Perfect DLC, with the best bosses in the game.

The only David Cage game I haven't beaten. I absolutely fell out of love with the story halfway through.

The overworld airship mechanic is a neat way to drastically stand apart from the rest of the franchise, but also gets old after a while. Still a solid title in the series.

Some of my favorite classes in the Etrian Odyssey series, and my favorite title in the series so far.

Poor Monster Hunter clone. It's not complete garbage but doesn't really do anything to stand apart from Monster Hunter, so I'd rather just go play that instead.

Tearaway is incredibly cute and better than it has any right to be, but I didn't really just how directed it is at small children. The papercraft aspect of it is really cool. The only game I've seen that makes full use of every aspect of the Vita.

Solid game, but I'm not a huge fan of the general style and gameplay of the Disgaea games


One of the best roguelikes I've ever played

Supergiant's best work yet

A perfect JRPG until it completely falls apart in the second half.

My favorite game as a child. Still love it to this day.

I've tried to like this game several times and can't get past how aggravating I find it. The Nemesis system is cool, but the game gets repetitive way too quickly for an open world of this scope.

Excellent gameplay, a beautiful world and fun characters. The story is the weakest part and the rest of the game struggles to not get bogged down by the lackluster story.

Easily one of my favorite PS2 platformers

My favorite of the MGS games.