‘Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd‘

Such a great resource management shop owner game with such a beautifully delicious dark twist that speaks so dear to story I love.

It’s fun, it’s gruesome and it’s just wicked. Some great storytelling that is full of wit and humour to balance out the fact that you are cooking people into pies.

“How gratifying for once to know:
That those above will serve those down below!”

Played this when this came out as a mobile game it was great for a phone game. Bought it today on steam and still a really fun and great little turn based puzzle game

Tomb raider one but with awful clunky controls boring game play terrible combat and butt ugly beige graphics.

Honestly how do you make tomb raider one look prettier than a game on the Xbox 360. The failures of this game are really impressive. With ruining some the most iconic moments of video games by having them happen in life less cutscenes with awful quick time events instead of happening naturally in gameplay. Every location is ruined by both the graphics and the platforming being tied to the awful grappling hook
And don’t get me started on the awful boss fights. Yeah not a fan.

This game is good like really good. Just a shame there are a few major cracks especially in character select menu UI and the complete lack of replay ability in the individual episodes as so much content happens in the games open world and seems to be completely unplayable again while the actual levels often seem to lack much content of depth. The open world is amazing though and the game is great. Just doesn’t feel fully complete somehow and is lacking things crucial to Lego games

Cant wait to spent 40 years completing the open world btw

Alistair and Zip shut the fuck up.

The game has only start and end there is no middle and the plot is awful.

Some how more incomprehensible and broken than angel of darkness

Does get a bonus star for cutting the Kurtis level tho

Graphics $200
Gameplay $150
Game engine $800
Insane story ideas $3,600
Employee wages $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my game franchise is dying

There’s a camp as fuck gay and lesbian porno in here somewhere I just can’t get to any of the good bits cus I have to trap these damn vampires

I have no clue what happened but honestly I loved it

This game is so heavily carried by the Ireland section it’s un real in fact if that was a stand alone game it would be my favourite game ever. An absolute buggy mess such a shame cus there’s a great game in here somewhere

Shout out to Peter Stothard the editor of the times who is here in one the funniest cameos in gaming.

Feel like this level would be pretty meh if I could actually complete it but alas for some reason in my download of the game I can’t press the escape button without it crashing and that makes this level impossible

Devastated that this is only just okay.

Fuck that bike section and the ending left me feeling like Kathy Bates in Misery

You ever want to test how strong a bond you have with a friend play the online co-op mod for this game.
I literally think if I didn’t have as strong a friendship that I have with the person I played this with we would have quit and never spoke to each other again. It was pure anarchy and brought out every flaw in this game. And I loved it. Also got to see Peter griffin pull the master sword that’s definitely in my top ten moments of all time

Thought this was a tomb raider knock off instead it’s shitty crash bandicoot. Only good thing is it recognises Tibet as it’s own country