While it is a pretty good game, it had way too many moments where I was absolutely stumped on where to go and hat to google it (which sucks). Nice controls and general mood

Was expecting a lot and was only disappointed a tiny bit. It's a very good game, but reviewers make it out to be this life changing experience, which it wasn't for me. It had some very good ideas, but wonky controls and some shoddy design get in their way sometime. Still, a very good game to sink some time into until you've finished it.

Best unexpected single player FPS campaign since quite a while. Didn't even enjoy the multiplayer too much, as I'm not a MP person.

Neat little mixture of a very basic Zelda-like adventure and an equally basic Ghosts 'n Goblins 2D game. Rather difficult and cryptic, some unnecessary clunky design decisions. Had fun, though and doesn't overstay its welcome

Thinks it is very clever, but it is just a trainwreck of a story that doesn't make any sense. The fourth wall breaking is irritating and not clever at all, characters are cartoony and the gameplay is pretty average.

nice platformer, addictive gameplay. Never frustrating because of the quick respawns. Had lots of fun.

Plays like ass, dungeons are mostly fun, other stuff wasn't so good for mine. Very overrated.

a bit on the shorter side but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Had fun.

Nice story and especially characters. Gampleay gets repetitive.

trying too hard to be funny, didn't think it was. Didn't think the twist was great, though it was unexpected. Did not have a lot of fun, but see the appeal for others.

Absolutely the most terrifying experience I've ever had was playing this game on PSVR, which I did for 90 percent of it. Looked great, played good. Got a bit too weird by the end.

My first Yakuza game, did not know the series was this wacky and funny. Gameplay becomes repetitive but there are some hilarious side missions and the story is tense.

What a train wreck. Characters that look and behave like they sprang from the crazy mind of a drunk 16 year old, gameplay was boring as shit and too many cutscenes. Never go into it, but finished it anyways, because the internet basically said FF VII is the greatest thing since sliced bread (which isn't even that great, to be hones).

best writing in a video game for decades. Laughed out loud a few times. Brilliant, brilliant story.

A game about as boring as it is beautiful. A pain to get through, which I only did because I had a lot of time back then.