Looks and plays like Outlaws from 1997, but in a RE4 setting. Good.


Quake-like with disorienting level layouts. Shooting and movement is decent fun. Overall an OK game. Have played worse.

Conversation options sometimes are very confusing. Characters are a bit cliché and the male lead is a bit too charismatic in most situations

It's not a game but rather an experience. A very, very boring one.

Some enjoyable characters and banter are let down by severe repetition and trying to find evidence through a lackluster gameplay loop

After an average first impression, the game really grew on me. Once you get used to the quick, over the top action it gets very addictive and very fun. The music is top notch, the game's visual style looks very assured and it is one of very few first person shooters that really nail fun platforming sessions.

The only caveat is some sections make it a bit hard to find where to go next, though it doesn't happen too often. Recommended for anyone who likes fast paced shooters such as Quake and Doom and/or the exaggerated cyberpunk aesthetics.

Absolutely atrocious puzzle design that often makes no sense, slow gameplay.

While shooting human enemies is great fun at first, the game has severe problems with confusing level design (very samey looking rooms, one after another) and pacing (who needs that stupid HQ).

Poor, random puzzle design and a questionable checkpoint system make this a very off putting experience

Inspector Jenks' acting alone makes this worth your while, though I found myself stumped looking for contradictions every now and then. This is not helped by a very clunky interface, that gets more and more cluttered the further you are into the game's outlandish plot. Dissatisfactory conclusion, as it is an obvious setup for a part 2, which never came.

Walking simulator with very confusing mechanics, decent voice acting and average narrative.

Beautiful game with an intruiging mystery that gets a satisfactory resolution. Interesting, multi dimensional characters with reasonable motivations drive the story forward. The only problem I have with the game is, unfortunately, the gameplay itself is extremely lackluster and consists mostly of walking to every place and NPC and exhausting all the dialogue each time you get control over your character. If you don't have a problem with walking simulator type games, this is a brilliant kind-of-one

If Hotline Miami were slower and had a little bit less of an arcade-y feel. Misses a trick by the slow death animation and respawns as well as unremarkable music. Pretty visuals. Decent. Boss fights suck ass, though.

Great graphics and a decent cast of characters can't cover up the awful stealth mechanics and boss fights (the last boss was extremely annoying without being overly hard), mediocre puzzles and average story. I was very disappointed

decent melee take on Dead Space with problems with directing player movement and sometimes rather awkward combat. Satisfying, crunchy sounds and pretty visuals, runs very well on Steam Deck