348 Reviews liked by ThatOneJackal

My roommate has put over a thousand hours into this game in the past year but I have genuinely never heard him utter a positive word about it, even less about the studio that made it. If you all hate this game so much just play something else! Every time you turn it on you are giving the devs what they want! The door is open, all you have to do is walk through it!

A cool theme for a season that got ruined by two different collabs suffocating it. I spent most of my time when the Avatar event was running so the unique stuff to the theme was all locked away. Also, I get they want people to go to the new POIs, but did they have to remove damn near everything else on the map? Map felt very flat outside of the new places, don't know why we can't have it both ways.

I think I liked the gameplay a bit more than last season, where there were tons of medallions and they were very powerful. Having them tuned down, fewer in number, and a bit harder to get (I like the boss fights) made them more manageable this season. That said, fuck the Waterbending. One of the most broken weapons I've ever seen them add. And they left that shit in after the collab ended just to fuck with people I guess. Once people figured out how good it was over half of my engagements were against it. It was so ubiquitous and incredibly powerful, it will dominate my memory of this season's loot pool. There was near zero reasons to use other weapons in my eyes.

Battle pass was okay. I like Medusa, Cerberus, and Artemis, can take or leave the rest. Not an all timer or anything, but I like the theme for the season and the battle pass matches it perfectly.

The beginning of the end for Infinite. I'm a little disappointed because it never really felt like it "got started" thanks to all the launch issues, poor progression hooks, etc. When you consider that the game took a whole year to make playtime feel worthwhile, putting Infinite on the backburner in 2024 feels a little sad.

Maybe Halo 7 will be cool from the start!

Editors Note: He also said this about Halo 4, 5, and Infinite before their launches

Interesting premise, but got overshadowed by collabs, pee-pee poo-poo balance and the most dogshit financial decisions by Epic.

They weren't lying, that niche PS2 JRPG a grand total of 30 people have heard of got hands. Has THE most comical jump in quality for a sequel I've ever seen, borderline perfect, my only minor issues would be a slow start and the game getting painfully easy once you get the hang of it but the battle system is one of the most unique things I've experienced in turn-based gaming so its fun in the end regardless. Also the music FUCKS.

Quite possibly the funniest game ever made (compliment)

Pretty unique and a interesting little RPG maker horror game. Honestly surprised I have never heard of this one before until just recently. For what it is it does really well and makes an interesting story with Lily with some a well timed jump scare or two. Takes around like an hour to complete and is free on steam too! If you like these types of games check it out!

Strange to go back to this and see the way Call of Duty used to be before it went full Michael Bay mode. Not saying this is better, but when the biggest set piece of the game is riding in the back of a truck that's going 40 miles per hour while 1 or 2 explosions pop off in the distance, it feels like a completely different series.

Animal Well has some neat ideas and looks gorgeous, but the main game is too simple and short while post-game is way too cryptic and tedious in my opinion.

Pretty good, I liked it a lot. First of the music is amazing one of the best Mario's Ost's and it's got some stiff competition. The way they integrate the jazz into Mario music is pristine. The main game is good, Great level design, tight controls, pretty interesting idea with the different characters, but they don't feel too different so if your forced to play them it's aight. also champions road is a great challenge to go for. one complaint I have is how you 100% it. why do you need o beat every level with a different character? It just feels so unnecessary because they're all fundamentally the same. This just feels like a way to pad out the 100% runtime. Also multiplayer is fun even though the crown system is weird. Bowser's Fury is great too. It adds a lot of new ideas I enjoy, again music FIRE, especially fury bowser theme. Only real complaint is that it's a little short (100% it, I'm pretty sure somebody who just wants to beat it full stop can do it in a hour) but you still get your money's worth. All in all Great game I really liked and I highly recommend it to a Mario fan. One thing though if you had this on a Wii u probably wait for a price cut even though bowser's fury is fire.

Doom Eternal and its dlc are great fps content that feel so great to control. The story... is a doom story, so you're not really going to pay too much attention on it. but I will admit it is pretty interesting, this game has some fascinating lore hidden deep in the codecs, or whatever they're called; and I really like how they characterize doom guy here. I gotta admit though tag 2 was kind of confusing when it came to the story but you get it in the end. The gameplay is amazing. I like how much tools it gives you so you can really play how you want, and you become a movement beast. This game has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling which I really love about it, the exploration stuff is just the cherry on top. and i gotta say this looks great for a switch game docked and undocked. sure some textures are glitched to literal hell, but all in all it doesn't look that bad. The music is stellar, Mick Gordon did a spectacular job with it. In Conclusion worth at whatever price its at, at any given time. I forgot to mention but the multiplayers okay, I only played a little bit of it because of how dead it is.



the ray tracing 4k remaster is a bit overdue if you ask me

characters in this game are so relatable. i too will go through existential crises, traumatic and life-threatening events and react by only saying "huh. weird day"

You know, Garten of Banban is basically the western equivalent to Yakuza when you think about it. You spend a lot of the game in buildings, you get attacked in the buildings. A new one comes out whenever you turn your back these days. Majima is there.

at one point Tears by HEALTH was one of my most played songs. i remember virtually nothing else about this game

"I bless the rain down in Africa"

There is tons of potental in this game i actually enjoyed the time stuff but it gets bogged down by sam lakes worst story imo (but not that bad theres some intresting things), jank all over the place, and shitty peashooter guns. Though i liked the live action episodes the performances in this game are pretty good ESPECIALLY Lance Reddick (R.I.P). But my problem stems from how souless it all is, it just feels like a puppet remedy controlled by microsoft.