This game makes me genuinely sad. I was having such a great time and it's already over.

First full playthrough in 2 hours. That's more like a demo.

Sometimes we pay real money for crap and sometimes, like in the case of Overclocked, we get a wonderful game for free.

Visually it's kind of low budget and the music sucks but the gameplay is fluid and very satisfying.

It's a 3D puzzle game and not a very good one. The story and world building can only by described as "SuperCringe", even though I hate that particular word passionately. Shit-tier memes. Another popular game that didn't live up to its name.

I used to suck at shmups when I was 8 years old. I still suck at them some 30 years later.

This game will always have a special place in my heart.

It's better than Gorbino's Quest

Who thought it was a good idea to make a game about skateboarding in the most soulless corporate visual style imaginable?

This is the first PC game I ever played. Still remember stabbing the prison guard in the back like it was yesterday.

Story is shit, gameplay is good. The combat is unfortunately a bit too simplistic and parrying is ridiculously OP.

I am very bad at shmups. I don't enjoy puzzles much. I didn't realize I needed a bullet hell puzzle game in my life.

I'd swear it used to be better. Stages #2 and #5 (top-down view) are crap. Cutting them out would make Contra III a much more enjoyable game. Still decent.

It's cozy and fun but only becuse of the dialogs/story. Extremely lightweight on the gameplay side.