Cozy and enjoyable game, although the combat is not suited for bossfights at all and quite frustating. The monsters and treasure hunting are pretty good. Porcus is cute.

A great visual remake of a classic game. I enjoyed playing it in Japanese.

I had some fun playing Ishin, which takes us to scenes and locales that haven't been used in other RGG games. The 4 different styles are great mechanics that remind me of yakuza 0. That said not all are created equally, as the sword style deals way more damage but it's less flexible in usage. My favorite stance was definitely wild dancer as the evasive dodging looked and felt great. The story tries to be compelling, but Ryoma is even denser than Kiryu and seems to get away with a lot of things. The ending also leaves a bit of a bad taste as the game tries to backpedal on Japanese history.

Wonderful game, a brilliant showcase of creativity and skill. One of the best Mario games they made. Woowie zowie.

I've always loved this game and replay it every now and then.

It's still one of the greatest games of all times, simply for how much fun the gameplay is. Every move you have to master to complete the game.

I have played fusion many times. It's a great game, but the chasing sequences are the worst. Still it was a good replay.

It's more picross. Just a good time.

Incredible remaster of an all time classic. It's still the complete package filled with cool ideas that plays well and looks absolutely stunning.

It was neat to replay this game I played many years ago. Still remembered some of the tricks to get the shots I needed to advance. I like this game, but not enough to beat the challenge scores.

Absolutely great addition to an already amazing game. The amount of tracks from Tour do feel a little like filler, but that's a small slight on this great package.

Pretty good and interesting game. I did need a guide for directions and the start was pretty rough, still had a good time with it.

I really liked this replay of Ages, it complements Seasons by providing a richer experience with its focus on puzzles and story. I find Ages to be more daring with its ideas than Seasons even if it doesn't always pan out right.

Still an amazing game, even after sinking hundreds of hours into it on WiiU and a few dozen hours on Switch.

Enjoyed playing through this game for many hours in Japanese. Performance issues are notable, but doesn't distract from the fun.