Proof that walking sims can actually be good.

Why did it take Nintendo another 17 years to realize that Zelda games should be 90% side quests?

Not to slag on another game to praise this one but this 2D pre-carnation of Metal Gear Solid outclasses its 3D predecessor in so many ways. It's a shame so many overlook it for being old and not having the technical capabilities to be cinematic. The story is stronger in this one even. I mean you have a scientist needing to take a pee break to give Snake the space necessary to reach a Olympians heart.

The bug porn game at the end is kindve a drag ain't it? Otherwise its perfect and I thank Twin Beard for giving something to show my classmates in those dull typing classes.

They put Link in a fighting game

Tried playing this again after having a really good time with Uncharted 2. I just don't think I can play through this game again. It feels so bad to play. Drakes animations are all over the place and the character and camera get caught on so much of the geometry. Its quote astonishing how bad it can feel to just move around and shoot in this thing.

Changing my rating from 2 stars to 1 star. Cant belive I actually ended up enjoying this worse than 1. The story was never something to take super seriously or anything but it's just so hilariously bad in this game too. Not even in fun campy ways theres just lazy plot devices and stupid moments constantly and for no reason other than seeming laziness or poor planning on the part of the storytellers.

This game tossed half of 2D Mario into the bargain bin.

I still like Wii U more but its insane that everybody is here.

This game is the reason games are and will forevever poisoned by The Politics.