From Software games ranked by how easy it is to find the DLC area

Nothing here!

While the true Hirata estate is absolutely cryptic and nearly impossible to find on your own I STILL haven't been able to find the DLC :'(
By far the most convoluted. On par with getting the Biggoron sword in Ocarina of Time. And at the end you have to let yourself get captured by a freaking INVISIBLE enemy.
You had to find certain NPCs to talk to to let you in. Not super transparent but still not hard to find.
It's literally just the back of Mohg's boss room... The DLC isn't even out and this is already the second most obvious DLC entrance. Miyazaki has even confirmed it in multiple interviews.


This one is not the most intuitive and there are not a lot of reasons why people would just go back and check the other side of that lake.


Had those big grand entrance places where you could summon your friends. Very obvious and marked.


2 months ago

You are not taking it into account how in Elden Ring, to access DLC, you need to find a 'secret' dungeon in a 'secret' location that you discover off of some obscure(?) quest. I think that's relatively harder than DS1's case where you just check big space left un'mapped' out after killing a massive hydra

2 months ago

This list idea is hilarious, but warranted. So warranted.

1 month ago

I remember the Ashes of Ariandel DLC from DS3 was super easy to find cause it's just a guy chilling at an easy to find bonfire, and all you've got to do is talk to him and say "Yes" when prompted and bam - Ariandel.

1 month ago

I'm confused by Bloodborne's placement and description? It's a two-step process and the first step is basically unmissable. And yeah, for the second you'd 100% need to be told what to do, but the same is true of each of the like three or four much more out of the way things you do for DS1 (and the first step of 3 if you're past the Cathedral of the Deep, which I hope you are by the time you're hunting for the endgame-scaling DLC).

Not to mention, even if you're right about Elden Ring, it's "obvious" because of meta knowledge and community theorycrafting and requires beating an entire secret endgame area...

1 month ago

Dark Souls 1 is messed up, how the hell was I supposed to know I needed to fight the piss golem to time travel without a guide??

1 month ago

DS1 is by far the most convoluted imo. With Bloodborne, the only part that's potentially missable is the fact that the invisible Amygdala (which only invisible before the blood moon btw) outside of Oedon Chapel has to grab you. I'll admit that's pretty cryptic, but don't forget that to access the Nightmare Frontier in the base game, you have to do the same. Everything else is unmissable, and clearly explained to you.

With DS1, you have to kill the Hydra, reload the area, walk past the Hydra into the back of a barely visible cave, kill the Golden Crystal Golem, reload the area again, talk to Dusk, progress until past the halfway point, kill one specific enemy in a seemingly unrelated late game area and grab the key item, get back to the cave where you fought the golem and THEN you can access the DLC. That's absurd lmao, like wtf does any of that have to do with the story of the DLC? How was anyone supposed to figure this out?

1 month ago

also with Sekiro, the old lady who gives you the bell literally tells you to find a Buddha to offer the bell to. Then, when you return to the Sculptor, the next thing he'll say is to check out his Buddha statue.That's pretty damn hard to miss imo lol

Now if we're talking about TRUE Hirata Estate, where you get to fight Owl (Father), then I might be inclined to agree. That shit is downright arcane. You have to eavesdrop on super specific conversations or monologues that you have no way of knowing you can even listen in on unless you make a habit of shimmying across every single wall in the game

1 month ago

@djyunghoxha Those are really good points and I've changed the order because I think you're pretty spot on. TBH tho this list was mostly made as a joke because there were a bunch of game journalists complaining about how hard it was to get to the Elden Ring DLC despite that fact that the DLC hasn't even been released yet and the DLC location was already confirmed.

1 month ago

do you guys think that egg will have donkey kong in it

1 month ago

ds 2 bullshit

1 month ago

Missed opportunity to put Sekiro last and say 'Still haven't found it.'

1 month ago

@sadurrasti You're an absolute freaking genius what am I even doing hahahaha

1 month ago

@donkeykongfan That would be freaking sick

1 month ago

@Ensarw real

1 month ago

I would say Dark Souls 3 is the easiest; I accidentally both DLCs accidentally since Ariendel/Dreg Heap warps are directly on main paths in the game. Dark Souls 2 might have been easy at launch when buying DLC put the keys directly in your inventory, but in the Scholar version you have to find the keys which is arguably as cryptic as Dark Souls 1, so I would personally put it way further down.

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