My favorite Pokémon game, although nostalgia may be in play… I will need a replay to confirm.

The Arm Thrust move noise…. Hehe.

Team Plasma is narratively very underwritten. Team Rocket is fascism super club, Team Aqua/Magma are ecoterrorists with sympathetic gains, and here we got Team Plasma as a workers liberation front who just decide “eh it’s not so bad” as the finale. N/Ghesis bait and switch is laughably trite, and pulled so quickly at the end that you’re just like “lol.” Unfortunately the game is so stuck on the 8 badges before anything gets going part that it’s a victim of its own setup.

Music - couple bops in here, especially the bustling cities doing city pop / smooth jazz. 1.5x gate music is going up to YouTube right now because it’s a breakbeat/downtempo masterpiece.

Design - nothing really memorable here. Compared to previous gen’s lazy in naming and design. I empathize it’s hard. Just prefer Gen 3 or 1-2 more.

Delta, 1.5x speed, with share exp makes this a breeze… I can’t believe how much time we wasted as children. Were we just killing time to wait for our bodies to grow up to see the world? Narratively, the going off on your own with the resources you collect to build yourself up for the challenges of the world is always compelling. Me playing this as an adult is fun to look back and reminisce on the times I spent in the back of cars waiting for the me to graduate to the world.

ALSO YOU CANT NAME YOUR RIVAL — Gamefreak let me name them Buttdick I don’t need “Steve” or Genevieve or w/e it’s my fantasy

The sarcastic answers are nice addition

i'm a simple human. i like d&b/jungle music and shooty.

quick summary of thoughts after 1 evening play session in PVE (mostly in context to Valheim), got to gear level. i apologize that i am not interested in PVP and base raiding. i don't have time for Ark Survival evolved i play games when i can, not have games play me 24/7

+ custom difficulty modifiers/sliders, reducing weapon deterioration and increasing resource gain (while not increasing resource spawn rates) feels like a nice change for someone who doesn't love the grind
+ borrows a lot from MMO combat (World of Warcraft), which while being unoriginal, is a nice inspiration. early bosses have some unique map design elements which is a very nice touch.
+ some improvements to UX over Valheim, item management, inventory, etc.

+/- spells feel very samey. this dodge heals, this dodge does damage, this dodge slows... overall they add some flavor.
+/- you don't lose your weapons/equipment when you die. i like this... but then you'll never have 1 hour sailing adventures to your body across the map. and that memory will stick way more than any death in this game.

- having your gear level track which monster you want to fight is silly. especially because if you unequip a powerful item it removes the ability to select a target? lmao.
- add mods plz
- no DLSS. AMD FSR 1.0

Making better weapons gated behind an acquisition pack that you can pay to bypass is my biggest complaint with this. It’s fine because it’s PVE but if Destiny did this people would flip out.

As a child, this game impacted me greatly for what an EA published game could do if given some creative inspiration and not taking itself too seriously (remember when EA was good kids?)

I remember finding it somewhat difficult, having a fun soundtrack, and compelling gameplay loop.

Now with almost 20 years of hindsight, does this hold up? Sorta?

What now sticks with me is the attempt… distracted by all kinds of blemishes that I can’t pretend to not see (excluding emulating this game on a steamdeck, which lead to some bugs either in z-axis fighting, textures not loading, or running sub 60 fps). Character collisions either with each other or with the map have all kinds of issues; sharp corners that kill your momentum out of nowhere, running over downed players will sometimes cause you to fall (even though logically in an arcade game you should target them to stay down longer). From the trick side, this feels less developed than Tony Hawk’s Underground or an equivalent, with the tricks very limited, differentiating themselves solely by adding Square/X mid trick to turn it from one of the base 10 moves into 20. Uber Tricks are obviously great. Fine fine fine.

There is also no real end game. In about 6-8 hours I was able to take Eddie from Garibaldi all the way to Untracked and Pipedream, and that’s it really. You can either grind out the bizarre trick book (which has no on-screen display to track causing you to either write down the trick or memorize) for better outfits but I didn’t feel compelled. Even THPS1 had all the secrets in each level that made me want to find them, here, the game just sorta ends. The only real reason to continue playing is because your friend killed you in a show off competition and now you know that getting a 400k+ score is possible (if your boarder has the proper stats). Seeing 3 mil on the global high score charts is absolutely insane btw.

Ok ok, what about artistry? It’s fine. No Okami (which I don’t love the gameplay of FWIW), or JSR here. It’s colors are fairly saturated, with some mix of 90s future here and there. The soundtrack, which I remember loving as a kid, just doesn’t hold a candle to JSR/JSRF. Aside from the excellently bombastic Run DMC title track. No one is dressing up in Bushwick as SSX Tricky characters or quoting the global vernacular of Rahzel saying “genkikai!!” (or maybe because Canada will never achieve the level of fandom as Japan).

So am I happy with my 3 hours of setup and 8 hours of play? Sorta. But more as a discussion piece with other people who copped an OLED Steamdeck as an emulation hub to relive their childhood memories.

The first shooter to make me dislike violence.

My biggest problem is narratively the story boils down to “violence begets violence, and that’s bad.” I like most of the characters, and I like what the game tries to do with them. But ultimately it’s a cover shooter where you are forced to complete violence even if you don’t want to. There were sequences where I wanted to not kill any of the characters and I’m forced to.

What makes Last of Us 1 a bit better is that I forgot about all of the heinous actions carried out by Joel, and then by the end it’s a narrative double whammy of having it be for nothing and watching his descent into full madness.

Here, your revenge plot has the writings on the wall instantly of what it’s going to force you to do, and the consequences of it. No politics to discuss, no morality, just tragedy to experience.

my ONLY complaints are:

- no tooltips for items when selecting them or deciding if you should pick them up.

- when you die, it is hard to understand what killed you or if a certain combo of items backfired.

otherwise good rogue-lite, lots of good difficulty settings, scalable, decent music (although i like listening to my own library)

God I love nothing more than getting absolutely intoxicated and playing this with someone. If only it was cross platform and online was stable.

Marathoned the “New Hope” campaign in 48 hours and beat it first try.

It runs and looks great, and I like the premise. The gameplay loop is very anxiety driven fixer, which scratches an itch. Unfortunately it’s not very deep and lacks any sort of meaningful choices at least in the beginner campaign. I assume that the expansions will require more “hard choices” especially if you turn the difficulty up, but haven’t found it that gripping. Hard choices here mean sacrifice one for discontent when scripted. Game lays bare that you have to be amoral sometimes but doesn’t really feel like it penalizes you, you just have two abstract bars that go up and down. I think it needs a few more systems, more laws, or a longer tech tree. Or the expedition/outpost system needs more risk/reward. My favorite strategy games like Civ, Total War, Hearts of Iron allow you creativity in approach. Here, it’s all the same by the end.

Premise is good, just the writing is a bit hamfisted about climate change and social policy. Doesn’t really have an edge or something new to say.

Also late game meant destroying almost 50% of the buildings and just hunkering down / producing infinite coal. The UX could use some work as it was unclear a lot of times why stuff wouldn’t build (roads in the way) or I couldn’t find one building that does something easily, or I couldn’t find the buildings that had overtime enabled and turn it off. Needs more top down policy choices and less bottom up. Good for $10 but I don’t think this is amazing. Hoping Frostpunk 2 will be Anno 1800 in terms of length, but Hearts of Iron in depth.

Didn’t grip me, mechanics are stiff. PC release is lacking for the time and requires a lot of tweaking to get running at modern standards.

Really it’s 2 cool levels, and a great art style that keep me hooked. Wish I played violent / non stealth as non-violent didn’t realllyyyy give me any fun. The stealth stuff isn’t that compelling compared to MGS:5 / Hitman, so it’s a lot of dumping bodies on shelves. The level design is on par with Deus Ex but lacks the freedom to do anything in a true Sim way.

By the end I was speed rushing with Cortano as the game no longer compelled me. Story is also eh with a reasonable villain but not one I felt strongly about by the end.

remedy's writing (even with the veneer of late 90s-2000s lazy female character writing, is so good). gunplay is excellent, and all the set pieces are fun as hell. fun to play not even for the nostalgia but as a good piece of art today.

a ripoff for the DLC music

but it fixes what i missed about the original on PS2


my favorite steamdeck game. i can't believe i abandoned this for months for failing on the final boss a few times. took me 41 tries to finally complete the loop once. now i love completing the loop.

i usually don't like rogue-likes/lites, but this one clicked for me. the flow state is incredibly satisfying. Once you figure out the meta (which even with written guides explaining i still didn't really figure out) the game becomes a lot more enjoyable. (hint: going full Athena / deflect is not the answer).

coupled with a perfect story for the gameplay loop (no ludo narrative dissonance), this is up there with Returnal for me.