An absolute masterclass of roguelikes. Hard to say anything that hasn't been said already.

~70% through, fun to revisit the classic on a newer system

Sphere grid is among the most innovative and delightfully customizable RPG leveling systems, and having access to the entire party in every battle is refreshing and kept me thinking. By the end though, it became fairly easy to steamroll even some endgame bosses, thanks to just enough grinding in the midgame.

Game came used without the code for X-2 :'(

Finished main story, and partway through Frozen Wilds

Played and beat in about 10 hours on the day of release. Incredible sendoff to one of my favorite games of all time. Celeste is so, so important to me and it was a pure joy to revisit it like this.

One of the pinnacles of the roguelike genre. I keep coming back to it, of course, but I doubt I will ever finish it.


The best story Supergiant has told, wrapped into the best sports game ever made. Beautiful and heartbreaking, and also sports

I know the combat is tight and the art direction is wonderful, but I think looking back on HLD some of the luster has worn off. Still a beautiful and challenging experience.

Got about halfway through and decided it just wasn't for me. Great narrative, fairly generic combat, incredible world design. Had the Big Twist spoiled for me and felt no need to complete it.

Playing this before I ever played Super Metroid was....certainly a choice

Brilliant puzzle game that is smarter than I am

I played Rebirth for hours upon hours when it released, and it quickly became a point of connection between me and a girl I had feelings for. Lo and behold, we started playing together and racing each other and eventually became a couple. 6 years later, we still credit this game with bringing us together!

Sentimentality aside, this is the game I credit with my current obsession with indie titles, and roguelikes in particular. An upgrade on the Flash version in every way.

Great for a spell but not much replayability. Charming as hell art direction.

One of the first things I played on Switch! Incredibly fun arcade-style score chasing. I still listen to the soundtrack, 4 years later

Unquestionably the most important game of 2020, and easily the game I played the most in the past year. What a way to be introduced to the franchise