90 Reviews liked by TheMine

Project M is basically Melee but every character is good, what's to hate?

The first one has better atmosphere but the level design and story is better in this one.

This game would be perfect if it weren't for most of the last levels.

Best multiplayer (the perfect balance of simplicity and complexity) and the cheesiest story out of all UC games along with the best characterization. Dialogues are witty and very well written, it also has the best one liners lmao.

Basically the perfect action blockbuster experience.

The shooting while simple is very responsive and it's well-balanced, combine that with the fast movement and the fact that you can throw grenades or shoot while not stopping -even while jumping- makes it very easy to tell a good UC player from a bad UC player. Melee attacks are also fun and disrespectful.

Those that complain about this game being "unfair" just suck at it.

One of the few racing games I have completed 100%.

peak arcade racer tbh

The less derivative out of the main games (excluding the first one of course), has an amazing cast of characters, incredible boss fights, an excellent story and nice level design.

Weak story when compared to the other games in the series, I couldn't get attached to any of the characters but for Mihaly (Mr. X) which might be the runner-up for best antagonist in the series.

This game shines in the presentation department, the graphics are beautiful and breathtaking along the set pieces and the soundtrack is easily one of the best in the series as well.

The mechanics and controls are up there with those of Ace Combat 6, I didn't find them to be a major improvement but one thing I noticed and really hated is that all enemy aircraft seem to be very aggressive and only focuses on you, I have played all the previous mainline entries and this was the only one where I couldn't really listen/read the radio dialogue most of the time because all I could hear was MISSILE MISSILE.

The last missions were amazing but before that there were a lot of missions/locations from Ace Combat 4 and I think they overdid it with the nostalgia a little bit.

All in all, I thought the game was great but not as good as previous entries.

played this on RPCS3 and I had a blast

I really wanted to like this -mostly because of the beautiful soundtrack and art style- but I couldn't get into the slow gameplay itself.

I like how the duck controls but I really don't like the level design, especially those fans.

I will spare this game some slack because it's less than a dollar.

wtf im a toree fan now

Better in every aspect to the first game.

Improved on the level design by focusing on speed and removing all the objects that had you stopping for seconds in its prequel such as fans, elevators, the need to wait for some platforms to get closer and the list goes on...

The music is also better in here, Sparkle Park was a banger.

At the end of the game they added a Klonoa-esque boss battle which I thought was great for a change.

Like its prequel, this game can be completed in less than an hour and it's $1.

The next best thing to playing HOTD2 on Arcade with a friend.

Really fun with friends but the game has crashed multiple
times mid-match for me, I will try re-installing it to my SSD to see if the problem persists.

edit: that didn't get rid of the game crashing issue and I have tried other steps as well so I'm just gonna stop trying to play this until they fix it, also progression is fucked up.

This game got me back into gaming after not playing anything for 2 months, that alone makes it very special to me. The first roguelite I have actually liked, mostly due to its length and the fact that it's a platformer.

I died/reset like 700 times before beating this on a blind playthrough but it never felt unfair, discovering how to do most things on your own on subsequent runs felt magical.

I also love the unscripted but hilarious sequence of events when a trap or an enemy knocks you back, it goes from quirky platformer to Looney Tunes in less than a second.

Very fitting soundtrack as well and the game has a lot of charm, I cannot wait to play Spelunky 2 and some of the games it drew inspiration from like La-Mulana but I will go for an easy/normal game before venturing into another insanely hard game such as this since I don't want to lose my sanity.

Played through Bloodborne again using the 60FPS patch made by Lance McDonald and got the Platinum trophy, 100% recommended.