You can't skip the cutscenes, the game drops framerate and lingers on screens constantly, and it crashes frequently. I can't imagine spending full price on this game (I got it on sale). It's good for a few laughs with some friends but only get it if you can get it for dirt cheap.

A clunky Resident Evil clone where just about every aspect of the game is flawed in some manner, and yet, I can't help but feel that adds to this bizarre game's charm. The translation is some of the most stilted, awkward, and hilarious I've ever seen with such fantastic lines as "I don't want to die so I'll find the monkey within 15 minutes." The soundtrack has a particular song that was likely performed by the composer's cat as it walked across a piano that repeats ad nauseam throughout the game. The sound effects... oh god, the sound effects. I think I love this game? And yet I can't justify giving it higher than a 2/5. If you can stomach the poor... well, everything I would suggest you seek out The Ring: Terror's Realm because it is an experience. A great game to play with an audience of friends to join in the fun. The less you know going in, the better.

Technical issues aside, this is probably the most fun I've had with a mainline Pokémon game since Gen 5.

It's everything you remember loving about GameCube era platformers and then some. Hat Kid is incredibly fun to control with tight, fluid movements and the world in which the game takes place is insanely charming and funny. Not to mention the fantastic DLC. If I had one complaint it would be I wish the base game had more Time Pieces to collect, as it feels like it's over when you still want more to do. But, on the other hand, I suppose I'm glad it doesn't Donkey Kong 64 things by overstaying it's welcome.

If you're at all a fan of 3D platformers I can safely say A Hat in Time is right up there with the classics.

A controversial take but this remake may even surpass the already excellent original it is based on. Many aspects are improved, particularly with the story and certain characters, and most of the areas from the original that were altered were for the better. I think we need to have some more time to sit with it as this remake has only been out a little over a month whereas the original has been around for nearly 20 years but this is up there with REmake for what a remake should be.

I feel like I got my fill of this sub genre of horror game ("collect x amount of a macguffin while the killer gets gradually more aggressive and can kill you in one hit") with Slender. This is good for a few laughs playing a couple rounds with friends but I don't think it's overall for me.

People who brush off Super Mario RPG as "some obscure Mario spin-off" just because they're angry people wanted Geno in Smash Bros are not giving the game enough credit.

This game laid the groundwork for what would become both Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi. It was also the first Mario game to actually establish a "world" for Mario and the first time we saw some of these characters given some semblance of a personality that has even carried on today (this was the first instance where we got to see Bowser putting on a show of being a big, bad brute to cover up his own insecurities, for example).

Incredibly well paced with engaging gameplay, particularly with the use of "Timed Hits" which allow you do far more damage with your attacks with a well timed button press and also defend yourself to take less (or even zero) damage when attacked. The gameplay seamlessly merges the style of a RPG with that of Mario's platforming, having exploring the overworld one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game which was uncommon in the RPG genre at the time. The storyline is simple but it's charming and funny and, you have to understand, at the time it was unheard of for a Mario game to have a story like this. Bowser teams up with Mario and Peach? It was insane! The soundtrack is also phenomenal, composed by none other that Yoko Shimomura, who would go on to compose the soundtracks to games like Mario & Luigi and Kingdom Hearts.

You definitely owe it to yourself to check this game out, especially if you're a fan of the games it would go on to inspire. It's just a shame Square Enix seems to have no interest in re-releasing it anymore.

I know no game is "perfect" but this game is perfect.

I've tried playing through this game on no less than four separate occasions and every time I stop once I reach Grunty Industries. I adore the first Banjo-Kazooie but have come to accept I just do not like this sequel.

This game is an unbelievable slog that I wouldn't suggest anyone play, regardless of how much they love the source material. It also has, quite possibly, the worst in-game map I've ever experienced. Beneath all the crap it actually has a pretty good story with fun character interactions, but dealing with the actual game itself is not worth it. It's such a shame because Little Witch Academia undoubtedly has potential to work great as a video game and they squandered their chance by making a dreadfully dull beat em up that will just having you spamming spells to kill the enemies as quickly as you can to move onto the next boring stage.

Why yes I did get the Platinum Trophy.