What began my love for tactics games

I think I would have liked this if I put more time into it? IDK I just didn't get it and I love tactics games.

The first shooter I ever played. My dad let me grind glimmer patrolling on the moon and I was hooked. Made my own character, unfortunately a titan, and sold my soul to Bungie. Year one wasn't the best, but then came the Taken King and everything changed. Rise of Iron was... fine. No story to speak of unless you went to a website, clunky movement, and no mission variety, but man there was something special here.

I don't even like Dragon Ball but this game goes hard. Don't play the story mode

I love this game. The combat, especially when you get into the second half of the game just feels so good. Both characters get so powerful by the end that you can fill the screen with particle effects but never get lost in the action. Enemy designs are really creative and disturbing, though I wish there were more of them. The branching narrative works pretty well, but Yuito does feel like the intended PoV character. I still liked Kasane and all of the other side characters. The plot gets wild but still fun. My only complaints are that I wish certain things were dialed up a bit, such as enemy variety, special psychokinesis objects, boss variety, and non-combat useage of powers.

Fun for a bit, but not a lot here

This is where I stopped liking these games