27 Reviews liked by TanookiPlayer

Takahashi really looked at how the fanbases of 1 and 2 clashed at each other and made one of the most banger JRPGs out of that

Not a bad game, a solid 8/10. I enjoyed Persona 3 more for its storey and Persona 5 more for its gameplay. This game has some bangers in its soundtrack tho, "Snowflakes" slaps.

Indie game GOAT honestly, even compared to non-indies. The controls are surprisingly tight once you learn how they work honestly. Would love some more content honestly, and that's not even a complaint i just liked it a lot, make A Hat in Time 2.

Also mods are a nice cherry on top.

While the story was a bit weaker than OG Black/White, i can see why everyone says gen 5 is their favorite. Soundtrack is full of slappers all around, the sprites are real good, Hugh is a pretty good rival

This is pretty much everything I love about Kirby in one package, easily one of the best Kirby games
Can't wait to see how they'll build on the 3D formula from here

The puzzle line-up is pretty nice but overall this is a pretty big case of first game syndrome, really feels like they hadn't found their footing yet

Personally I believe every game with collectables should have funny descriptor on each individual one like "loves to slide on Sunday mornings" idk

Legit could not be more excited for the future of one of my favorite game series and it makes me super happy to be able to say that

When I meet up with my online friends I hope it ends up exactly like this

I hate bonus stars so much :(

Anyways this game is pretty solid but needs more boards from games outside of the N64 games

I think I will cause problems on purpose

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This is the first platformer in recent memory where 100%ing it didn't make me want to k*ll myself and that's some seriously high praise lmao