i was extremely obsessed with this game when i was 12

i love the graphics, the aesthetic and atmosphere of the game but it wasn't made for me.. sorry akechi.

i want to get a good gamer pc just so i can install the leon kennedy tramp stamp mod.

wheatley they are drawing you as a white twink on twitter and tumblr!!!!!!

im so good at this game i just might try russian roulette irl


a very good game with a nice sad story and really good osts. if only the creator and the fandom weren't freaks.

ily GLaDOS.. you should meet HAL 9000

this game fell off so fucking hard.. GIMME MY MONEY BACK BITCH!

fuck the second part man..this game fell off after the elysian realm arc ended.... give me back my trio..give me BACK kiamei.

i was hyped for the game to release then i dropped it after a month of playing...should have gave us kiamei

i played that game only for mafuyu tbh i couldnt care less about the rest really

now when people bring up half life all i can think about is frenrey yaoi