817 Reviews liked by Turquoisephoenix

Y'all remember those blissful first few months after this game released that felt like maybe world peace was attainable after all? Yeah...

The "what the fuck" heard around the world at the PS5 announcement showcase, Bugsnax is as beautiful as it is totally bizarre. Equal parts Pokemon Snap, Ape Escape, and Muppet fever dream, this ain't one to miss. Just look at that strawberry with the googley eyes!

Hard as sin, but will forever be THE iconic CV game in my mind. All the classic songs, enemies, and weapons started here. I really played through it in the Anniversary Collection, and good thing too because there's no way I would've made it through on NES. All in all, still an awesome game.



Nintendo will literally never make a game as good as this ever again. It feels like a mistake, some glitch in the system, a miracle that this game even exists.

a game that feels like it should not exist, one that has such a clear understanding of what makes Zelda great and the tropes the series was stuck in at the time that goes beyond what was previously accomplished in Ocarina of Time.

it feels like an extremely heartfelt romhack that someone at nintendo made in their free time that some executive saw and just said, "yeah! alright, looks good. let's ship it!"

this lynchian flip of ocarina is probably one of the most artistically rich videogames ever made

The Zelda with the most heart. The most thematically rich entry in the series.

If you take one of the best games of all time and make a slightly worse port, you still have one of the best games on the 3ds.

The idea of having your own little island where you can let your pokemon chill and add in a bunch of stuff for them to interact with is great... and this game does it horribly

i guess the real bugsnax were the friends we made along the way

I went into this with the most optimism a diehard sega fan could have and still gave up after the fifth world. Switch port is basically unplayable and freezes for seconds at a time in handheld mode, it's insane

All of this game's problems come from a combination of arzest being a shit developer and naka completely misunderstanding what gen z kids look for in a game. The level design and 1 button control scheme are insanely condescending, and the organization of costumes and collectibles serve just to pad out the game with THINGS to meet a length/content quota.

This game could have and should have been good and im hurt that this was the first 3d platformer with this style in the longest time - let alone with an actual BUDGET. This was such a missed opportunity, it sucks so much.

bro as a paper mario 64 kid do you know how much this blew me away when booting it up for the first time

Does someone want to explain to me how Bugsnax of all games was able to nail LGBTQ characters correctly while everyone makes utter garbage?

Mops the floor with 1 through 4 and stands as one of the most polished and beautiful games on Genesis. The setting is used extremely well, the boss fights are great, the difficulty curve is a lot more approachable, and all that Genesis style is here in spades. Only thing I personally dock against it is that sometimes its setpieces go a bit overboard and feel on-rails, and the limited continues system SUCKS.