of fun

The best Megaman Romhack I've played. It is actually insane what the creator was able to pull off. The Final Boss having a healthbar for his healthbar was an epic moment yo

In this game you slam your Joystick Up and Down to the music which results in it hitting the inner plastic edge of the joystick hole on your controller, making a clacking sound IRL to the beat of the music in game. They were think wayyy outside the box when they came up with that man. Phheww they were oh so clever!

Anyways Mojika is goated with her darthmaul twinbrush thing. When people say we need more strong female characters in media I hope they take notes yall.

One of the best NES games.
Haven't beaten it yet and my Runs usually end in Level 8 or 9.
I'm sure I can beat this one with a little more practise.

Also Turbo Tunnel is not difficult tbh

This feels like a masterpiece. It isn't but it sure feels like one