Even though there are parts of this game I hate with a burning passion, this is not a lie when I say, this game is one of the greatest achievements in the history of Sega and a masterclass of storytelling within the medium that everyone should try to play.

It is a really beautiful looking game with a lotta cool segments. However, the game kind of feels like an overblown tech demo. It is impressive none the less, but it doesn't lead to the best game place experiences. ALSO I GOT THIS WILD ASS GLITCH IN THE LAST LEVEL WHERE I HAD TO PLAY THE ENTIRE ANTI-GRAVITY SEGMENT WHILE EVERYTHING WAS INVISIBLE BUT I STILL PLAYED THROUGH AND BEAT IT AND EVERYTHING BECAME VISIBLE AGAIN, EAT SHIT YOU STUPID SEXY VAMPIRESS COUNTESS

The story is very good and sticks with you... but the game really isn't too fun to play. It needs an update really bad. Heads up don't play this as an eight-year-old with no knowledge of the series like I did, wild times

You know one of those vanity project action movies middle-age dads make using their office building's monthly funding. Imagine that, but the story was written by a black and white late 80s independent comic writer that really liked Frank Miller and you got the story of Watch_Dogs. Hacking is fun tho!

This feels like a peak in Western RPGs. The story is really enthralling and elaborate, roleplay is still highly possible, the world is alive and vibrant, and even with the shoestring resources they had they were able to make a diverse and fun to explore world where you never knew what was around the corner the first time you play.

This game is really too interesting outside of introducing Alucard. The character swapping is a cool idea but really limited by the tech of the time. Not too many of the settings or bosses stand out. But the final boss fight is really cool!

I want to see this game but, bigger. Juste is great and his supporting cast compliments really well, the magic gimmick is really cool, the castle design is pretty strong. I feel like if this game had the scale of Symphony of the Night it would be regarded as a classic, but as it stands it is just a stepping stone to Aria of Sorrow

Give it a second homie G this boy gonna get lit up in a year we just gotta get over this stepping stone


You've got nothing and nothing's got you! I see your fear it surrounds you!
What a wonderful classic game, but when you get used to some of the quality of life improvements of the later games it'll make revisiting this one a challenge. It's still a fun experience and I love the depth it gave to Dante as a character

I know nothing about Lord of The Rings, I forgot all of the story, if you asked me what is the name of the main character I would blank hard, however the nemesis system is cool. I like this army building angle. Outside of that this is your average Batman/AssCreed experience

Building your homestead was a more fulfilling experience than anything in the main story. The gameplay is fun, but at this point, all of the gameplay of this series has blended together into one big blur of insta-kills

This is really fun! It just needs some fine-tuning to be fully fleshed out. It is nice how this fleshes out Ryu too! Here is when I really fell in love with him and his character. I am glad how this became the established tone of the Alpha series.


The beginning was too slow of a start and the end was way too quick. That middle section was the perfect blend of challenge that I don't think the other ends of the game have. It is still a fun experience but I wish it was more balanced.

This is similar to KoF 94 to me. Where the jank and limitations are part of the charm and it is so fun to see where the series goes from here. It is fun to revisit from time to time too! It's just a great foundation to a fun series