Where it all started. There's some outdated NES era BS of course (i.e. the numerous trap rooms that are rendered reduntant by the map that allows you to see which rooms have something in them and which ones don't), but this Pixel Remaster is still a lot of fun and easy to get into.

Basically has the same pros and cons as the first game except this one is far more ambitious with its gameplay, which in turn makes it much more fun and replayable.

65 music pieces from 13 games in a series revered for it's music? That's some bullshit right there. Still fun, though.

The first game I ever played. It was great then, and it's great now.

Obviously more bare bones compared to Deluxe, but it's nevertheless a total blast. Gotta love that boom box, baby.

Highly influential for a reason due its superb music, art direction, and overall atmosphere, but it is also filled with NES era bullshit that has not aged well at all.

Not a sports games kind of person (it's weird to me that enough people on the planet would play a simulation of a sport rather than, I don't know, go outside and ACTUALLY play said sport), but as far as those type of games go, this one's quite good.


Gonna be honest, I did not actually play this, but watched a walkthrough on Youtube. This was for two reasons: 1.) It is not available to download anywhere because Konami is the devil incarnate right behind EA, and 2.) I am way too chickenshit to play a game this scary. Speaking of which, despite the fact that this is just a Playable Teaser as it's title says, it is a masterstroke. It's arguably too short for a full length game (the longest walkthough I found on Youtube ran a mere 40 minutes), but considering that the game it was promoting was aborted like the talking fetus, and that this is unfortunately all we will get of this particular project, I think an exception can be made. It is one of the few pieces of art that I would say is perfect, and it's a shame that it was made under a company that is so incomprehensibly braindead. If Silent Hills was made, I have no doubt it would have revolutionized video games even more than this did. Oh well.

More tedious than anything else.

I want to preface this by saying that I do not think this is an awful game by any means, just one that bit off more than it could chew in my opinion. The game is way, WAY to big to the point where not only did I find myself stuck with no idea where to go, but that I ultimately didn't care enough to continue because everything was so overwhelming that I just couldn't think of putting the effort in to figure it out. It also doesn't help that I wasn't all too engaged in the story to begin with, although there is an interesting concept here. It just felt like this was two (maybe even three) games rolled into one. Also the music quickly got on my nerves with how mello/melancholy it was. Overall, a frustrating experiance.

Once you've experianced this game for, like, 5 minutes, you've seen everything it has to offer. Garbage.

Played this game on and off for roughly four years, but I finally beat this thing. What else can be said other than the obvious - it was awesome. Whenever the remake comes out (if it ever does), it has a lot to live up to.

If you don't play this game, you're being a dumbass.

It's a fun game, but the damn depth perception kills me at points.

This game has a lot of faults, mostly in it's structure. If you have never seen the movies before jumping into this game, you will have no idea what the hell is going on. By design, the entire game is just a recreation of setpieces from the movie (with some original ones to make this more of a "game"), which will mean absolutely nothing to people who have never seen these films. However, as someone who grew up with/loves these films and knows them back to front, this did not bother me personally. What DID bother me was the fact that this game only recounts the events of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli and completely excludes every other hero as a playable character, although to be fair Frodo, Sam, & Gollum's and especially Merry & Pippin's story would not translate well to a game of this kind at all except for maybe the final minutes of the film, which from what I understand are being saved for the next game. And as a diehard fan of these films, it was awesome to play as three of the most badass members of the fellowship and complete kick some Uruk-hai ass. And the upgrade system and ability to go back and replay each section as any of the three heroes is an ingenius idea, demanding replayability. Is it repetative? Yes. And the boss fight with Sharku, the Warg rider, is super annoying. But despite these criticisms, for a movie tie-in game, this is better than it has any right to be.