poopy and an embarassment to the Mass Effect name

Super innovative VR puzzler, great controls and very clever mechanics. Makes the best use of a video game controller I've ever seen as it is central to the gameplay in every sense. Rewarding gameplay, not too difficult and not too easy. Great

An interesting setting, suprisingly good acting and an intruiging plot make for a good experience. Not necessarily what you would call a "game" per se, but a very worthwhile experience for sure

fun, underrated, but nothing for weak VR stomachs.

fun & cliché VR FPS with little bit of very basic adventure elements. Like a Guy Ritchie movie produced by Wish

mildly entertaining point & click, very simple puzzles, a decent setting and an averagely interesting story make for quite the middling experience. Not bad, but not very good, either.

Heavily underappreciated soulslike with a deep combat system and an interesting setting. Some difficulty spikes are annoying

Brilliant idea, not used to its full potential


Cute and fun little VR puzzler/adventure

Very creepy; gameplay a bit bland, but it's about the experience, I guess.

Short and sweet, rather immersive VR game that trims most of the fat and feels good to play

Same as the first one, humorous and fun little romp. Slow-paced, short experience that's all about whether it's your kind of humor or not. I thought it was neat.

Really interesting setting, really terrible gameplay and design decisions.

The music (dubstep), the graphics (lens flares) - truly, a product of its time. Not bad, though

silly, clever writing; short little piece of media that works like a semi-interactive film.