96 Reviews liked by TehGoldenGuard

If you love the gameplay & the sandbox of the first game & Miles Morales then you love Spider-Man 2. Traversing around this gorgeous city is fun to roam around especially now with the inclusion of the web-glide ability. Combat is pretty great too with some new abilities for both characters though I wish the game had a proper lock-on function as they were times I wanted to target a specific enemy & the game decided instead to attack the one nearest to me. Bosses are fun & can be challenging especially on a first playthrough despite the number of combat options you have equipped.

They is a lot to experience in this game with loads of side quests & activities & the amount of detail is insane that I could see why this game cost a lot. I enjoy the number of suits you can get to even from the movies.

The story is good too though not as great as the first time around as I felt one or two conflicts interactions feeling a bit forced. While I thought the main villain in 1 is still my favourite the rogue's gallery here is still amazing especially the main antagonist Kraven who is such a delight being a ruthless killer that causes a lot of struggles for the majority of the casts both the good guys & the criminals.

Its a marvellous time that is worth picking up if you have a PS5.

Flawed and obviously rushed as it is, I have endless affection for Saints Row 4. I played the Third and thought it was decent, a fun little game with some unique aspects. Then I saw that SR4 was jumping the shark entirely, realism be damned. This, for me, got me way more invested in the series. I hated when the games pretended to be cool and hip, when it's entire appeal was if GTA didn't have a stick up its ass.

Saints Row 4 is completely off the rails both story and gameplay wise. It knew it had to go bigger than Three, and I imagine the fact that they knew the company was burning down around them meant they were just going to go balls to the wall. How much more powerful could you be than running Steelport? Fuck it, make him president and now the Saints are in the cabinet. Some think it's stupid, I think it's hilarious. Aliens invade and put you in a parody of the Matrix where you have superpowers? I'm down. People complain that the superpowers make the rest of the open world aspects useless? I thought those aspects were always competent but not great anyways, so blowing it to smithereens to be able to jump 500 feet in the air, shoot fire out your hands, run up buildings and use telekinesis was a marked improvement in my eyes. There's a fuckin mech at some point in this game, and I can't even remember if it ever gets used again. Think about insurance fraud where when you get hit by the car you spin away like Team Rocket!! This game has so many memorable moments because it felt absolutely zero commitment to being grounded, and I love it.

The story is absolutely absurd, as you go from the 1950's suburbia, to fighting SR2 Shaundi, a giant can of soda, piledriving aliens at 100km, the works. I was thoroughly entertained at all times, and there were some decent moments of emotion here that made it not a complete madhouse. I thought this was a more than pleasant way to end this arc for Saint's Row.

I think this game gets hated on because people miss the serious and fun balance Saint's Row 2 had, which I agree with. That game does things I didn't think you could with tone. But god damn, if you look at what happens and what you can do in this game and tell me that there is nothing fun here, I worry for you.

basically that one scene in total drama island but as a game

I'm one of the few people that saw how bad this game looked, watched how bad it played, heard how bad it sounded, read how badly it was written, and still wanted it to turn out to be good.
It's not.

I am by no means a Saints Row fan, and I have a lot of issues with the games, but at their core they were still fun to play even if a lot of it could be cringe and some stuff doesn't hold up at all. So a reboot could be cool, especially since a lot of people long for the days of SR2 and even 3.

Unfortunately, this is more like a bunch of people looked at the franchise and said "Saints Row sucks. I can do better", then took a sledgehammer to everything outside of the color purple. There's nothing left but the writer's ego.

Gunplay is bad, driving is bad, writing is worse, everything just feels so bland and soulless I'd believe you if you told me it was AI generated.
I couldn't care less about the bugs if anything in this game was fun, but it just isn't. Even without comparing to previous SR titles or any other GTA-like, the game just isn't fun.

$100 million down the drain, countless crunch hours wasted, and this is the final result.
"Sad" is the only thing to say about it.

Fucking PHENOMENAL! It's not perfect, sure. It's a bit unpolished, maybe a bit short? But god damn, this game did everything I could've possibly wanted and lived up to all my expectations. What a fucking fantastic experience.

The world is huge, the controls feel amazing, the story is surprisingly engaging, the music is awesome. Even with it's flaws, I think this game does everything it sets out to do so well. Such a fucking awesome game. I really can't get over it.

This game is absolutely everything i coulda asked for a follow up/successor to JSR, every aspect of this gsme was knocked outta the park, all topped off with a very compelling narrative as well

i adore this gsme

"The only Fantasy here is yours. And we shall be its Final witness."

"We're going back to our roots!"
Had no involvement in the development of the first game IE: The roots.
"We wanted a more mature sounding Frank."
Doesn't ask or rather didn't want to ask original VA.
Takes out timers
Takes out psychopaths
*Doesn't add escorting survivors back in
Terrible story, worse gameplay than DR3, Frank is basically a different character, world is pretty badly designed and more I don't feel like typing about.
Yeah, this feels exactly like you went back to "your" roots.

At one point a vampire gave sick head to a t-posing fatass npc and that was the peak of the game I think

Even without the boner-invertingly unsexy sleaze, this game is probably the worst in its totally oversaturated genre. Think of just how bad a game had to be in the 2000s to make devs take their names off of it. Desperate and embarrassing on every level - a low point even for Acclaim.

A wonderfully comedic entertaining experience coming from the idea of stepping back from Saints Row and thinking "What could we do to be more than just the wackier GTA clone?"
In the genre of GTA clones, this is probably the best one, including GTA itself, please give this game a good shot!

Some people believe that the name 'Dead or Alive' was chosen to represent a sense of urgency to the fact that Koei was almost declaring bankruptcy and desperately needed a hit to stay afloat, but in a 2007 interview with DemolitionD, the series director Tomonobu Itagaki stated that the name was chosen because the jiggle physics were killing him.

they really don't make 7/10s as good as this anymore

You just know some guy jerked off to this

A friend once described Killer7 as suda51 reinventing the FPS genre based only on hearsay. Grasshopper is not comfortable within any kind of restrictions, genre or otherwise. A straightforward story or a straight laced shooter ruins the creative mojo.

But, like, should you play it? Recommendations for surrealist stuff like this is hard so I'll just say, if you hate America you'll love this game.