The most atmospheric and hectic FPS game ever released. Stories, gameplay, music are all top notch and you can not NOT have fun in this game.

Issa Soviet Bioshock

+ the game is free on Xbox Gamepass, so definitely a recommendation.

David Cage should never write games ever in his fucking life :sobbbbbbbb

having this "androids are like people, thus they should be free" subtext is a straight up garbage civil rights allegory and promotes false equivalencies

if "android slavery" is the biggest focal point of the narrative in the game, why the fuck is this game soliciting it as the equivalent to human slavery as if it is the same thing? it's disrespectful towards those who suffered through it and those affected by it.

uhh onto some positives: the facial motion capture is pretty good, coupled with the cinematic gameplay makes for a really immersive experience. but the story is so detrimental that you just can't follow through with it.

do not play unless you're one dimensional.

FUCKING hell what a game.

Batman and Arkham City at its finest; the gameplay still retains that seamless and perfect fighting choreography, making every kill and knockout as satisfying as ever.

Much of the dark, gritty and rainy criminal world of Arkham is just so atmospheric that you can't help but traverse and explore everywhere. The visual fidelity is still crazy and beats many of the new-gen releases like Gotham Knights.

My main critique with this game would be the design of the bossfights, really didn't like how there wasn't much emphasis on actually battling them like you'd do in Origins and City.

The game is still a blast from start to finish, an easy recommendation if you've played the other Batman games in the franchise.


While the story presents a fairly simple premise, the gameplay and the character dynamics throughout the venture for glory all makes up for it.

Everything from gunplay, to rolling, parkouring, climbing and grapple hooking is unbelievably seamless which makes the collective experience superb.

Even before the remaster the game looked absolutely stunning, and the remastered version only adds more to that notion by bringing its cinematic cutscenes and smooth transitions into gameplay.

This franchise has not had a single bad game, but this particular one truly solidifies itself as one of the greatest action-adventure games of all time. Defo a recommendation.

Was never a Harry Potter fan to begin with so highkey my fault for buying the game

Straight to refund, wasn't "trash" or anything per say, but it wasn't compelling at all for someone who is just new to the franchise of Harry Potter.

HOLY SHIT this game was so much better compared to that Avengers.

Super interesting gameplay style where you control your groups to combine a unique blend of attacks when confronting enemies. As you progress further in the story, the game puts your through riveting flashbacks to remember and learn new powers/features for your gun which add even more variety to the different combinations of attacks and makes the gameplay so dynamic.

The game does a good job of capturing the essence of these characters, and fully delineates them in a way that has you reminiscent of why you love them so much. Much of the world is seriously stunning, the visual fidelity (especially that dog model) just devours your eyes and adds to the immersion of the game.

Such a good experience and I couldn't recommend it more.

Many sequences feel completely lackluster and the game literally doesn't present any interesting premises to keep you hooked in the long run.

The world sure is beautiful, but the combat is complete asinine and thoughless to say the least. Nothing I can recommend.

Batman hits HARD.

Perfect combat, perfect atmosphere, perfect story and an amazing Joker.

One of the greatest Superhero games of all time, not something you want to miss out on.

A shorter story compared to the first one, but still a warm and strong introduction to Miles Morales persona. The traversal system has receieved a complete acrobatic overhaul, making the swinging around New York all the more unique and fun to try.

The story is decent on its own. It lacks anything consistently compelling and/or grippy, but still works to put Miles through tribulations, subsequently him overcoming them as New York's only "Spider-Man".


Not a single thing holds this game back, it's flawless throughout every aspect.

The story delves deep into the dynamic between Joel and Ellie, and masterfully develops them through trials and tribulations as the narrative progresses.

The apocalyptic world filled with zombies makes the immersion and the collective experience of the game a tier above anything else. It plays out like a movie and retains its cinematic from quality start to finish, even through hectic gameplay sequences.

Fantastic story and a masterpiece of a game.

An amazing start to a fresh and new story set after the events of Order 66.

Good gameplay and linearity, stunning graphics and exploration to couple with it aswell. The game does unfortunately lack in the waypoints and fast travel aspect while simultaneously displaying the worst map I have ever seen in my entire life. It can be extremely difficult to find your way back after finishing a venture on a world, but the game does not disappoint with its narrative and gameplay at all.


A fantastical take on Japan's ninja mythology, partaking in a historical event as a Shinobi is a daring notion that not many games or developers can pull off.

Fromsoft has easily created the most satisfying mechanical experience with its parrying system, allowing for smooth duels and kills. Traversing through the world with a grapple hook has never felt better; allowing you to hop on from rooftop to rooftop just like a true ninja. AND ALSO here comes no stamina bar to hinder your gameplay in any sense, it's simply perfectly put as it is and can be enjoyed by literally anyone.


Presenting you with beautiful sceneries, amazing bossfights and an interesting world filled with an ongoing struggle for the inhabitants makes this game SO interesting to explore and learn about.

Facing off against dangerous enemies, as a feeble human, coupled with the amazing musical scores complements the entire game and makes it an easy recommendation to anyone looking for a complete Souls experience.


Never has a game captured the essence of Spider-Man to this extent.

Swinging around NYC, as depthful and immersive as the world is, creates for a gorgeous and authentic Spider-Man experience that any kid would've loved to have back then.

A compelling story, amazing traversal system with seamless acrobatic gameplay to complement the experience, makes this an instant recommendation for anyone and anything.