The worst a game can get for me without outright dropping it.

Combat was pretty neat and did a great job at selling me on MMORPG style combat, though I preferred fighting on foot instead of in a mech.

Otherwise the story was trash with barely any likable characters. The quest design and enemy placements are absolutely horrid, my memories of this game is constantly running into enemies 20 levels higher than me because some low level quests were placed in high level areas, or a high level enemy was sitting right next to a quest objective.

Shockingly well done shooter that handles quad-wielding guns and demonic tentacles pretty well, resulting in a wonderful sense of overkill that ends much sooner than I had hoped.


A Souls-Like for those who want good combat, falters in every other area but it's peaks are higher than Everest.

Favorite racing game of all time. Love how it controls and all the new content, despite being locked behind some dubious payment model.

Not really balanced for online PvP races though but the single player content is substantial enough on its own.

The best game of all time I love it so much! It looks great it plays well it's a novel idea and the script is so good it's astounding.

I'll let the Irish explain the rest.

Not as good as 1 but it's still good god damn it!

Tomorrow is mine is a fucking banger and bayo's new design makes me want to fucking bang her.

Worthy contender to DMC that takes a different approach to combat, stylish as hell and sexy as fuck.

What a game, what a fucking game! 3 just barely wins out by being much more tightly constructed and not as dependent on the other games but 5 is an amazing return to form and love letter to the series.

Special Edition when!

As flawed as it is brilliant, I probably like it more than 3 based of how much time I've pumped into it.

Fucking Brilliant! Amazing game play and a surprising tight story to back it up, probably the best of the series.

A novel start to a legendary franchise, has it's own charm and aspects I wish the sequels would bring back.

The closest thing I have to an addiction.