90 Reviews liked by TheMine

Just way better gameplay loop than the first one and the story is a massive improvement as well.

I also love the diversity of places you can dive in.

Path of Radiance has the most non-stereotypical characters out of all the FE games I have played, it develops the most important characters very nicely and the story feels very fleshed out, the world building is really good as well.

Path of Radiance has really slow gameplay by default and I see it's a common complaint people have about the game. I personally turned the dialogue speed (if that's a thing) and game speed to max, removed battle animations and was always holding the B button (I think it was that) for the turns to go faster; the game felt just the right speed this way. No complaints here either other than maybe the game is too easy and that sometimes the Black Knight coming out of anywhere he wanted felt cheap in one or two maps (there's one where he appears from a house in the middle of the map).

Interesting story and characters (except for Atreus which is annoying) but the gameplay just sucks when compared to the faster-paced previous entries.

Superb setting and sense of exploration.

The only problem with the first game was its level design and its controls.

These things were fixed in Future and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience.

Music is equally as good.

I have beef with a friend and we do FT10s every now and then in this game.

MGS4 is so unapologetic and it's a roller coaster of emotions.

In its highs, MGS4 represents the best the saga has to offer, in its lows it's just oozes things Kojima loved and he couldn't resist to put in the game even if detrimental.

A flawed masterpiece for sure, it has some bad things going for it: the level design of the ship level, the trailing mission, some lackluster boss battles, etc.

Even when considering these things, I really love this game.

This and Death Stranding are the definitive unfiltered Kojima experiences.

Immaculate atmosphere, sublime soundtrack, excellent level design, memorable boss battles, shine spark, etc.

This game perfected the Metroidvania genre and 27 years later it's still the best at what it tried to do.

Easily the best Ninja Gaiden out of the NES trilogy.

- Enemy placement is a lot better.
- On a casual playthrough, boss fights are more interesting than in the first one -where a lot of them basically consisted of spamming the attack button and tanking the damage-, this is true but for the last fight in which case NG1 has a better final boss (NG2's final boss is basically copy pasted from 1 lmao)
- The gameplay mechanics were improved and now you can climb walls -which was really awkward in the first one- plus you have the clone ninja ninpo (which is awesome btw) and controls feel more responsive.
- Found the enemy design to be more interesting.

My introduction to the Megami Tensei series and had me hooked instantly. I prefer its dark atmosphere and themes to the Jpop-esque Persona 4 and the maximalist Persona 5.

I also think this game is incredibly influential when it comes to the Persona franchise.

Really good story but the game is so realistic it ends up hurting the gameplay.

Slow animations when looting or skining animals (way worse than RDR1), need to do a lot of busy work in the sake of realism, horses (even the best one in the game) get tired too fast considering how big the map is which doesn't make it fun to explore, gunplay was completely fucked and feels very stiff when compared to RDR1, you have to be VERY careful when riding your horse inside cities and towns since it's really easy to get called the cops just by touching civilians, it's way easier for your horse to fall over small rocks as opposed to the first one.

I just wish RDR2 had the physics and gameplay of RDR1.

Music is great, it has the best chao garden iteration and the gameplay is very fun especially when playing as Sonic/Shadow or Knuckles/Rouge.

My favorite 3D Mario:

- It has incredible atmosphere, very nostalgic and melancholic
- A beautiful soundtrack
- Snappy movement
- Great level design if you are into linear platformers rather than collect-a-thons
- I love Rosalina as a character and her background story

It has great level design and snappy movement -like its prequel- but it got rid of the nostalgic and melancholic atmosphere I loved along with the masterpiece of a soundtrack Galaxy 1 had.

This game has always been magical to me and my brother since we were kids, especially with all the secret levels.

I beat this many times with him and then beat it again together recently as adults so I'm still sure I love this game.