Not fantastic, but it is a classic.

Has a lot of cool things going for it, but it is very difficult to figure out how to actually progress through the game.

Where else can you play as God, kill all the other religions, and then leave the planet because the people don't need you anymore?

It was ok. Combat was trash. Magic was stupid. Bromance was easily the best part. Only reason I might pick it back up again one day would be to get the flying car...

Edit: Upon further reflection I feel I was unfair to this game, it definitely has it's flaws but the things it does well it does pretty well. Hanging with the bros was a fantastic time.

One of the most fantastic soundtracks I have ever had the pleasure to listen to.

Fun RPG with grid-based combat and a pretty nifty soundtrack. I don't even particularly like sentai and I still had a great time with this game. If you do like sentai, well, buckle up, you're in for a fun ride.

A fun, wacky management game. My biggest criticism would be the lack of more combat animations for the different techniques. That would have pushed this up to a 4 for me.

One of the most amazing games I have ever played. The artwork and the atmosphere is beautiful and often haunting. I spent many nights, chilling in the dark with this game and it is was truly an incredible experience.

The developer continues to update this game still and despite all the time I've put in, I have not yet plumbed all its secrets.

A fine Final Fantasy style RPG by Square near the end of the generation. The graphics reflect this and are pretty impressive. The music is phenomenal, thanks to Ryuji Sasai, who also worked on Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. My only real issue is the magic system, which was weird, but not in a good way.

Never played anything quite like this game. A must play for anyone who loves weird, old RPGs.

A worthy successor to King of Dragon Pass.

Brutal. Inscrutable. Incredible.

Wild alien races? Hectic space combat? Juffo-wup? What more could a kid ask for? This game completely blew my mind as a child. I never played the other games in the series and so don't compare it to them. I loved it for what it is and still do.