Fire Emblem

My ranking and thoughts on every Fire Emblem I've played so far (current Radiant Dawn)
This list is an objectively correct look at the Fire Emblem games, if you happen to disagree... worry, worry a lot

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Act I:
Let's just get this out of the way, Radiant Dawn is amazing when it comes to it's narrative, this game is tied to PoR so tightly that they might as well be a singular game. The choice to completely remove the story from PoR on a fundamental level is an amazing choice, and to not only start the story 3 years after the previous games events, but also to play the game from what you construed as the enemy in the previous game is fascinating. Hearing people talk about Ike like he's this bloodthirsty warlord in immaculate. While Micaiah might not be an mazing unit she is a very intriguing character, and through her Sothe gets to also perform to a higher degree. And while yes the combat is done very differently from the other games in the series (even though it might not first appears as so) it's still great. Where as other FE games are about leveling your units to make them more usable as the difficulty increases, in this the fresh units you get aren't going along with a difficulty curve, they are trying to catch up. This is a war torn world, everyone who is in the military was around the war 3 years ago, you aren't on equal terms, you are the biggest underdog. And once you start getting units from the previous game the rules change, now you have to balance between new units who desperately need XP and old units who can single-handedly carry parts of the map. And while I can understand why people might not like this style of combat in FE, for me it's refreshing, it makes it feel more like a puzzle than pure strategy. And to divert from this, while a lot of the new units are disappointing some of them to hold up to the standards from PoR, characters like Aran and Edward. Now where the game truly does shine is in fact its story. The fact that it completely flips the narrative of the previous game, all the things you did, on their heads. Fighting as a small insurrection is really neat and meeting non-unit characters as well as new characters related to them gives a great perspective on the world at large. And I can't wait to see Micaiah's story continued in Act II ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-3 years under massive scale military oppression made you a fucking pussy
-Chapter 6 ruins lives
-oh my god we get just Micai- IS THAT THE BLACK KNIGHT

Act II:
Act II is very interesting, it's much shorter and for its stricture very different indeed, where Act I is made of 11 chapters and your main unit is Micaiah, Act II is only 5 chapters and you go through 4 different main units. And the narrative of Act II isn't nearly as grandiose as Act I's but it is by no means bad, if anything it might be better in parts. Its main purpose is tying PoR back into the game, connecting loose ends and tying them together. And this is also the Act where XP does not matter. All of your units are promoted units so they get around 1-8 XP per combat, leveling does not matter, what matters is choosing your fights and who fights them. As well as doing something which rarely matters in FE, utilizing your green units to their absolute maximum input. Radiant Dawn makes you be thankful for the fact that there are 10 green units on a map. Now when it truly comes to the story difference between Acts, to me Act II feels a lot more personable, the story is about how the characters in the Act feel about the things going on around them, and how they will fair. The story also flows really nicely from chapter to chapter in it's short span. And even if you for what ever reason find the overall narrative of Act II to be weaker than Act I, don't worry, the final map as well as everything right before and after it is magnificent, genuine peak fiction. I sure wonder who will be in act III ๐Ÿ˜Ž

-Brom... Command Grab him
-Nice of the queen to invite us over for farming, eh Nephanee?
I hope she made lots of Peace!
Nephanee! Look! It's from Ludveck.
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-I am happy to welcome back Mr Racism

Act III:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Simply the best Fire Emblem (so far...)
Everything PoR does is fantastic, from it's narrative to the actual moment to moment gameplay. Everything about the game just FEELS good. And when it comes to the characters they are fantastic. Not all of them are incredibly intertwined with Ike's struggle, but even the less relevant ones have something going for them. The story overall flows incredibly well and it never feels like it's slowing down, the pacing is damn near perfect. The singular "problem" with this is that it's effectively just a set up for the next game as even though it has a story of its own many of the elements that are introduced are not fully resolved because they are part of the whole narrative that is leading to the next game, which I absolutely adore. This game is a heroes journey to defeating evil in a war that we only get glimpses to the brutality of when needed. Luckily they do win the war, and wars never have consequences to the civil population of nations involved and as this game ends on a happy note surely the next one will start on one right... right?

-Wittle Baby Ikey
-Gatrie my beloved
-Black Knight Jumpscare
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
A fantastic game that lacks in some parts.
Echoes is a very character driven game, which is good because 80% of the characters are good. Where the game mainly lacks is in it's structure. Alm's campaign is incredibly and effectively perfect, however... Celica's parallel campaign not so much. Celica's campaign is by no means bad, it's just not as good as Alm's campaign. Celica's campaign just feels like it needed to be there, it is very middle of the road. But what DOES make Alm's campaign so much better than Celica's? Simple, everything to do with the one, the only Berkut. Berkut is easily among the best characters in all of Fire Emblem. Every time Berkut is not on screen you should be asking "where is Berkut?" and you do. Everything related to Berkut and Alm's stuggle and their colliding narratives leading to a beautiful finale is genuinely awe inspiring. It does also help that just in general Alm's party is better than Celica's party. Leon alone does not salvage Celica's units sadly.

-Berkut my beloved
-Python rule 34
-Delthea is sillycore
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
The First one.
Blazing Blade will forever hold a very unique place in my heart as the first Fire Emblem. I will forever cherish this game. Unlike the 2 higher games the game doesn't place its narrative nor the characters as the driving force of game, the narrative and characters ARE there but the game focuses more in the gameplay which I do enjoy. However I can not honestly place this any lower as the experience of playing this for the first time with a friend was amazing. This is the game that got me into Fire Emblem and is the reason I am this close to having played all of the mainline games. This is the game I would easily recommend as anyone's first FE experience.

-Dorkas jumpscare
-Oswin is mine get away from him
-He dies after the game off screen?
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Sacred Stones is an... interesting game. It has what was lacking with Blazing Blade, more involved characters and story, however, it just didn't grasp me quite as firmly as I had hoped it would. When it comes to the characters, especially the antagonistic characters, they are way more interesting than in Blazing Blade. A notable antagonist is Valter, he dominates every scene he is present in and it adds to the game in a very nice way, even if his end does feel a bit easy. Characters on your side are also much improved. You have characters like Seth and the siblings Eirika and Ephraim. I truly wish I could have place this game above Blazing Blade but I can not. It's still really amazing and I do consider it to be deserved to be in the top 5... it does still make me sad that once all the games on this are finished it almost certainly will lose it's placement

-Ross sweep
-Common Artur L
-Myrrh... crush his skull
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Awakening is interesting. It's better Fates to put it simply. Which should not be the case considering it came out before Fates. Awakening is paced in a really interesting way, where it has 2 VERY distinctive halfs but the split just kinda happens, it doesn't feel like it fully comes out of nowhere but it just manifests. I'm looking forward to my replay of Awakening ones the time comes, I'm hoping on getting something more out of it.

-Many silly hats
-Lon'qu is literally me
-Donnel could blow you up with his mind if he wanted to
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Oh boy...
This will be quite a complex one considering how different ALL 3 routes are, there are no more than 3... so due to this game effectivly being 3-in-1 let's go through them starting from worst and ending at the best one

Golden Deer:
Also known as the lore route, which uhh sure. I mean it's the route where you fight the big bad but beyond that, not really. The game feels like it goes on multiple hours longer than it should and just becomes a massive slog to get through. And unlike the 2 other routes, it's just completely removed from each other until the game decided that you need to be involved in some way. Dimitri is also really anti church, but then he just kinda stops being.

-Lysithea is like the Dark Souls of Fire Emblem
-Lorenz should be hit with the dubstep beam in the dubstep dungeon
-Why does this house get the single worst unit in the game

Blue Lions:
Easily the recommendation for the first house to play, if it's the only house you play you'd probably think it's the good route, however, due to things we'll get into in Black Eagles this is not even slightly true. Blue Lions does have a good narrative and strong characters, however it does also have some real stinkers, not bad units, bad characters. Blue Lions features such classics as, the racist, the racist and who can forget Ashe. Blue Lions is still a very solid game and does have good moments.

-Dedue is the goat
-Fuck off ghost
-Me throw big rock go ouch

Black Eagles:
In short, we found out that the church we are supposed to like is actually evil, making the other 2 routes, not good. When it comes to the story and the characters this route is also easily the best one. The only negative of this route is that for obvious reason you can not get Flayn in your party. Sadly no big rocks in this one, but in exchange you get to play the best part of Three Houses.

-Bernadetta skrunkly gaming
-Lindhart is eepy
-Hubert blows you big and round

Overall Notes and score
-The existence of Flayn
-Time Gremlin
-Hanneman goes to jail
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
The main problem with Shadow Dragons pacing, the maps are built like an Ikea, you will spend a year of your life in there and get very little in return, and then you realize you have to come back. The characters are mostly nothing to write home about but that's on purpose whether you like it or not, you get a lot of units because the game is made in a way where you are supposed to lose a lot of them, which you almost certainly will. The one thing that will never make sense to me however... why does the Fire Emblem just open doors? Like it's this legendary object of great power and it... opens doors. This isn't an issue, it's just weird

-Merric my beloved
-"What a FE game huh" "That was just one map"
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Wait... you mean to tell me they made Shadow Dragon bad? They made THE most inoffensive Fire Emblem BAD?! Remember kids, the easiest way to make something bad is by including a REALLY over powered self insert character

-The New Mystery was the units that died in the tutorial
-You can call the MC Christ
-All my (me) Apes (Ballista Units) gone (bad archer) :( (sad)
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
It says a lot when something like this is the best in a trilogy of games. Birthright easily has the most cohesive story out of the three, but that is in no way saying that said story is a good one, but what should you expect from a fantasy epic written by the senran kagura writer as well as a romance manga/visual nover writer. You get a game where the characters try to be important but can not stand in the spotlight because the story takes the leading position. This game should have been better than it is but it just collapses under a mountain of A LOT of shit. Ths Hoshidan royal family and their handlers are good, that's about it.

-Ryoma is kinda good I feel
-Oh, so he is a dragon?
-Go Go Gadget rat
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
And here we have the polar opposite of Birthright, a game with a piss poor story but with a more consistent cast of characters. Which you would take as a good sign considering the negative point in Birthright was that the cast should be in the spotlight right? NO! Because in this one they try to make THIS the story heavier one and not the character driven one which... only god can know why. Just make Arthur the main lord and allow him to go around critting everyone and it'd be a better experience. This game has ONE good moment and it has nothing to do with Nohr, Hoshido just is the better one, and unlike Ryoma I will not wait patiently.

-Elise ๐Ÿ˜€ Xander ๐Ÿ˜ Leo ๐Ÿ™ Camilla ๐Ÿ’€
-Wait, he's the goop man?
-Go Go Gadget 70% crit chance
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
This one is just kinda boring and badly paced.

-Bors looks like a thumb
-You can recruit Geese
-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH *hits you with an axe
Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
But SURELY this is the best one right? I mean it has the full cast from both Birthright and Conquest right? NO! This one is THE worst Fire Emblem game EASILY, as well as one of THE worst games I have ever had the displeasure of going through. The characters show up at random times, 90% of the time being completely under-leveled to the degree where you have to put considerably effort into even trying to make them keep up. Then... the story.... HOLY FUCK the story, a convoluted pile of thread that sometimes connect and even thou this should be the culmination to this multi game differentiating narrative most of it feels completely irrelevant because EVEN still it has the same story structure as the previous 2 routes. And the characters... they should be the same... BUT THEY EVEN FUCK THAT UP. So many of the characters just shift personality THE MOMENT you recruit them, sure the implication is that Corrin is so epic and cool that they just trust her, but that shouldn't be your justification on why Hoshido and Nohr just get along.

-Character can be romanced in Conquest, but he really wants to kill you and always has
-Wait... he's... a weird dragon?

And this is where we start getting into the main problems with Fates as a whole.

I have no problems with the voice cast, however, HOWEVER I have a problem with the dialogue itself because non of it, whether recorded or purely text based feels organic in anyway, all of it feels like the characters are on a stage performing to a group of 5 year olds. And the overall story structure is miserable as well. You just go from place to place doing the same maps but sometimes they are reversed, and then in Revelations you get to do brand new maps which should be refreshing but they are THE WORST MAPS IN FIRE EMBLEM. These games are just gimmick maps on top of gimmick maps and NON OF THEM GOOD. Also the tone of the game is all over the place, it tries to be this serious narrative about conflict and it fails miserably. One moement you are supposed to be sad about the nature of conflict and the next the game wants you to goon for the 13th time that day. You know your game is bad when self immolation is funny and not a sad moment.

Lilith deserves to face the full wrath of god and be rendered a sunder for her sins against the domain of man, and I will see through that just punishment is delivered to the wicked on the day of judgement

Fates Notes:
-Grooming is... good?
-Incest is... epic?
-Take a 5 in the old dimension
Fire Emblem Engage
Fire Emblem Engage
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776


Last updated: