99 reviews liked by TheAstraWolf

Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he touches flowers? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mystical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance.

I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by tushing flowes all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-a go!" Keep it up, baby!

When Mario leaves his place of safety to grab a flowey, he knows that he may Die. And yet, for a man who can purchase lives with money, a life becomes a mere store of value. A tax that can be paid for, much as a rich man feels any law with a fine is a price. We think of Mario as a hero, but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifekind. Perchance.

Não queremos, nem devemos, viver na sombra de nossos pais. Se por acaso trilhamos caminhos semelhantes na vida, então levamos como uma nova oportunidade de escrever a nossa história e destruir com a tradição. É normal ser rebelde. E por mais deploráveis (ou não) que seus pais sejam, é normal também entendê-los um pouco mais através desse processo, mesmo que isso não resolva ou compense absolutamente nada.

Sair da espiral requer coragem.

The past 12 months have convinced me video games need to stop having writing period. Scrap everything, return to the Magnavox Odyssey and create a divergent timeline where we never learned how to put quips and banter into these. We fucked up big time.

If you grew up on Pokemon Platinum, then you are required by some form of law to have some form of unhealthy attachment to it. It has, and will likely always will be my favourite Pokemon game. It is something that can't really be replicated, the way this game captures its region through the incredible sprite work and music is truly second to none. And the nicest thing I can say about Renegade Platinum is that it made me feel like I was playing it again for the first time.

Don't think this game gets enough credit for how it adds just enough extra stuff to make the pacing of a regular Platinum playthrough that much more exciting. This is still Platinum at the end of the day, but the changes here are just enough to make it fresh and exciting again. Building a big team of newly revamped mons, as well as Platinum staples was a blast, and playing with a bunch of friends watching really highlighted the experience. This is the best way of playing the best Pokemon game, and I think the fact that a rom hack is so high quality that many pull from it before the base game speaks to how great this is. Superb stuff.

Finally, a good tango game. I hope Microsoft continue to give smaller and talented studios some of the gamepass funbucks to make more games like this. Shit has soul, the spirit of clover lives on

Once you get past the novelty of rhythm combos, it's not the mechanically deepest game out there, but the presentation is exuberant and the focus on the on-beat fun in every aspect from the gameplay to the visuals and soundtrack never wears off. The inconsistent character designs put me off at first (the game sometimes feels like it can't settle on an art style) and that first trailer didn't do the writing any justice, but this party grew on me a lot over time, with a lot of fun interactions, neat arcs, and really rad culmination of their efforts before the final boss. It just kinda feels like a cool 6th-gen action game I'd have played back in the day so the fact that it brings me the same feeling as an ice-cold Fanta in July is a good bonus.

Sadistic to a fault. The series list is balanced excellently, it sounds and looks great, the animations are top notch, the interactions between the series characters are humorous and well-written... but the game itself will pummel you mercilessly if you haven't optimized your sortie group and support attack tactics. The enemies have comically inflated health and dodge rates, and the last ten or so stages slowly grow ridiculous.
Still an easy recommendation if you like the series list, however. Lots of strong work in the presentation department.

You can unlock better controls in this game. YOU CAN UNLOCK BETTER CONTROLS IN THIS GAME

When I was a kid this game made me cry because I thought I wasn't good enough to play it. Turns out it was just dogshit.

if the stupid spiders from that one level are reading this review fuck you

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by Cvit |

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