194 Reviews liked by Tonydez415

An amazing ending to Nate's story. The visuals got a huge upgrade since it was the first Uncharted game to be developed for PS4, the gameplay also got way better. Amazing set pieces, lots of action, Sam is a great addition to the franchise and to the game's plot.

The nature of Journey means that everyone will have a different experience depending on who they meet. For me, it was rather... lonely. I went in completely blind, and was already getting a reasonable amount of enjoyment just running around the sand dunes. These were pretty enough to keep me going, but I really got hooked when I found another player. I didn’t immediately realize the other cloaked figure was another player, but it was a really cool moment when I did. The two of us continued on throughout the water section, and worked our way up the tower. Despite having no way to communicate properly, there was a kinship that was understood between us. We worked our way forward, I turned a corner, and... they vanished. I spent a few minutes looking, but they were gone. I sadly continued on... for the rest of the game. I met no one else. Huge stretches of walking filled with nothing but my own thoughts. As I trudged through the snow, I felt myself freezing over side by side with the character, waiting to meet anyone else to help me on this Journey. Every step I was yearning to see anyone else, any reason to keep putting one foot in front of the other despite everything wanting to force me back. It never happened, and I watched my character freeze over, all alone. And despite that, they still rose, to finish their Journey. They made the final steps despite having lost the only companion they ever found, and having to fight every step of the way after. For me, the game was a bittersweet experience, and I'm glad it was.

Very fun game, gameplay didn't feel dated at all and going into bullet time was satisfying every time. Really liked the comic book style of storytelling + Max's narration. It felt just like I was playing an action movie but as a video game.

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I’ve grown up with this series for years. And if you’ve looked through my reviews, you know I was disappointed with how up your arsenal came out. So I’m sure it’s gonna confuse you why I like this game even more then uya. So let’s get something out of the way straight away: I don’t like uya much because it strayed very far from what made ratchet…well…ratchet. But deadlocked? It pushes itself as a spin-off almost and even tries to improve its systems from uya.

The story of the game is pretty simple. You play as ratchet again being forced to take part in a show known as dreadzone. You, clank, and al are forced to fight in the show and somehow get your freedom. We also have some new robot companions to join us instead of clank: merc and green. And let me just say…they are so funny and cool. Unlike clank who just stays silent, Merc and green will throw banter at each other and you, and will repeatedly help you. Basically a better version of the rangers from uya. It’s almost as if you can tell those two games have similar systems…hmm.

Gameplay in deadlocked is like uya’s but a bit different. It’s a lot less linear but that’s ok. At least that’s what it’s selling you. The weapons are also really great in this game (even if I do miss the ryno and the harbinger isn’t that great). You can also level up your weapons so much when you upgrade them. Really improving the systems of the previous 2 games.

In the end, we defeat vox (great villain) and leave dreadzone forever. Being free at last. So…is this game underrated? Heavily. It did what going commando wanted to do and perfected it to its core. If you had to call any ratchet game the definitive shooting-platformer then this is it.

Solid game, comedy is still there, excellent setting, gameplay is mesmerising, and I wish my tv adverts were like that

Fun as a party game. However, all the microtransaction stuff and daily challenges are too intrusive to consider this an actually good game.

muito marcante pra mim mas aconteceu diversos imprevistos na minha experiencia com o jogo em 6 anos, Overwatch sempre estará no meu coração mas a administração do jogo é muito...merda.

F overwatch 1

I hate giving up on games, but I hate sewer levels even more.

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One of my all-time favorites. Beautiful art and music. I was lucky enough to play through the game with one partner in my first playthrough, which was such a great way to experience it. They wore a white robe that automatically regenerated the character's flying ability. They showed me the locations of all of the runes, which would give my character that same robe in future playthroughs. I played the game over and over, acting in the same guardian role to other new players.

This game was such a cool experience. One of my favorite multiplayer games of all time.

Inteligente, atmosférico e muito divertido, Portal é merecedor da fama que tem.
Seguir pelas câmaras de teste com a voz fria de Glados nos guiando é o que mantém o jogador vidrado nessa curta aventura.
Enquanto passamos pelas câmaras de teste, um sentimento de desconfiança e insegurança permeia nossa interpretação de tudo que a I.A nos fala, ao mesmo tempo, as paredes frias do laboratório trazem inscrições de outras cobaias, que passaram pelos mesmo desafios, sem muito sucesso.
É um jogo que mostra muito e nos diz quase nada durante a campanha, só para nos jogar uma revelação bombástica, mas esperada ao final.
A jogabilidade, por sua vez, é precisa e instigante! Cada uma das salas faz com que quebremos a cabeça tentando entender a lógica por trás dos enigmas apresentados, graças ao excelente design dos puzzles, nada é muito obtuso e o jogador sempre sai satisfeito ao descobrir a solução!
A única coisa que me decepcionou um pouco foi a duração da aventura, algo corrigido na sequência.

I played this game when it was free, yet I still feel I've been nickel and dimed somehow. What a pretentious story that tries to be an allegory for the civil rights movement but completely falls flat on its face due to not understanding there is a fundamental difference between the concepts they introduce in this game and black people. Stupid game, I hate you

fun puzzle game with some nice story elements albeit rather a simple one it's still charming and holds up pretty well

I'm not huge into stealth games, and while I see and appreciate what Metal Gear Solid did for its time, it felt a little too dated to hold my interest. No disrespect to the series, though, because I know how much people love it.

Interesting take on a puzzle game as expected by Valve's innovative capabilities, great level designs and creativity is top notch

Great game with arguably one of the best sound designs when it comes to shooters. While the game has issues (and has always had issues) it's one of the most refreshing shooters out there right now. The guns feel impactful which is solidified by usually low ammo counts making each shot feel important. You're not just shooting - you're making decisions. While for the most parts guns won't kill you in one shot headshots however are deadly and therefore a sneaky playstyle will often bring you advantages to surprise your enemies.

The game features a fair amount of DLC however all of it is of cosmetic nature (Legendary Hunters acting like Skins, though it should be noted that many of them feature a dark color palette making them harder to see which could arguably be called a pay 2 win aspect). The game does reward players with a fair amount of premium currency through both gameplay and finishing the tutorials. The game also features a leveling system and let's you Prestige at level 100 meaning you will start again. Upon prestiging you are able to choose between starting with more ingame cash, unlocking a random legendary skin (which can include hunters) or getting more experience for your next prestige.



A fun, breezy time with intriguing yet simple level design that no doubt would have felt revelatory at launch. I felt it important for me to play this, to better understand the influences of some of the games I love if nothing else. The incredibly lightweight, smooth dynamics of motion make for engaging gameplay. When your primary from of defense is the environment, this is SO helpful. Oh, to be a mid-90s Cybergoth/Punk fucking around with friends in this game for hours, writing our own crude code, blasting NIN, Ministry, and Skinny Puppy! Onto Quake 2.