Gameplay? Really good. Story? Fakeouts galore and super on-the-nose dialogue that makes me roll my eyes. The 3D remake has a new script, so maybe that'll be a better experiance?

I know this is getting a reevaluation from fans and a lot of people enjoy this game, but personally this was a painful experiance for me. The combat is fun, but the game around it fucking sucks (rimshot.wav) due to how boring as sin the level design is. The entire game is you walking down a bunch of hallways were you encounter different enemies.......and that's it! That is the entire game in a nutshell. The total absence of variety just killed my enjoyment for this game, and it doesn't help that the story in this game, while not nearly as lacking, does very little to make up for it. This is an 8-9 hour game, right? Well there is less 1 hour's worth of cutscenes. You can view all the cutscenes in this game in one Youtube video that lasts around 40 minutes. I'm not saying I want half of this game to be cutscenes, but I would have liked something a little more substantial than this underdeveloped platitude where a guy is on a mission to get revenge of another guy for the death of a loved one. It's not awful, just completely uninspired (apart from some convoluted nonsense thrown in at the end because why the hell not). And that pretty much sums up my thoughts on this game overall - not awful, just uninspired.

Basically has the same pros and cons as the first game except this one is far more ambitious with its gameplay, which in turn makes it much more fun and replayable.

Highly influential for a reason due its superb music, art direction, and overall atmosphere, but it is also filled with NES era bullshit that has not aged well at all.

Not the best version of/way to play Smash (not even portably), but at the end of the day Smash is Smash.

The only fun that comes from games like this is watching other people suffer from how bad everything about it is. Avoid.

Obviously more bare bones compared to Deluxe, but it's nevertheless a total blast. Gotta love that boom box, baby.

A true classic despite a dip in quality in the second half.

What the hell were those trap rooms?! Where the developers TRYING to waste the player's time? On top of the levelling up process being total garbage and our main characters being negative to any source of charisma or interesting character traits, this game is a massive downgrade from the original in almost everyway. Fuck this shit.

I's fun watching Markiplier play it, I guess?

Simracing isn't my cup of tea anyway, but so many of these maps just blend together and aren't that interesting to look at. Would've been much more fun if the maps were more scenic.

Where it all started. There's some outdated NES era BS of course (i.e. the numerous trap rooms that are rendered reduntant by the map that allows you to see which rooms have something in them and which ones don't), but this Pixel Remaster is still a lot of fun and easy to get into.

If the script and characters were on par with the rich, thick atmosphere and tangible dread that permeated the whole game, this would be one of the greatest games full stop. As is, it's still cool.

You know those games that you know are really great but you absolutely suck at playing? Yeah, this is one of those games for me.