Absolutely holds up all these years later. It's a bit rough around the edges but it honestly does not even matter that much, very glad I revisited it. Eager to get to Episode 1 and 2.

Preeeetty good. I don't usually get into roguelikes/roguelites so I was a bit disappointed to see this DLC ended up being one rather than something more in-line with the Octo Expansion, but I respect it for being different as far as Splatoon is concerned. I did enjoy my first run and I'm sure I'll do a few more here and there when I have some spare time. I'm just going to mark it as completed in the meantime since I did see the credits at least once.

One of the most imaginative and fun games I have played in my entire life. It exceeded all of my expectations despite me hearing nothing but praise for the game beforehand, and coming straight off of DKC Returns. I truly cannot think of a single negative thing to say about it.

The tightest and most thrilling combat system of any action game that I've played. Maybe not as insane as something like Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta, but every single hit, parry, dodge, counter, and whatever else has an insane amount of impact and rhythm behind it that I have yet to see anything else come close to. Every FromSoftware game I've played has been great, but this is my favorite.


There are the makings of a fantastic game in here, I truly do mean that. The physics of sledding/skiing/flying/etc. feel great, the world is huge, and the ragdoll physics when you wipe out are really fun. However, I should have known better than to trust it, being a Ubisoft title. It's always online, and impossible to play any objectives/races/etc without being connected, so anything in the game that isn't free roam essentially has an expiration date of whenever Ubisoft pulls the plug on the servers. Aside from that, when I first started playing, my controller was completely unusable. It would work for a second, not work for another second, and the button inputs would randomly change while playing the game. Once I sorted that out (for some reason it requires Steam Input) after an hour or so of playing I started getting ads between gameplay sections telling me to buy the DLC, even though I had bought the "X-Games Gold Edition" that supposedly came with all the DLC. I refunded it after that.

Very janky, lots of pop-in, slippery to control, and questionable level design. But when those boss fight themes kick in...

I've owned this game ever since being a kid and while I was never very good at it back then, I did play it often. I hadn't touched it in a long while since then, but the last couple weeks I've been recovering from some weird digestion issues and on a whim picked this game up to pass the time. It's really, really fun. The amount of love and care that went into this game really shines at every moment and there is so much to do in it that you could spend weeks or longer playing it just to complete everything or even to improve your scores. I didn't technically "finish" it because later in the game you start facing harder and harder objectives and it eventually reached a point where I was happy with what I got out of the game and didn't feel like stressing myself out with completing everything, especially since I was playing while getting over an illness. I'll surely revisit it again.

Still the best one. LM3 is close though.

My second favorite game of all time

It’s fine. Love the music, world, and of course Jack Black. It’s fun for a while but it slowly turns more and more into an RTS which I was not expecting and am really not a fan of. I do eventually want to finish it if only to see the story through to the end, but I have no idea when that will be.

Hands down the best VR game that exists. It's one of the only two I've played where it actually feels like a genuine video game and not some kind of tech demo (with the other being SUPERHOT VR). Everything in Half-Life: Alyx feels like it was designed from start to finish to cater to the VR experience and make the absolute most out of it. I am entirely convinced from this game that VR is not just a gimmick, and I fully intend to buy my own headset if these are going to keep being made (or even to just play this one again).

Cute little puzzle game where you stick some goo fellas together. Requires a lot of creative thinking.

It's okay. It's a little too out-there for my tastes even as someone who thoroughly enjoys Saints Row 3.

Such an astounding leap forward from Breath of the Wild that I don't see myself ever playing that game again. Still lacking a lot of Zelda conventions that I and many others miss, but it's such a unique experience on its own that it almost doesn't matter.

I know Saints Row fans tend to be contentious about this one, but it's the first one I ever played so I like it.